This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Heaven & Hell

Ballard Campus 3-20-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Tags: Video, Hell
Luke 16:19-31
Heaven and Hell
How to Cushion the word to come:
PM is asking me for his trust as he shares the truth.
PM speaks for his love for the church.
Sharing his heart first so the words are taken as the brutal words of a friend trying to help
Options for Belief about life after death:
Naturalists - cesation of existence
Universalists - Everyone goes to heaven, very few will go to hell or maybe it's just a myth
Christian-ism - over time we will all be united to Jesus and all end up in heaven
Reincarnation - paying off karmic debt
Annihilationism - Sinners suffer for a while and then cease to exist
Catholic Purgatory - We suffer for a whil and then are purified
Bible - What does Jesus say? What does the Word say?
The most loving person that has ever lived speaks very brutally about Hell
Our sin must be unbearably horrible
The Body and Soul
2Cor 5 - We are two parts, immaterial and material existence
Rich Man & Lazarus
Lazarus died
Rich man died - In Anguish, Torment, Flame...
Moses and the Prophets is sufficient to convince someone to love God
Lazarus means "God Comforts"
Impoverished, crippled, sickly, he loved God
All he wanted was to eat the food that was accidentally dropped on the rich man's floor.
There is no way to cross from hell to heaven
Elevating God's Attributes:
Love is an attribute of God, but elevating it about all of his other attributes
The attribute Wrath is mentioned 600 times
The most often mentioned attribute of God is his Holiness
If God were to let all into heaven he would be denying his Holiness
John 3 - Eternal life comes with obedience to God, but Hell filled with God's Wrath remains on me

Questions about Hell: (from The City)
1 What is Hell? What is Hell like?
Mark 9 - Gehena, a place where children were murdered, a cursed place, the town dump, a place where there was always fire burning and rotting flesh being eaten by worms
2 Is it possible for people can deny God and then later realize the truth after death?
No, Luke 16 - the rich man couldn't change his location, he is stuck there
Hebrews 9 - we die once and then there is judgement
3 Why does God make poeple who will never will repent and always reject him?
We are in no way innocent, we reject him even with our conscience and the law.
Our sin brought war to God, we ruined everything
Is makes sense for a convicted guilty criminal to go to Prison, why is is strange for a convicted guilty sinner to be denied access to heaven?
The really F-ed up thing is that God would opt to come into this corrupted twisted world where all the people who ruined his creation live, then he would humble himself be mocked, brutalized, and murdered
What an arrogant position to judge God, this is the same thing that brought evil into the world in the first place
Matt 25:41 Hell was made for Satan and his angels, for our protection
4 Is hell temporary, or do the souls of the damned get destroyed? (Matt 10)
Soul is destroyed in Hell
The same word used (destroyed) and translated as "lost" in the parable in Luke
Dan 12 - the dead will arrise to everlasting contempt
5 When we are in heaven, will we know of loved ones in Hell?
There are secret thing we do not know
Jesus will comfort us by wiping away all of our tears, we may have tears in heaven but Jesus will love us flawlessly
Philippians1 to live is Christ and to die is gain
6a Will everyone who doesn't know Jesus go to Hell?
John 14 - No one comes to the father, but be me
Hinduism No, mormonism No, Nice people No, religious people No
Acts 4 - Salvation in Jesus alone
6b What about people who died w/o ever hearing about Jesus.
God is a good Father, he is our hope and our help, he will make the right call for all.

"My job is so tell you the truth, and your job is to make a decision"

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