This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Parable of the Dishonest Manager

Ballard Campus 3-06-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Luke 16:1-13
Ever been fired? - Fired fairly
One of the most difficult parables of Jesus...about a guy that got fired
Jesus: The dude who ripped off the owner was very shrewd
PM says expectations should be low on the interpretation of this parable, it is debated

The Cheat: 50% and 20% off the debts owed to the master in hopes that the other dudes in debt will hire him
The Scammer decides to use his position before the audit's results come in to secure

The master is impressed that the scammer actually came up with a cunning plan. If the steward had come up with such a plan earlier, he would have made money for the master and wouldn't have lost his job

Steward is to oversee the investing, saving, tithing of the rich man's money
Financial skills of a good steward:
Saving, negotiating, spending, investing, using contracts, employing CPAs

Jesus uses a negative example to illustrate a positive lesson
Everyone, even evil people, can teach us a lesson
Learn from people who have failed
The employee demonstrates great shewdness, if he had used this ability in work, then he could have saved his job
Jesus as Prophet Priest and King
Kingly view of Money
Chirstians need to be shrewd in their business dealings
Feel free to negotiate a deal becaus that is they way the business works
Be generous, to love people
Spend money so people will be your friend
Shrewdness enables more wealth which allows us to be more generous
Wealth does fail
Jesus says "When money fails", not if money fails
Huge meeting of the most affluent men met in 1929 Chicago Edgewater Hotel, 25 years later: 3 sucides, 2 prison, and 2 destitution

Is it a sin to not marry someone if I find out they are drowning in debt?

Am I a Shrewd Steward?
I don't know if I am using my time well. Is this internship what God wants me too. Should I instead pursue work to earn cash? Am I stewarding my life well?

God sometimes uses a logical progression to test us
Faithfulness with a little can lead to an opportunity to

No servant can serve two masters.
Prosperity Theology
King David, Solomon, Abraham, Job all rich!
The more holy you are the more wealthy you are
This has been exported on the third world, if I join Jesus' team then I can be rich like all the americans
Poverty Theology
Money is bad, aesceticism heresy
You can't get closer to God based on my wealth

Jesus paid our entire spiritual debt to God, all canceled

Do I serve God or Money?
To whom do I compare myself to financially?
Do I worship my money or worship with my money?
How do I worship/serve money in a sinful way?
What deep idol fuels my worship of money (e.g. status, comfort, security, fame, beauty)?
Security - Misers leaves millions but lived cheaply - they worship security
Fame - Will Smith's Daughter
Beauty - why a young gal marries a rich old man, now she can have nice clothes, personal trainier

How do you define yourself by what you have and consume?
How has money enslaved you (debt)?
If Jesus set your budget, what would be different?
Why is Jesus a better God than money?

O'Driscolls story, Piracy of the seas,
Great Grandfather took a coffin ship after GGma starved to death
@ age 70, GGfather clear cut a new piece of lad, built a house in GF ND
* story told to remind PM of the grace of God in his life

Comparing myself to MTV cribs instead of my greatgrandfather in India breeds discontentedness

I have no plan for my grandkids, kids, family.

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