This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Jesus' Civil Life

Ballard Campus 10-23-11 Pastor Bill Clem
Luke 23:1-25
Jesus' Civil Life

There is the Roman Civil layer of authority says Jesus is guilty and deserves death
The ????? layer of authority says Jesus is guilty and deserves death
The Sanhedron layer of authority says Jesus is guilty and deserves death

The charges Against Jesus
You are misleading our people
+They are very angry over Jesus saying that he was God
+They were angry over the threat they saw toward the Temple's physical building and the Temple's economic evils
What do I use as my metric for how my relationship with God is going?
You are telling people to not pay their taxes
+A blatant lie
You say that you are a king
+Jesus says yes, but my kingdom is not of this world

Pilate sends Jesus to Herod
Herod is just interested in seeing a magic show
Jesus doesn't honor that desire so he remains silence
+This is the man who killed his cousin John the Baptizer
Here Herod is being used to fulfill a prophesy
+ In Psalm 22 (800 years before the invention of Crucifixion) we get a description of Jesus' death
++this robe is what the soldiers gamble for when they caste lots

Pilate and Herod Find Jesus Not Guilty
Even though all the authorities
Pilate has no convictions that drive him, he is a manager who just wants peace.  He meets God and chooses his idol of Peace instead of God
+He doesn't care about justice, he justs wants peace, he is a passive coward

If I really love someone of they really love me, then I should not be okay with someone believeing a lie and committing their whole life to it.

When Pilate sees the crowd's choice of a terrorist over Jesus he sees that this situation is out of his control.
Verses Declaring us guilty
Isaiah - everyone has go astray
Romans - No one is good, not one
Acts2 - Lawless men killed Jesus, I am one of those lawless men
We are all guilty and it really is that Bad, Jesus was innocent and he got what he shouldn't have
+How can any of us says wea re really not that Bad and we don't deserve the evil that hits us

What does it looks Like to Be in Jesus?
1 Repentance
2 Believing Jesus' many claims to be God
3 Forgiven - This is something we can know
+Dude stuck in a habitual sin, has such a large view of his sin that he identifies himself by it.
++Sin is what we do, NOT who we are, we know forgiveness
4 Accepted - This means that God the Father looks at us as covered by Jesus
5 Loving - We are imprinted by teh Love of God and we get to respond in Love to those around us
6 Empowered by the Holy Spirit

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