This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Jesus' Cricufixion and Death

Ballard Campus 10-30-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Luke 23:26-49
Jesus' Cricufixion and Death

This U-District building was held by a Baptist congregation who, when MH was in core group phase, PMD saw a sermon there railing against nuclear weapons instead of talking about Jesus

Who was there for Jesus' Death
Women followed weeping as Jesus walked to his place of Death
+The only thing worse than what Jesus suffered is what those who die without knowing Jesus will suffer
+He tells us that weeping for Him is not as important as weeping over my sin and the judgment just waiting to be poured out on those who don't know Jesus.
Jesus focuses the women's attention on the coming eternal suffering
The Men:
+Simon who carried the cross
+The two criminals
+The Roman soldiers
+The rulers
+The Centrion
+The Crowd
+His Acquaintances
Some are passive in their opposition to Jesus
The Sinner, the Soldiers, and the Scoffers
The Active opposers of Jesus
+The sinner - accused
+The Soldiers -
++They stripped Jesus naked
++They shoved a filty tolilet sponge into the mouth of God to shut him up
+The Scoffers:
++They railed against Jesus while is struggling to breathe
Jesus Reaction
A Prayer for forgiveness...That he answers
Jesus is the most exclusive truth in the World, you must go to him to be saved
Jesus is the most inclusive truth is the World, all can come to him even if they are evil all the time

Simon of Cyrene
He was assigned at random to carry Jesus' cross - God used this moment to connect simon to Jesus and start a multi generational line of faith
He had two sons Rufus and ???
One of them was named as a leader in the Early Church in Rome
Simon Met jesus and raised two kids to love Jesus

God is calling

The Centurion
This is an elite leader of soldiers
He is a man's man who doesn't just hurt people he kills them
He is so compelled by jesus' conduct on the Cross that he comes to faith

The Sinner
He honestly asess himself as a sinner who is humble before his God
When we sin we are not breaking God's law we are breaking God's heart
He looks at Jesus and is given forgiveness

What Happend to Jesus: What is Cruscifixion?
It started with the Persians and impailing for days and it perfected over time until the Roman Crusicifixion
The Stype is the permanent bar in the ground
The Pytibulum is the cross bar that was brought to the site by the condemned
Josehius called crucifixion the most wretched of deaths
Cicero said decent Roman citizen ought not to speak of crusicixion
God saw cursed is AYONE who is hung on a tree
When Spatircus fell in battle 6,000 people were crusified in one day
These would be held in public, like shopping centers
The worst people would show up for crucifixion
+They would bet how long it would take to die would
In early AD, there was a Jewish uprising and the little boy Jesus may have seen the mass crusifixion and realized "That's where I will end up"
Crucifixion inspired the word Excruciating which literally means from the cross

The Scouging of Jesus

The falling of Jesus under the Cross Bar

Jesus' nailing

Jesus's cross bar was dropped into the hole and the nails torn the most sensitive nerve centers of the human body

Jesus spiritual separation from his Father as he became SIN

Jesus said in a loud voice "IT IS FINISHED", he died with full lungs
He didn't die from asphixiation he died from a literally broken hear resulting from his fall under the cross
It's finished means that anyone who rejects Him has no excuse

Why did the worst thing possible happen to the best Man

"Aleximanus Worships his God" - Ancient Graffiti from a non-Christian

Roman 4 Jesus was delivered up for my tresspasses
Romans 5 While I was rebelling Jesus died for me
+God gave me God, the greatest gift possible
Since I ddn't deserve the Love of God I can never lose it or be disqualified from it

What is the most important Thing to know and to Learn?
Paul "That Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures"

Jesus Rose from Death

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