This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Coming of the Kingdom

Ballard Campus 4-03-11 Pastor Justin Holcomb
Tags: Video, MMA, Repentance
Luke 17:20-37
The Coming of the Kingdom
Ella May's story in Wenatachee at Zach's Tournament
Church planter's kid - Spinobifita means her life will last less than 35 years
She has experienced the Kingdom of God, she is filled with the Ghost
If your focus in on Jesus they you don't have to be bitter even if your life is hard
She is still waiting for the conclusion of the Kingdom of God to be full unveiling of the Kingdom when she will be a ballerina

We have been waiting for someone to fix things and make things right. God's people began to get prophesies about the coming king who will fix everything. Daniel 7 - There came one like the son of man
Jesus uses this language of the Son of man whose kingdom will not be destroyed

Jesus' Kingdom Is Coming
The kingdom broke into our world with Jesus.
Where is it? God is patient and planning an epic finish even with all the evil and horror of this life
There is no Kingdom without the Cross
Sin is the problem it must be dealth with.
Jesus came first to identify and deal with Sin
Jesus will come a second time as a glorious warrior to slay the dragon and inaugurate his Kingdom
Jesus says the second coming will be massive, sudden, unexpected, and obvious.

Will You Be in Jesus' Kingdom or Be Condemned
Lot's Wife - Jesus is affirming the truth of a miracle where she became salt
Gen 19 - Sodom and Gomorrah are incernerated while Lot's wife looks back longingly
Am I a person like Lot's Wife who is looking back longingly to my life of worldly sin? Am I condoning things I should be condemning? Am I tollerating sin that I have left?
True Chiristians have conflicted desires but their deepest desires are for Jesus not worldly folly
Jesus is affirming the truth of the Great Flood
Gen 6 - Noah's story is a forshadowing of the end. The World was judged by water and God's people are brought to a new world
The second mass judgement will be through fire
"Most people are far more prepared for a vacation than they are for eternal life"
Jesus is our humble servant king who was forshadowed by the Ark.
God shuts the door of he ark because God decide when his offer of grace come to and end and only judgement remains

The Butchered story of Noah
Noah was a good guy, everyone else was bad, be good and you get a boat = Moralism = legalism = Crap

The Bible's Story of Noah
Noah was a deeply evil man who only did evil all the time just like everyone else. God gave grace to one man and his family. He was given what he didn't deserve.

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