This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How can we be Righteous?

Ballard Campus 5-01-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Tags: Justification
Luke 18:9-14
How can we be righteous?
God only can declare a sinner righteous, can justify him
How Humans pursue righteousness: Works or Gift

Works Righteousness
The Parable: the Pharisee wants to be declared righteous by God because he acts well so God will love him
The Modern Options to become righteous:
I assume that I am good enough to be decalred righteous
My life has been hard so God sort of owes me so I'll be favored by God
I have supported good causes: I am a good person because I do _________
You are not as good as me because you don't support my cause
I have high self esteem, despite low morality
Leo Tolstoy said: I have not found a man who is my moral equal
We are loved by God because we perform well so God as the judge likes us
Works righteousness is unrighteous
Eight reasons why Works righteousness is stupid:
1. It is man centered - the pharisee used the pronoun "I" six times, God exists to be impressed with him
2. It compares himself to someone other than Jesus, thanks that I don't suck as bad as the tax collector or adulterers
3. Our performances establishes our worth, God keeps score for our fantastic life
4. The Focus is on the external not the internal, trusting in myself instead of trusting in God, they are the only judge of their righteousness
5. People are our judge, not God - That's why he prays out loud
6. Leads to pride - the sin that is pregnant with all the other sins
7. Causes contempt, not compassion - harted of a type of person
8. Offends God - We are to come empty handed, not with our filthy "good" deeds
Isaiah 64 & Philippians 3 - Works righteousness is a pile or filthy menstral rags
God says that this man is not justified when he leaves the temple

Gift Righteousness
Everyone who humbles himself will be exalted
This man is a monster who destroys people
He talks about his own sin, he keeps his voice low, he is asking for a gift, he is justified in the sights of God
How to become righteous:
1. Compare yourself to Jesus and Scripture to see your sin
2. Despise and do not excuse, tolerate, or manage you sin
3. HUmbly repents to God
4. Recieve Grace and place your faith in Jesus
5. Recieve the righteous of Jesus and be Justified
6. Be sanctified by the Spirit of God to do your good works
We are Saved to our Good Works, not by our Good Works
It is done for us by Jesus
Works Righteouness leads to Religion where we make rules about the rules about the rules about hoe be becom righteous until we murder God

Theology: How can a man be righteous in the sight of God?
2 Cor 5:21 - the Great Exchange, God made Jesus who knew no sin to
Double imputation - Jesus takes my unrighteousness and I recieve Jesus; righteousness
God is not impressed with you, but he loves you
I do not have any righteousness, but Jesus will gladly give you his
We do not change so that God will love us or accept us, we change because we get to respond
We change so that people will be impressed with the work of Jesus
We don't change to feel better about ourselves, but to glorify God
Thank you Lord for showing me how much like the religious man I am like and that you have taken my unrighteousness

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