This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spiritual Warfare

Pastor Dr. Sam Storms 4-8-11 Shoreline Campus
Spiritual Warfare

Books on Spiritual Warfare tend to be too inacessible or crapy in their theology
The greatest distress that Dr. Storms sees is the extreme lack of confidence in the power that God has given to us as sealed saints
Back in 1993 in Kansas City Storms experienced a deep darkness that suddenly overtook him. He had irrational fears and panick that drove him to make a plan to die. It slowly lifted on a flighjt home.
This Woman who was casting curses at a conference, he was hit with a disorienting force that she channeled. When she came back they led her to Christ and cast multiple demons our of her.
There is the Kingdom of Satan that is warring against God's Kingdom.
Few Christians realize the extent of Satan's Kingdom and the Power and Authority delegated to us from God.
1 John 5: The whole world is in the power of Satan.
C.S. Lewis says their is either an unhealthy preoccupation or a complacient indifference toward the topic of Spiritual Warfare and Demonology.
What we ought to do is to understand the extent of Satan's Kingdom but understand that God kicks ass.
Twelve Reason that Chirsitians are ill-equipped to properly deal with / understand the Forces of Satan
1 - Ignorance of the Bible
2 - The percieved Irrelevance of the Bible on this topic by the Christian
The caracature of a red, horned demon prompts believers to not take demons seriously
3 - The Victory of the Cross causes us to think that we are perfectly protected from demonic attack automatically
4 - The Fear of imbalance, considering this topic studiously will upset the false little world that foolish Chirsitans create
5 - The Fear of Sensationalism, goofy folks talking about spiritual warfare
6 - Innsulated Lifestyles, culture and microcosm denies the work of demons
7 - The Christian and Demonization, demons can't touch us, we are bullet proof
8 - The paralyzing fear of fanaticism, the stupid folks (like me) on TV are goofy and if that what it mean to be involved in spiritual warfare than I'm out
9 - Compartmentalizing, spiritual warfare only is involved in ritualistic sacrifice and wicca, since I don't hang out in that world this demonology stuff is not for me
10 - Western Worldview, if it's not concrete and scientifically explained than it doesn't exist
11 - Functional Deism, God is removed he once in a while inserts his supernatual power, but not day-to-day
12 - Mission Field Mentality, Not in America, only in the second and third world
13 - The Insideous Power of Pride, fear of ridicule if someone finds out about my view on demonology.
What does the Bible Say?
Ephesians 6 - What does Paul Say?
1 - Put on the Armor of God, it does not just stay on, we must do something to activate it
2 - The schemes of Satan, he has specifi plans and strategies and tactics that he uses to attack me and breakdown my body (If I were Satan, how would I attack? What tactics? What avenues?
3 - Our Struggle (hopoxlegomina), In Ephesus, 6 words to be said / written to ward off Spiritual attacks
4 - We are not fighting flesh and blood, we are fighting Satan, he servants, their works and effects, Beneath and behind human conflict are evils that pulse through our reality
Luke 10 - What Does Jesus Say?
1 - Jesus send 72 regular folks out to proclaim the truth, this was a forshadow of the Church's global mission
2 - I have given you power to tred on serpents and scorpions, but the most awesome part is that our names are written in heaven (serpents and scorpions are equated with life's hardships and the evil leveled at God's kids)
3 - Everytime Satan is repelled and his kingdom is pushed back it is only further evidence that Satan is going down
4 - Jesus has granted the power to speak in his name over the enemy (this spiritual authority is a vertical chain of command, Jesus is at the top, Satan and his demons are below us
5 - Do we have the same authoirty at the 72 "others"? We live on this side of the ressurection and pentacost and the Great Commission, God's power has been poured out on us. The evidence of authorty is in the use of it, in Acts God's people bu God's power brutalize Satan's kingdom. God wants us to share in the joy of victory over Satan. God wants to use us as means to carry out the worm of the kingdom
Revelation 12:11 - What will happen?
Michael the Arch-Angel fights and bitch slaps Satan. The Christians have conquered Satan by the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony (our pointing to the Gospel and the power of Jesus). We are persecuted, crushed, killed and forgotten on Earth, but that's all Satan can do. He cannot break our relationship with God.

The Blood of Jesus is the Weapon we have against Satan. We declare the truth of the resurrection. We proclain Jesus that He beat the enemy.
We are not to love our live even unto Death. Even though life is awesome, but holding fast to my confession is the only thing that really matter even in the face of Satan's orchestrated martyrdom.

The enemies goals:
Destroy mariages
Destroy peace
Send grotesque images to me
Send suicidal thoughts to me
Neuter Christians with fear or weakness

How to Fight to the Glory of God

Ballard Campus 3-27-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Tags: Video, MMA, Repentance
Luke 17:1-10
How to Fight to the Glory of God
Vegfest and the MMA events are held simultaneous
MMA - Standards, also the sandard for fighting to God's glory
Story of the fight I saw on Grace's face on Thursday..
How to Fight to the glory of God
The one who tempts is in league with Satan in that moment. They are doing the enemies work.
Dealing with my sin:
1 Do not Give in to temptation
2 Do not tempt others to sin
-Goading them into sin, antagonizing them to justify my own sin is evil
3 Do repent and seek forgiveness when I break 1 and 2
-community guarantees a fight, guarantees conflict.

Temptation will come and will be constant, It is inside as well as outside, my flesh wages war with me.
Repentance from PM and G's book on marriage
Rep is not getting caught it's coming clean
Rep is not denying my sin
Rep is not diminishing my sin, not telling all my sin
Rep is not managing my sin
Rep is not blamshifting, passing my guilt on someone else
Rep is not excusing my sin
Rep is not about someone else's sin
Rep is not saying some words to get something or get something back, my spouse, my job, my money
Rep is not wordly sorrow, I must grieve my sin itself
Rep is not merely grieving my sin's consequence
Rep is killing my sin
Dealing with other's sin against me
1 Do rebuke them, in private, face to face
2 Do forgive them, over and over and over (7 times a day)
3 Do keep forgiving them and rebuke them