This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Jesus and True Greatness

Ballard Campus 9-11-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Tags: Leaders, Greatness, Serving
Luke 22:24-30
Jesus and True Greatness
Mars Hill is just like a campaign manager, everyone remembers the candidate not the campaign manager
+We don't want to leave an amazing monument about us, but we will leave behind the people who met an amazing God
The dumbest argument in the History of the World
12 guys and Jesus in a circle arguing about whose the best
Instead of mocking and shaming them Jesus redirects their desires
The pursuit of greatness is not evil but we can't pursue it as the World presents it
We ought not reject greatness but pursue redeemed greatness
Seek Godly Greatness
The non-Christians are using greatness as a means to rule and have authority for its own sake.
Today the goal is to have so much power that everyone serves you and provides you with awesome experiences
Experience Economy - from Commodities to good to service to experience
Jesus says that the greatest are the ones who serve others
+the implications from this statement: treating those in the service sector, we should tip well even if the service sucks
+Isaiah 44-66 is all about Jesus as the Suffering Servant

Do you welcome Jesus to Serve you?

Do you humbly allow others to serve you?
+No.  I feel terrible when someone gives me anything.  My heart is hard and arrogant I the area of receiving.  A friend gave me $200 cash.  I couldn't even talk with it in my hand.  It was too much.  I am so arrogant that I feel like it's my job to give money to other people, to give them my building skills, or to give them food, or to be the one who has it all together.
Do I humbly serve others with selfless motives?
+No. I want to be in control and have my life together.
Are you willing to do menial tasks?
Jesus started doing a menial job, then humbly served thousands for a brief time, then he served billions by dying on the Cross.
+The result of this service in the heart of a Christian is a new heart that desires to serve others.
+The same word where Jesus is talking about serving is the word Deacon
Am I lazy or disorganized?
+No.  I tend to organize everything, this may have been a contributing factor to my most recent failure.
Is my life marked more by getting stuff for myself or giving stuff away?
Would you rather achieve a status or make a difference?

Jesus lived a life that made a difference even though he died in dishonor

Seek Eternal Greatness
Do I practicly over look the truth that this life is only the beginning?
+A relationship is not that big of a deal, this life is just the beginning. I need to give this to Jesus, because he is strong enough to hold it. I need to be humble and accept Jesus' help
The Big party at the end is like Julia and Bill Simmons' big 40th anniversary party.  Where I get to be in the same room with a truely great man and eat amazing food that is beyond anything I could imagine.
Where Am I on this Continuum?
Selfish          Servant
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I am a young single man, I am by definition a selfish jerk.
Don't waste my singleness with selfishness, try to use it to grow in humble service.

I feel like a failure because I tried to serve someone and it feels like it was not enough. This is a lie, but damnit it's hard to reject this lie.  Jesus please help me surrender this to you. The truth is that God's plan is the best plan; he will provide at the right time in the right way for the right purpose.
Selfishness leads to misery, it just does, and servanthood leads to joy.

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