This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Heaven & Hell

Ballard Campus 3-20-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Tags: Video, Hell
Luke 16:19-31
Heaven and Hell
How to Cushion the word to come:
PM is asking me for his trust as he shares the truth.
PM speaks for his love for the church.
Sharing his heart first so the words are taken as the brutal words of a friend trying to help
Options for Belief about life after death:
Naturalists - cesation of existence
Universalists - Everyone goes to heaven, very few will go to hell or maybe it's just a myth
Christian-ism - over time we will all be united to Jesus and all end up in heaven
Reincarnation - paying off karmic debt
Annihilationism - Sinners suffer for a while and then cease to exist
Catholic Purgatory - We suffer for a whil and then are purified
Bible - What does Jesus say? What does the Word say?
The most loving person that has ever lived speaks very brutally about Hell
Our sin must be unbearably horrible
The Body and Soul
2Cor 5 - We are two parts, immaterial and material existence
Rich Man & Lazarus
Lazarus died
Rich man died - In Anguish, Torment, Flame...
Moses and the Prophets is sufficient to convince someone to love God
Lazarus means "God Comforts"
Impoverished, crippled, sickly, he loved God
All he wanted was to eat the food that was accidentally dropped on the rich man's floor.
There is no way to cross from hell to heaven
Elevating God's Attributes:
Love is an attribute of God, but elevating it about all of his other attributes
The attribute Wrath is mentioned 600 times
The most often mentioned attribute of God is his Holiness
If God were to let all into heaven he would be denying his Holiness
John 3 - Eternal life comes with obedience to God, but Hell filled with God's Wrath remains on me

Questions about Hell: (from The City)
1 What is Hell? What is Hell like?
Mark 9 - Gehena, a place where children were murdered, a cursed place, the town dump, a place where there was always fire burning and rotting flesh being eaten by worms
2 Is it possible for people can deny God and then later realize the truth after death?
No, Luke 16 - the rich man couldn't change his location, he is stuck there
Hebrews 9 - we die once and then there is judgement
3 Why does God make poeple who will never will repent and always reject him?
We are in no way innocent, we reject him even with our conscience and the law.
Our sin brought war to God, we ruined everything
Is makes sense for a convicted guilty criminal to go to Prison, why is is strange for a convicted guilty sinner to be denied access to heaven?
The really F-ed up thing is that God would opt to come into this corrupted twisted world where all the people who ruined his creation live, then he would humble himself be mocked, brutalized, and murdered
What an arrogant position to judge God, this is the same thing that brought evil into the world in the first place
Matt 25:41 Hell was made for Satan and his angels, for our protection
4 Is hell temporary, or do the souls of the damned get destroyed? (Matt 10)
Soul is destroyed in Hell
The same word used (destroyed) and translated as "lost" in the parable in Luke
Dan 12 - the dead will arrise to everlasting contempt
5 When we are in heaven, will we know of loved ones in Hell?
There are secret thing we do not know
Jesus will comfort us by wiping away all of our tears, we may have tears in heaven but Jesus will love us flawlessly
Philippians1 to live is Christ and to die is gain
6a Will everyone who doesn't know Jesus go to Hell?
John 14 - No one comes to the father, but be me
Hinduism No, mormonism No, Nice people No, religious people No
Acts 4 - Salvation in Jesus alone
6b What about people who died w/o ever hearing about Jesus.
God is a good Father, he is our hope and our help, he will make the right call for all.

"My job is so tell you the truth, and your job is to make a decision"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

SYNC Notes 3/13/11

Deacon Justin Gillebo West Seattle Campus 3/13/2011

SYNC Notes

Perfect Story:

Everyone on our team comes early just for fellowship, leader starts on time, volunteers invited someone to the team, and they actually came.

Then we share the evidences of God’s grace and we open in prayer expecting that God will show up.

God has a plan

He reveals himself

I get to respond in worship

He is at work in a massive epic redemptive story

God Wants all his people to be reconnected to him

Main response:

Who God is

What he has done

What he is doing

Practical Meeting Rythms:

Bring scripture to the meeting to show everyone who God is

Tell the Whole Gospel every meeting, what God has done

Danger: Pointing to ourselves instead of who God is

Leader sets the expectation for the team by being on time and repenting first

I must Point to Jesus, I cannot be the standard

Invite the team into Jesus’ service team to live out his mission

Sharing evidence of God’s grace points people to what God is doing

Transformation: God’s work via the Holy Spirit

Changing us into a better image of Jesus

Ask people to share their stories in the meeting

Where have I forgotten who God is, what he has done, and what he is doing?


What Do I need to remember?


When I am late repent, but point to Jesus, “I am not the standard for my team, Jesus is.”

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Jesus and the Law

Ballard Campus 3-13-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Luke 16:14-

Driscoll goes for an hour on one 3 x 5 post-it note and 1/3 of a page of single-spaced notes with a few highlights

Success Cannot Save
The religious people liked money instead of worshipping and because their were doing well financially they believed that God was blessing them
In truth God was angry with them
Justify: God as a holy and just God, cannot be with us evil sinners so He had to cover us with his perfection and impute his perfection through Jesus
God must have perfection for close intimate relationship in heaven
My success cannot save me
Any joy happiness, or success is not indicative of God's favor and blessing

The Law Cannot Save You
To break any of the law is to break all the law
My good works done in my own strength are an abomination to God
What we need is a savior, we need Gospel

Everyone is a Hypocrit
Other people's sin is far more clear than my own
I am not even innocent under my own twisted morality
"I can't believe people would act"

They would grant people divorces w/o biblical grounds for money
People come to churches where their leaders allow disobedience because the leaders are compromised by the same sin
Jesus says why would you place heavy legal burdens on other people and grant illegal divorces when you are guilty of adultery

Divorce, when sin murders a Marriage
What constitutes the Biblical Grounds for Divorce?
1 Death Rom 7 & 1 Cor 7
2 Adultery Deut 22 & Matt 5
3 Sexual Immorality Matt 5 & Matt 19 - Infidelaty in the Covenant
4 Non-Christian Quits the Marriage 1Cor 7
5 Treachery in the marriage Mal 2 "I hate Divorce" Not I hate the Divorcee
Cruel, meanspirited treatment of a spouse
6 Hardness of Heart Matt & 19 Mark 10
Blamshifting, attacking, no repentance, "It's all my spouses fault"
Who gets to decide when there are Biblical grounds for divorce?
1Pet 5 & Heb 13 Says that Pastors and Leaders are appointed to make these calls as objective prayerful agents of God's Wisdom
What will the elders do if my Christian spouse insists on divorcing me without grounds?
Church discipline is there not to punish but to compell the unrepentant toward repentance and restored relationships
Must people endure abusive relationship?
10-14% of all marriages feature sexual assault, 95% of abuse is frm the husband to the wife
The first anti-spousal abuse law came from the Puritans between 1640-1680. Mandatory Christian responsibility to report all abuse publically and get involved to protect the women
Any man who abuse his wife, is a functional heretic
No abuse ever
Any relationship where one person is held to obey the Bible and the other doesn't is abusive
What about remarriages after divorce?
The Christian offending party (adulterer) cannot remarry anyone other than their spouse
The Christian Offended party can be remarriage after an appropriate season of greaving

Did my parents have biblical grounds for divorce? I don't understand all the shit that went down between them. I have no idea. Have I forgiven them? I don't know what to forgive them of? I don't know who to forgive for what. I have huge fear of marriage because mine will probably be like that. But God can redeem my marriage from the foolish ways inherited from my forefathers. But the mistakes they made were taught to me. I am likely to make the same mistakes they did. In addition, I look at myself and my proclivities are HIGHLY selfish. God has given me the same power that raised Jesus From the dead. But I still resist the Holy Spirit. If this happens, if I continue my selfishness, if I continue in the ways of my parents, I will DESTROY a wife and any kids. Father God here is my fear. I give it to you. Please don't make my fear paralysing, but an sober-minded honest assesment of the dangers involved in the second most important decision in my life.

Either the sin kills the marriage or Jesus dies for the sin.
I have seen a rare few good marriages, but I wonder if they are legit. I hope they are.

S Training 3

Q & A PMD & PJM 3/08/11

Campus Networks Dept?
Dave Bruskas is the Network Dept Leader, moving to Seattle this Summer
PM PJM and PD are theExecutive Elders

The wall?
Easter is our biggest growth season, and this is when systems and people breakdown
Wester and darkness hurts
The Year: There is a sprint up to Easter, Then Summer is the rebuilding planning, Test drive in the fall, enjoy the holidays, Drive all the systems to Easter
We have a brief window of opportunity to strike then the window in close - Here
This is an opportunity to learn and don't miss it
We are in a cranked up season
There is hope, this build up will conclude

Gonna Happen

Spiritual Warfare?
Size barriers to punch through:
Beyond 800 is a tough thresh hold - shoreline, WS, Albuquerque
1800 churhces beyond 2,000 - Bellevue
6,000 is the next biggest 180 churches
10,000 is about 40 churches - MH trying to get through
Danger getting sheep focused instead of flock focused
Not focusing on who to pour into, efficency questions, what to cut, where to focus my time
Danger: Negative folks pull whole teams down, look at a challenge and despair, Positives pull up teams to combat problems
It all starts with a campus Pastor, they set the tone for the whole team
Bottom Line being positive in hope in Jesus and flock focused

Momentum is forward or backward, there is NO stasis
We want to ride the wave as long as we can,
The Best problems are MH's problems - There is a big problem finding a place to put all the people, things are moving fast we are at the 800 person thresh hold trying to push through.


Explain the vision:
Hub campuses with regional campuses in urban centers
If we can help provide content (preaching, CGs, RGs, etc) to existing churches they could become new Campuses
When Churches die, their zoning status ends, no more churches will ever be there

S Training 2

Pastor Justin Holcomb Ballard Campus 3/8/2011

Life is Suffering, the Curse is in effect
Pain, Sin, Financial, Miscarriages....
Where to I need hope right now (expectation of God showing up to get in the middle of my situation)
G. Marcel - "Hope is a memory of the future"
Romans 8:18-23 - The most hopeful expectation of the future and yet the most realistic view of current suffering
I. Not Worth Comparing
The suffering of right now is not even worth comparing to the glory that Jesus will reveal
Paul is not minimizing the suffering, he is explaining the glory to come as far beyond now
Any claim against my identity in Christ, is to be answered with the truth that I am adopted by God
"There was once filth on my head, now there is a golden crown" -India's Princess of Sanitation

II. The Holy Spirit is With us Rom 8:23-27
The Spirit alone knows what to pray for even when we don't know what to pray
Solitary Conminment is the worst POW experience
"God please break in with some of the future glory"
Paul says that the Spirit groans even deeper than we groan under suffering, God Loves us so much that he feels my suffering

III. God's Sovreignty
God is so creative and powerful that he can turn the most unjust things toward goodness and grace
Predestination: "A sweet, pleasant, and unspeakable comfort" - Article 17 of the 39 Articles of the Anglican Church
Perseverance of the Saints....half the time I bring teh suffering on to myself. God perseveres and he holds me.
Nothing will get ni the way of the Love of God.
God has a white knuckle grip on me. Pain and suffering are trying to pry God's fingers loose and God is laughing saying "No way that's gonna happen"

Hymn - "Oh love that will not (never) let me know" - Mattias
Dude going blind, told his fiancee, she left him because of it
A tribute to God's faithfulness
Only because Jesus rose from death we have hope in any situation

S Training

Pastor Bill Clem 3-08-11 Ballard Campus

Nehemiah - A Man Under Fire

Being Prayed up like Jesus in Mark 9 where Jesus doesn't pray he just deals with the possed biy and frees him
History of Israel:
Bab Captivity
Persians conquer Babylon, and God get Cyrus' heart to send Israel home to build the house of God (only 42,000 out of millions just two generations before) he even send cash
Funding Stops for the temple
Prophets (Zach and Hag) tell Israel to rebuild the temple now (130 years have lapsed from the last time Israel had lived under God)
Main Point: god used the 7 years to recapture Israel's heart, then brought them back and puts them in a place where they they need to rely on him
A skilled scribe of Moses' Law, a student of the law and a teacher of it, he had memorized it and unerstood how to apply it
-Study, Obey, Teach, and Disciple - A commmited replicator of the truth of God
Ezekiel 1 - Shows a messed up picture of God on high, in comparisson we can rightly see our problems in relation to God not in comparisson to ourselves
Nehemiah - A man of Prayer who shows up 13 years after Ezra arrives, no walls in place
The walls must be built as a testament to an almighty God
His Prayers - {God-focused, Confession, Heart-Felt, Word-Based}
Easter - We need to pray confession for the sins of Seattle
Looking for the evidences of God's Grace is meant to build a sense of expectation that God will show up
15 things that Instantaneously Happened at My Salvation:
1 Redeemed from slavery to sin
2 Reconciled to God
3 Adopted by God
4 Forgiven of all your sins
5 Accepted by God
6 Justified in Jesus
7 Glorified by Jesus
8 United to Jesus
9 Possess every spiritual blessing
10 Delivered from the power of darkness
11 Joined to the flock of God
12 God the Father is in me
13 The Son is in Me
14 The Holy Spirit in you
15 Granted Access to God

Quit Blocking the Holy Spirit, Don't Pursue Him, He is already in you, Just get the Hell out of the Way

The Parable of the Dishonest Manager

Ballard Campus 3-06-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Luke 16:1-13
Ever been fired? - Fired fairly
One of the most difficult parables of Jesus...about a guy that got fired
Jesus: The dude who ripped off the owner was very shrewd
PM says expectations should be low on the interpretation of this parable, it is debated

The Cheat: 50% and 20% off the debts owed to the master in hopes that the other dudes in debt will hire him
The Scammer decides to use his position before the audit's results come in to secure

The master is impressed that the scammer actually came up with a cunning plan. If the steward had come up with such a plan earlier, he would have made money for the master and wouldn't have lost his job

Steward is to oversee the investing, saving, tithing of the rich man's money
Financial skills of a good steward:
Saving, negotiating, spending, investing, using contracts, employing CPAs

Jesus uses a negative example to illustrate a positive lesson
Everyone, even evil people, can teach us a lesson
Learn from people who have failed
The employee demonstrates great shewdness, if he had used this ability in work, then he could have saved his job
Jesus as Prophet Priest and King
Kingly view of Money
Chirstians need to be shrewd in their business dealings
Feel free to negotiate a deal becaus that is they way the business works
Be generous, to love people
Spend money so people will be your friend
Shrewdness enables more wealth which allows us to be more generous
Wealth does fail
Jesus says "When money fails", not if money fails
Huge meeting of the most affluent men met in 1929 Chicago Edgewater Hotel, 25 years later: 3 sucides, 2 prison, and 2 destitution

Is it a sin to not marry someone if I find out they are drowning in debt?

Am I a Shrewd Steward?
I don't know if I am using my time well. Is this internship what God wants me too. Should I instead pursue work to earn cash? Am I stewarding my life well?

God sometimes uses a logical progression to test us
Faithfulness with a little can lead to an opportunity to

No servant can serve two masters.
Prosperity Theology
King David, Solomon, Abraham, Job all rich!
The more holy you are the more wealthy you are
This has been exported on the third world, if I join Jesus' team then I can be rich like all the americans
Poverty Theology
Money is bad, aesceticism heresy
You can't get closer to God based on my wealth

Jesus paid our entire spiritual debt to God, all canceled

Do I serve God or Money?
To whom do I compare myself to financially?
Do I worship my money or worship with my money?
How do I worship/serve money in a sinful way?
What deep idol fuels my worship of money (e.g. status, comfort, security, fame, beauty)?
Security - Misers leaves millions but lived cheaply - they worship security
Fame - Will Smith's Daughter
Beauty - why a young gal marries a rich old man, now she can have nice clothes, personal trainier

How do you define yourself by what you have and consume?
How has money enslaved you (debt)?
If Jesus set your budget, what would be different?
Why is Jesus a better God than money?

O'Driscolls story, Piracy of the seas,
Great Grandfather took a coffin ship after GGma starved to death
@ age 70, GGfather clear cut a new piece of lad, built a house in GF ND
* story told to remind PM of the grace of God in his life

Comparing myself to MTV cribs instead of my greatgrandfather in India breeds discontentedness

I have no plan for my grandkids, kids, family.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

Ballard Campus 2-27-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Luke 15:11-32
Possibly the most famous story in human stories
The word Father is a most evocative word, 70% of AA kids have no father 43% of all American kids have no father.
The Father
He is involved, he makes provision, he loves well, but his kids turn out bad
"Any man who doesn't provide for his family has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever" 1Tim
The mentality in youg immature men of sex without family, wife, and responsibility leads to the fatherless demographics
This dad is a great dad
The Rebellious Son
The best case for me is that you would be dead, then I could get your amazing provision. I hate you but I love your money, so write the check
The father responds by liquidating his assets, and handing them over. The son walks away.
Will the son even look back, will there be an remorse? No.
For jewish boys there is no worse job than pig farmer
No one gave him anything
He comes to repentance, he turns around and walks back toward his father.
The Father
Looks out every day, he is praying for his son daily
One day he sees his son and RUNS toward to the son
He embarasses himself by running. But the son is more important
The Father had some options:
1)He could have his son beaten
2)He could have his son disowned
3)He could even have is son put to death
The father kisses him over and over
Parenting: Fathers need to show physically affection to the kids
Dad's need to be tough to defend the family and tender to his family
The father's Reply to the son's confession and repentance
The Ring means that he is legally reinstated as a family member
Shoes mean he is a son, slaves didn't wear shoes,
The Robe means that the father wanted him to have his dignity back

The son doesn't deserve that, but it is grace, fully unmerited favor
God the Father will respond the same way.

The Other Son, the Religious Son
The son is pissed
The father calls the other son to the gospel, the son refuses

The religious get angry when there is lavish grace
Son you are always with me, the other son's inheretance is intact, the older son still get the 2/3rds of the property of the father
The father calls the religious son to be generous and show grace to the rebellious son
Roman's 4: "The kindness of God encourages us to repent"

Rebellion Religion
Innovation Tradition
Non-conformity Conformity
Breaks the rules Keeps the Rules
Liberal Conservative
Immoral Moral
Disobedient Obedient
Lazy Hard working
Sin is visible Sin is invisible
Usese people Judges people
Unrighteous Self righteous
Didn't Love Didn't Love

Neither son truely loved his father.

"Mr. Driscoll" what a freshman PM put on the back of his letterman's jacket

The whole point of the story is the third son, the one who was sent by the Father on a rescue Mission
Jesus is how the father embrasses us, loves us, legally justifies us, and gives us our dignity back in giving us new robes of righteousness to wear.