This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jesus and Peter

Ballard Church                                          9-11-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Luke 22:24-30
Jesus and Peter
Peter was a business man in the fishing industry; he leaves all of this and follows Jesus
God sometimes gives business leaders particular experience so it can be used for kingdom service
Jesus knows who will Fail Him
Jesus prays that Peter's faith will not fail
Jesus calls him Simon (his old name) because He knows Peter will go back to his old ways
+Jesus is prophesying Peter's failure
Jesus literally is saying that Satan wants to tear Peter apart
Is this from my enemy?
Satan works through the World, the flesh, and the Devil
+The Flesh is a predispoition toward failure, death, and sin
+The Devil comes with accusations, temptations, 2nd person statements, lies, condemnations--attack on my Identity in Christ
++There is now no condemnation in Christ, Greater is he that is in me than he who is in the World
++Jesus declares that there will always be a way out of temptation
Even the Best Among us fail Jesus
Peter is the best, he is the Senior Leader, he writes books of the Bible, after Jesus he is the highest spiritual authority on the Earth
+He is one of the closest people to Jesus on the Earth
+He is the first one on Earth to recognize Jesus as the Messiah
+Peter is not even facing certain punishment, he is facing potential suffering
Not forcing my religion on someone else is saying it's okay for you to go to Hell as long as you
Peter made a vow and he is totally broken over facing his God who just heard him deny Hiim
He only has remorse not repentance
He hang's himself
The Non-Christian only has remorse so he runs toward destruction

This is utterly without hope, totally dark
+We are at the place like Solomon, just looking at everything under the Sun

Jesus Fails No One
Even thought we're faithless he is faithful
My relationship is held to Jesus by failthfulness, not my faithfullness, Jesus' faithfullness
Peter should have gone to the cross to die, Not Jesus
+Jesus goes to the death that Peter deserves because He loves his friend, It Is Finished
Peter hears that Jesus is gone, so he runs all out and gets there first
Jesus doesn't fail me, I fail Him
It is finished is Good news, we don't need theraputic garbage that is good advice we need Good News
I've failed God so many times, how can I ask Him to take me back?
It doesn't matter what I've done, Jesus cannot lose a Christian

Though our feeling come and go, Jesus' love is quite relentless to end our sins despite the cost to me and to Him.
The Remedy for failure is Friendship with Jesus
Jesus prophesies Peter's future repentance
In order to tell the Good News we need to tell the whole story of our failures
+I failed, Jesus did it all, Yeah Jesus.
Peter is not the hero of his Life, he is the villian, Jesus is the Hero
John 21
Jesus had breakfast (He physically rose from death--JW are wrong)
Jesus Restored Peter by asking him three times if he loves Him, and tells him what to do
Sin is not just the breaking of God's laws, it's the breaking of Jesus' heart
+I am breaking the heart of my Friend
If you love Jesus:
+You won't live for the approval of others
+You won't lie
+You won't deny me

PM Going back to their first Church where he was baptized
Jesus not only loved people, but allows them to feed his sheep

Peter's end
As an old man he is arrested for preaching Jesus
He is Given the same opporunity to sin to deny to fail again but after years of Jesus' faithfullness to him
He doesn't deny him

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