This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Bible is About Jesus

Ballard Campus 5-29-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Tags: Scripture, Prophesy,
Luke 18:31-34
The Bible is about Jesus
"Father rip my heart open with this word to my mind"
Divine Inspiration - God writing a letter to his people through human authors
Pastor Mark did this sermon completely off the cuff and on NO FREAKING SLEEP!!
1551 - Verses added to the Bible
25% of the Bible is the NT
1500 years ~40 Authors 3 languages
400 years of silence between OT and NT
OT 1889 chapters, 31,173 verses
Hundreds of time the authors say "Thus sayeth the lord" - this is a book from God
The Authors saw themselves as messengers from God speaking His words
Is it about Us? About History of a nation? A moralistic tale?
What is the central message of this collection of Books?
Jesus is saying that all the OT authors were talking about the Son of Man and all the little details
1 - Jerusalem is the culmination of Jesus' mission on Earth, he came to Earth to come to Jerusalem and die and rise
Called the city of David because King David was given the original mandate to build God's house
The place where Abraham almost sacrificed his son
"...[the sacrifice] will be provided" - Jesus will come to this same place carrying his own wood as the atonment for the whole world
The temple was forshadowing the coming of God in flesh where the very presense of God would dwell with man
The temple was the connecting place between heaven and Earth where God touches his people
Jesus is prophesying about himeself:
1 - Arrested and handed over to non-Jews
2 - Mocked
3 - Shamefully treated
4 - Spit upon
5 - Flogged
6 - He would die
7 - And how he would die
8 - He would be resurrected to never die again
Everything That I will experience is fulfillment of what God had pre-ordained in all the prophesies, it is impossible for any of the prophesies to not come true
"The Bible is about Me," is what Jesus is saying
If the OT is about Jesus, where does he show up?
Where is Jesus in the Old Testament?
Christophanies - Jesus as eternally pre-existant God breaking in "cameo apperances" - Walked with Abraham, Wrestled Joseph, Spoke to Moses, with Daniel in the furnace, he calls Isaiah into ministry in that crazy vision that was gifted to Isaiah, he provided the alternate sacrifice for Isaac - The angel of the Lord is different from an angel of the Lord, journeyed and ministred to Moses
Types - OT institutions, representatives figures, events that anticipate Jesus' work and coming: Adam is the first man and Jesus is the second Adam, the priest hood - Jesus as our high priest, David as a King Jesus is King of Kings, Moses and other Prophets and Jesus is our ultimate prophet, animal sacrifices with lambs shedding blood as Jesus would later, The temple - God's precesnse dwelling with us as Jesus came to dwell with his people the temple's veil was torn showing that God comes to be with each of his people as the temples, Shepherds caring for their sheep like Jesus, judges rendering verdicts as Jesus the Judge, Bread/vines/light of which Jesus is all to his people
Analogous service - People who do things that Jesus fully accomplishes:
Jesus is...
True and better Adam shown by Jesus passing his test in a garden unlike Adam
True and better Able who was slain though innocent
True and better Issac carrying his own wood to his death
True and better Jaccob who though wounded limped away from his fight
True and better Joseph betrayed for money but exalted by God the Father
True and better Moses who leads God's people out of Slavery to freedom
True and better Job trempted by satan in the Desert
True and better David who though should have been defeated by evil triumphed
True and better Jonah who preached the truth to a city who came to faith
True and better Boaz redeeming Ruth like Jesus will redeem his people
True and better Nehemiah rebuilging the city
True and better Hosea pursuing his whoring wife like Jesus does with his Bride the Church
Events - Events that forshadow the coming and works of Jesus
Exodus narrative where Gods people are redeemed from tryanny and slavery through the shedding of blood - the whole poing of Passover is Jesus, without the shedding of Jesus blood there is no forgiveness for sin
Titles - high name for Jesus describing his roles as God and savior who will setup a Kingdom that will never end
The suffering servant
Lord of Glory
Son of Man
Prophesy - the most common category where Jesus shows up in the Bible, a miracle of God where God shows up to reveal the future, these show that the Bible was inspired by God
Years before Jesus...
1000 - Psalm 16 - Holy one will not see corruption, Jesus though dead will not rot away he will rise
1000 - Psalm 22 - My God Why have you forsaken me, Jesus is quoting the Bible and fulfillinf
1000 - Psalm they have pierced my hands and my feet, Hundreds of years before crusifixion is invented
1000 - Psalm 41 - my friend has raised his heel to me (giving him the finger) - Judas will betray Jesus
700 - Isaiah 50 - gave my back to striking, beard pulled out, hid not my face from spitting
700 - Isaiah 52 - apprearance so marred beyond human semblance (an unrecognizeable mess) and high and lifted up (on a cross)
700 - Isaiah 53 - cut off out of the land of the living, burried with the rich in his death, put to grief, out of the anguish of his soul he shall see and be satisfied - All of this is about the resurrection

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