This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Angry Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Ballard Campus 7-03-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Tags: Anger, Temple
Luke 19:28-44
Angry Jesus Cleanses the Temple
The City of Jeruslem is filled with corrupt business seeking to rip people off
+The City and region is not a Holy land only Jesus makes people Holy not a place
Jesus Got Angry
Jesus is pissed because the Temple while filled with the presence of God is made a Den of Thieves
If you love God means you hate injustice you hate sin
Anger is a responce to what is invalid or against God
Jesus quotes Isaiah 56 when he points to the Temple's purpose (Prayer)
The court of the Gentiles were the non-Christians, they got the cheap seats
The Businesses were placed in the place for evengelism thus crowding out the people and the bickering and haggling was ruinging the worship of the curious
The Businesses were taking advantage of the poor people who had walked miles and miles and Jesus was furious
The reputation of God was disrespected because as unbelievers come to meet Him they see a bunch of greedy religious people ripping people off.
The money exchangers are makeing a ridiculous profit by exchanging foreign currency so people can pay the temple tax in the Jewish currency
Jesus is a Preacher and Teacher
He taught for free to anyone wh wanted to hear him
The crowd hung on his every word
Jesus has all Authority
He preached unlike any other teacher He spoke with Authority
The religious people are pissed that their monetary scams and power is being challenged so they come out to undercut Him
They meet and come out with a question designed to humiliate him publicly
Jesus comes against the question prepared by the religious super committee for days and on the spot in a second he owns them publicly
+They are left on the horns of a dilemma either piss off the crowd by saying John was opposed to God or become Christians
Jesus' life fulfills the requirements of the the Temple
Jesus is the Greater Temple
The presense of God is Jesus, his death fulfilled the sacrificial atonoment that the Temple performed
The center of Life and Worship is Jesus, so we don't need a place
The Temple acted as a mediation, but Jesus is the greater mediator
+Today the wailing wall or underground wall are meaningless because drawing near to Jesus anywhere is the closest we can be in this life to God
Jesus is the greater sacrifice, the lambs killed at the Temple are now meaningless because Jesus the infite God was punished infinitely paying back all my sin debt to God the Father

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