This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Jesus' Cricufixion and Death

Ballard Campus 10-30-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Luke 23:26-49
Jesus' Cricufixion and Death

This U-District building was held by a Baptist congregation who, when MH was in core group phase, PMD saw a sermon there railing against nuclear weapons instead of talking about Jesus

Who was there for Jesus' Death
Women followed weeping as Jesus walked to his place of Death
+The only thing worse than what Jesus suffered is what those who die without knowing Jesus will suffer
+He tells us that weeping for Him is not as important as weeping over my sin and the judgment just waiting to be poured out on those who don't know Jesus.
Jesus focuses the women's attention on the coming eternal suffering
The Men:
+Simon who carried the cross
+The two criminals
+The Roman soldiers
+The rulers
+The Centrion
+The Crowd
+His Acquaintances
Some are passive in their opposition to Jesus
The Sinner, the Soldiers, and the Scoffers
The Active opposers of Jesus
+The sinner - accused
+The Soldiers -
++They stripped Jesus naked
++They shoved a filty tolilet sponge into the mouth of God to shut him up
+The Scoffers:
++They railed against Jesus while is struggling to breathe
Jesus Reaction
A Prayer for forgiveness...That he answers
Jesus is the most exclusive truth in the World, you must go to him to be saved
Jesus is the most inclusive truth is the World, all can come to him even if they are evil all the time

Simon of Cyrene
He was assigned at random to carry Jesus' cross - God used this moment to connect simon to Jesus and start a multi generational line of faith
He had two sons Rufus and ???
One of them was named as a leader in the Early Church in Rome
Simon Met jesus and raised two kids to love Jesus

God is calling

The Centurion
This is an elite leader of soldiers
He is a man's man who doesn't just hurt people he kills them
He is so compelled by jesus' conduct on the Cross that he comes to faith

The Sinner
He honestly asess himself as a sinner who is humble before his God
When we sin we are not breaking God's law we are breaking God's heart
He looks at Jesus and is given forgiveness

What Happend to Jesus: What is Cruscifixion?
It started with the Persians and impailing for days and it perfected over time until the Roman Crusicifixion
The Stype is the permanent bar in the ground
The Pytibulum is the cross bar that was brought to the site by the condemned
Josehius called crucifixion the most wretched of deaths
Cicero said decent Roman citizen ought not to speak of crusicixion
God saw cursed is AYONE who is hung on a tree
When Spatircus fell in battle 6,000 people were crusified in one day
These would be held in public, like shopping centers
The worst people would show up for crucifixion
+They would bet how long it would take to die would
In early AD, there was a Jewish uprising and the little boy Jesus may have seen the mass crusifixion and realized "That's where I will end up"
Crucifixion inspired the word Excruciating which literally means from the cross

The Scouging of Jesus

The falling of Jesus under the Cross Bar

Jesus' nailing

Jesus's cross bar was dropped into the hole and the nails torn the most sensitive nerve centers of the human body

Jesus spiritual separation from his Father as he became SIN

Jesus said in a loud voice "IT IS FINISHED", he died with full lungs
He didn't die from asphixiation he died from a literally broken hear resulting from his fall under the cross
It's finished means that anyone who rejects Him has no excuse

Why did the worst thing possible happen to the best Man

"Aleximanus Worships his God" - Ancient Graffiti from a non-Christian

Roman 4 Jesus was delivered up for my tresspasses
Romans 5 While I was rebelling Jesus died for me
+God gave me God, the greatest gift possible
Since I ddn't deserve the Love of God I can never lose it or be disqualified from it

What is the most important Thing to know and to Learn?
Paul "That Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures"

Jesus Rose from Death

Jesus' Civil Life

Ballard Campus 10-23-11 Pastor Bill Clem
Luke 23:1-25
Jesus' Civil Life

There is the Roman Civil layer of authority says Jesus is guilty and deserves death
The ????? layer of authority says Jesus is guilty and deserves death
The Sanhedron layer of authority says Jesus is guilty and deserves death

The charges Against Jesus
You are misleading our people
+They are very angry over Jesus saying that he was God
+They were angry over the threat they saw toward the Temple's physical building and the Temple's economic evils
What do I use as my metric for how my relationship with God is going?
You are telling people to not pay their taxes
+A blatant lie
You say that you are a king
+Jesus says yes, but my kingdom is not of this world

Pilate sends Jesus to Herod
Herod is just interested in seeing a magic show
Jesus doesn't honor that desire so he remains silence
+This is the man who killed his cousin John the Baptizer
Here Herod is being used to fulfill a prophesy
+ In Psalm 22 (800 years before the invention of Crucifixion) we get a description of Jesus' death
++this robe is what the soldiers gamble for when they caste lots

Pilate and Herod Find Jesus Not Guilty
Even though all the authorities
Pilate has no convictions that drive him, he is a manager who just wants peace.  He meets God and chooses his idol of Peace instead of God
+He doesn't care about justice, he justs wants peace, he is a passive coward

If I really love someone of they really love me, then I should not be okay with someone believeing a lie and committing their whole life to it.

When Pilate sees the crowd's choice of a terrorist over Jesus he sees that this situation is out of his control.
Verses Declaring us guilty
Isaiah - everyone has go astray
Romans - No one is good, not one
Acts2 - Lawless men killed Jesus, I am one of those lawless men
We are all guilty and it really is that Bad, Jesus was innocent and he got what he shouldn't have
+How can any of us says wea re really not that Bad and we don't deserve the evil that hits us

What does it looks Like to Be in Jesus?
1 Repentance
2 Believing Jesus' many claims to be God
3 Forgiven - This is something we can know
+Dude stuck in a habitual sin, has such a large view of his sin that he identifies himself by it.
++Sin is what we do, NOT who we are, we know forgiveness
4 Accepted - This means that God the Father looks at us as covered by Jesus
5 Loving - We are imprinted by teh Love of God and we get to respond in Love to those around us
6 Empowered by the Holy Spirit

Jesus, the Son of God

Ballard Campus 10-16-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Tags: Prophesy, trinity
Luke 22:63-71
Jesus, the Son of God

Wouldn't it be fair to hear from the controversial man Jesus Christ instead of what other people say aout him?
His critics are united in opposition to Jesus
Theses trials are a legal means to cover murder

When we lie, it is to gain benefit, If Jesus is not God, then why lie when the result of that lie is to die horribly
Consider being blindfolded and surrounded by young men who want to show their masculinity by beating you as hard as they can.

Jesus has been there with those who have been assaulted.  Jesus knows what being weak and bloodied by cruel men.

Jesus is the Christ
Here we have a night time illegal series of religious and legal trials being beaten by zealous men.
+The Goal is not justice, this is a government sanctioned murder
Their question, the issue is to answer the question are you the only God?
When we lie our motive is to make my life better and prtect ourselves, Jesus has no reason to lie
+He knows murder is the result of saying that he was God.
The beatings started at night, the questions didn't start until the morning
"If you are the Christ, tell us" The returning Messiah from Isaiah
+God's people have been waiting for hundreds of years for the one "from anctient times"

Jesus declares himself to be God in Three ways:
Jesus is the Christ
Q: "Are you the Christ" - The title means are the anointed one who is the deliverer talked about in the books of prophesy.
A: That's what I've been saying, if I tell you again you will not believe it
+Jesus clearly said I am God
+That's why they killed him
Jesus is the Son of Man
A: Jesus said, I am the Son of Man and I will sit at the right hand of God
In Daniel, this Son of Man comes from heaven in the form of a man
+This son of man is presented before God the Father
+All peoples from all times will serve this Son of Man
It is not possible way to make a clearer public declaration of deity

These guys lean forward and all of them ask are you the Son of God?
He says that is what I have been  saying

What are the implications of Jesus saying and being the Son of God?
The Mormons will say yes Jesus is the Son of God
+They mean that men can become gods who knock up women and have kids who are then "sons of gods"
+The Bible say that the Father is Spirit not a physical being
The Muslims think that Jesus did not die on the cross
+If Jesus was a good man who spoke for God and who said he was God but wasn't, then you can't say he was a Good man; he must be a God of a liar who lied so he could die (only an insane man would say that). So to be a logically consistent Muslim you MUST say that Jesus is a madman.

Plain Literal - "I'm hungry" means burrito
Figurative literal - "I could eat a horse" is a figure fo speech meaning I want a burrito
Example: the Trinity is kinda like a Father and a Son

Gabriel speaking to Mary - An angel said Jesus is the Son of God
Jesus' baptisms - The Father said Jesus was teh Son of God
Satan tempting Jesus - Satan said Jesus was the Son of God
Jesis at his trial said he was the Son of God from his own bloodied mouth
This statement of being the Son of God means that Jesus is of the same stuff as God the Father.
+He was claiming to be the God who created heaven and Earth


We are just as arrogant and proud and self-righteous as these men who murder innocent God, if we sit in judgement over him.

Singleness: Sanctification Without Sex

Ballard Campus 10-09-11 Pastor Phil & Jen Schmidt

An Event at Mars Hill Ballard after the 7:15PM Sunday Service for all the single people.  Emphasis: look to Christ and trust in his plan for you.

Singleness: Sanctification Without Sex
God agres witn me or I agree with God
+Repentance looks like me releasing my own view of singleness in favor of God

You are not a couple unless you are married

Considerations for Singleness
(1) - Gift - a great gift from God
How do I view my singleness? I enjoy it and often look to my selfish desires of being self-centered.
Jesus engages the Samaratian in conversation trying to break her view of singleness as a broken gift, he
James says every good and perfect gift come from God, Singleness is that good gift
(2) - Stewardship
How am I stewarding my singleness? I fail daily to live a life that all about Jesus.  I get wrapped up in selfishness.
PMD says that Chirstians veer towards either dependence or independence
Growing in Godly Character
+Responsibility - How do I lead myself?
+Submissive - How do I recieve correction; am I in community
+trustworthiness - Am I a man of my word?
+Perseverance - What happens when life gets difficult
+Plans - How do I steward my day (time), money, and reputation?
+Committment - Do I follow through?
+Service - How am I loving ad serving other people?
+Purity - Does my life show a lve for Jesus or a love for Sex?
+Honor - How Do I treat God's Daghters?
+Humility - Can I admit when I am wrong?
Mrs Schmidt - For the Ladies...
(1) Who is She?
+Does She identify herself with her Job, her sexuality, her independence...
+What is revealed about how she handles her money and her time?
(2) What Does She Love?

(3)What Controls Her?
+Emotion, Circumstances, independence, chronic desire for a husband...

Ladies like labels (sources of identity)

A.W. Tozer "What you think about God is the most important thing about you"
1 Cor 1 - Identity is the most important thing about you

Mrs. Schmidt talks to the ladies in a way that really emphasizes the Love of the Father and the Love of Jesus...When Speaking to women, they respond and are compelled by this message...weird I respond to rebuke and seeing jesus not a love giver but as Lecrae says, "Thug Jesus" from Rev.
Developing Godly Character
+Is she Submissive to Jesus?
+Is she obsessed in getting to the next life stage, the next mission that God
+Prayer - How does she pray, what does this reveal about her view of God?
+Repent - Is this a lifestyle for her? Is is frequent and specific?
+Honest - Does she bear her heart and soul to trusted others?

Purity: The Pursuit of Sexual Purity is not a life-threatening condition?
+this is a worship issue NOT an abstinence issue
God's will is that I guard my heart, my sexuality, my treatment of my brothers and sisters.
Sex was made a a gift to enjoy in marriage
I am to treat women as my sisters and mothers
Men and women are image bearers NOT objects
Porn and fantasy - escape from facing reality objectifies men and women.
Jesus promises to cleanse us from sexual sin and deliver us from our idols.

Anticipation of a spouse is not a sin - Have an open hand with her
Demanding a spouse is a sin
+Dating a non-Christian - Result of demanding
+Cohabitation - Result of demanding
++There is a higher rate of divorce among cohabitators than non
+Cultural dating - This will prepare me for divorce
+Sexual Sin
+Setting the bar too low / too high for a spouse
+Fear of Committment
+Destract myself with my job and my service
Submission for both men and women is the heart of Jesus - "you Will be done"
+Spurgeon said - The Father knows what to give and what to withhold

Questions and Answers
How can I practice self sacrifice while single?
+Look at my week, where does my time go?
+How is my sexuality being stewarded?
+How is my money being stewarded?
Is there a happy medium between "Cultural dating" and dating one person to get married?
+I want my kids to date and marry one person - Pastor Phil
+Knowing people in community is what you need to do, then there will be people to vouch for her character.
What are some legit reasons to postpone dating? When will you know it is time?
+Am I mature in jesus? - Not really. There is so much I freaking stuff I don't know.
+Is my idea of a good time playing video games?
+Ask mature people around me if I am ready to date

Will my past sexual sin affect my future marriage?
+Yes, there will be consequences
+PMD says 20 years to get to imtimacy if she was abused or was sexually active prior to marriage.
+Perfect live castes out fear.
+Sactification is learnign to trust the truth that I am fully forgiven and justified by Jesus' work.

Cohabitation without Sex?
+God calls men and women to become one in all of life
++Emotionally, Spiritually, Physically
++There is no committment at all in cohabitation
+Intimacy is built in many ways beyond sexuality

Perseverance in Christ

Shoreline Church 10-01-11 Pastor Tom Schreiner
Luke 22:35-38

A lecture discussing the difficult statements in the New Testament...

Session One
From Louisville KY - born in Salem OR
What do we say to New Christians
What about people who made a profession of faith but didn't live in light of that, they fall away
Paul Sends Barnabas - People get saved, they are encouraged to remain faithful to Jesus, to perservere
Acts 13 - new converts are urged to continue in the grace of God, to persevere
Acts 14 - Four cities are revisited, Apostles encouraged the new converts to continue in the way of faith
1Thess3 - Warns no Chrstians that it will be hard and they will need to fight through thos times - Tim was checking to see if they were really Christians by they perseverance
Persevere until the end
What do we say to Current Christians
Stand firm in the grace of God - 1 Peter
Jude - Keep yourselves in the Love of God
Heb12, 2Cor6 - Don't recieve the grace of God in vain
Phil 2 - Hord fast to the word of life
Warning Passages (Arminian, Test of Genuiness, Free Grace, and Means Views)
Armin - True believes who reject truth and go to Hell
FreeGrace  - Warnings are not about salvation only about the Bemis Seat Judgments for rewards in Heaven, danger is in telling someone going to Hell that they are going to Heaven
Tests of Genuiness - They are written to people who are around christians but are not yet saved, so if they fall away that person never way saved
Means by which God keeps his kids - They save us assurance in our salvation, Tom Schreiner's position
Warning Passages - DANGER - Threats from God
Matt10 - Rejected before men will be denied before the Father - Going to hell
Matt10 - The one who endures to the end will be saved (implication the one who doesn't will got to Hell)
John 15 - Vine Parable, not abiding in Jesus will wither and be cast into the fire - Going to Hell
Gal5 - Jesus plus anything (circumsicion here) ruins everything - Going to Hell, Paul explaied his theology and then tell them to not add circumsicion to jesus, No benefit for salvation to a man who wants to live under the whole OT Law - Go be perfect, because your don't have Jesus' grace
+Justification by the works of the law causes separation from grace - Going to hell
Rom11 - Gentiles told fear God because even the Jews are cut off, Continue in Jesus' kindness or you will be cut off - Going to Hell
1Cor6 - Unbelievers sought to resolve controversies in the church
+The wrongdoers - will not inherit the Kingdom of God - Going to Hell
+Sexual sin, theivesm swindlers, etc all are going to hell
+After conversion, we do not give ourselves to that anymore, but we still sin
Rom8 - Life in the flesh leads to spiritual death -
Gal5 - Works of the flesh (list) Warn you that those who do such things do not see Jesus' smiling - Going to Hel
1Cor6 - Corruption (sow to the flesh) or eternal life (sow to the spirit)
2 John - Those who don't confess Jesus are the anti-Christ - watch yourselves that you will not lose the reward, those who abide in the teaching of Christ doesn't have God - Going to Hell
Rev8 - Those of conquer they you eat of eternal life's fruit from the tree, recieving the mark of the enemy
Rev2 - The conquerer will not suffer the lake of fire, 2nd death - Going to hell if you don't
Hebrews Warning Passages - written to Christians who could lose their salvation, a long sermon will one point (don't fall away); structure is theology then exotation (warning) then repeat
Her2 - Christians all must pay close attention to avoid drifting away from Jesus, How shall we escape from something
Her3-4 - Take care brother (christians) lest their be in any of an evil heart, unbelieveing, exort one another all the time so that you will not be hardened against Jesus; let us all fear so we are compelled to strive to attain the eternal rest
+Fear can be a great thing to compell us to action
Heb10 - if we sin deliberately (apostasy), there is no forgiveness of sins; fear of judgement in fire but the worst punishment for those  who trample Jesus under their feet, consider the blood of Jesus to be are common and worthless as menstrual blood - Going to hell
Heb12 - See that you don't refuse Jesus, he will consume you - Going to hell
Heb6 - those who are Christians who have experienced salvation, who turn away are trying to crucifying Jesus again - Going to Hell
+Taste - same word as used for jesus who tasted Death
Bottom Line
+don't run into traffic

The Warning passages about Hell are written to us Christians

Perseverance is not perfection
Thesis: Christians are not perfect, here are 5 points
Jesus taught us to pray for forgiveness - Lord's Prayer, pray regularly because we sin everyday

We will be perfect on the day of resurrection
Phil3 - Paul says I'm not perfect yet because I have not yet been raised
Rom8 - We are falling apart physically because of sin's work - we are profoundly infected by sin in subtle ways that is down to our core

Exortations in the Epistles show that we are not perfect yet
1Pet2 - we still have desires to sin
Gal5 - we need  exotations and encouragement to resist sin and evil desires

Even the Best Christians can do Better
James2 - we all stumble in many ways, even men like James
1Thess 4 - you love people really well, but you could really do better
2pet3 - Grow in the grace and knowleddge of Jesus

Perfection will be ours n the Last day
Eph5 - the Church willbe presented in perfection in the last day
Col1 - You wil be presented as blameless
1John3 - we will see him as perfect on the last day face to face

Biograpical Examples
1 - Zach and Lizzy, Jesus' relatives who are godly folks who love God who struggles with sin
+Evidence is the messenger,
2 - Peter sins even after he is converted and aven after Jesus restores him

Questions and Answers
Aren't we Elected to be Saved - so can we really drive off the cliff into the grand canyon?
+No true Christian can be lost but the warning passages are not
Roman Caltholics teach that works lead to salvation is this right?
+No, our perseverance is an evidence of our salvation, but not the basis of our salvation

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Man Security Team Training

Pastor Bubba                           Ballard Church                           9/18/2011

This Training was at Mars Hill Church Ballard for members of the security team.  I am still in Mars' backup security group so I get to attend. Thanks Steve for letting me know. Thanks Bubba for teaching

At this life stage I need to focus on building deep deep convictions that will stand all of life's violence
Bubba honored Bill and Julia Simmonds' amazing 40th wedding anniversary and dedication
Men are to speak in a way that brings life - the Very words of God
Image bearers - Genesis 2 - value comes from God - IDENTITY
This applies to CCRP
Job Description

  1. Be fruitful and Multiply - Build Legacy
  2. Subdue Creation - Build Culture - How does my gifting and "plate size" fit into where God puts me
  3. Have Dominion - Steward all that God gives me well, rule in a way that speaks the character of God
My Goal in marriage, fatherhood, Job, and ministry needs to be to cultivate people and creation
Cultivating the heart of kids, they need structure and to be under authority, Goal is to cultivate their heart toward God

The man was created first, he names the woman, and "the woman was made for the man, not the woman for the man"
+This all implies heirarchy
+He is responsible for her and must take good care of her other wise 1Peter 3:7b applies to him
+He is to steward his wife and his kids
+He is to be the humble leader of his family
The Goal is Marriage is oneness
Fall - How the Perfect system is Marred
Satan engages the woman, he disrespects the heirarchy
Eve is persuaded - sin looks good and she now "needs" it
Adam fails to to protect his wife by being passive
+Not embrace who God has called me to be is a horrible evil
Result of their sin is shame
Man Curse - all of your Job Description will suck because it is now toil
God says because you listened to eve and Satan you are cursed, you should have led

Bottom Line - Follow God and Love People

Jesus and Peter

Ballard Church                                          9-11-11 Pastor Mark Driscoll
Luke 22:24-30
Jesus and Peter
Peter was a business man in the fishing industry; he leaves all of this and follows Jesus
God sometimes gives business leaders particular experience so it can be used for kingdom service
Jesus knows who will Fail Him
Jesus prays that Peter's faith will not fail
Jesus calls him Simon (his old name) because He knows Peter will go back to his old ways
+Jesus is prophesying Peter's failure
Jesus literally is saying that Satan wants to tear Peter apart
Is this from my enemy?
Satan works through the World, the flesh, and the Devil
+The Flesh is a predispoition toward failure, death, and sin
+The Devil comes with accusations, temptations, 2nd person statements, lies, condemnations--attack on my Identity in Christ
++There is now no condemnation in Christ, Greater is he that is in me than he who is in the World
++Jesus declares that there will always be a way out of temptation
Even the Best Among us fail Jesus
Peter is the best, he is the Senior Leader, he writes books of the Bible, after Jesus he is the highest spiritual authority on the Earth
+He is one of the closest people to Jesus on the Earth
+He is the first one on Earth to recognize Jesus as the Messiah
+Peter is not even facing certain punishment, he is facing potential suffering
Not forcing my religion on someone else is saying it's okay for you to go to Hell as long as you
Peter made a vow and he is totally broken over facing his God who just heard him deny Hiim
He only has remorse not repentance
He hang's himself
The Non-Christian only has remorse so he runs toward destruction

This is utterly without hope, totally dark
+We are at the place like Solomon, just looking at everything under the Sun

Jesus Fails No One
Even thought we're faithless he is faithful
My relationship is held to Jesus by failthfulness, not my faithfullness, Jesus' faithfullness
Peter should have gone to the cross to die, Not Jesus
+Jesus goes to the death that Peter deserves because He loves his friend, It Is Finished
Peter hears that Jesus is gone, so he runs all out and gets there first
Jesus doesn't fail me, I fail Him
It is finished is Good news, we don't need theraputic garbage that is good advice we need Good News
I've failed God so many times, how can I ask Him to take me back?
It doesn't matter what I've done, Jesus cannot lose a Christian

Though our feeling come and go, Jesus' love is quite relentless to end our sins despite the cost to me and to Him.
The Remedy for failure is Friendship with Jesus
Jesus prophesies Peter's future repentance
In order to tell the Good News we need to tell the whole story of our failures
+I failed, Jesus did it all, Yeah Jesus.
Peter is not the hero of his Life, he is the villian, Jesus is the Hero
John 21
Jesus had breakfast (He physically rose from death--JW are wrong)
Jesus Restored Peter by asking him three times if he loves Him, and tells him what to do
Sin is not just the breaking of God's laws, it's the breaking of Jesus' heart
+I am breaking the heart of my Friend
If you love Jesus:
+You won't live for the approval of others
+You won't lie
+You won't deny me

PM Going back to their first Church where he was baptized
Jesus not only loved people, but allows them to feed his sheep

Peter's end
As an old man he is arrested for preaching Jesus
He is Given the same opporunity to sin to deny to fail again but after years of Jesus' faithfullness to him
He doesn't deny him