Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
The Cost of Discipleship
Salvation: costless,
Discipleship: cost me everything, what I do with God,
Jesus is being brutallly honest with me about the high cost of discipleship (lives a life in light of my belief about/in Jesus)
Jesus says the same thing fours ways:
Hate your father, mother, brothers, sisters and my life
My relationship with him needs to be in a far different category from everyone else
A call to love everything less than Jesus, everything else is second,
I will face relational pressure from everyone regarrding my relationship with Jesus, Which is more important?
Jesus or approval from my family
((When God says I hate sinners in OT, does it mean he hates them or that he loves them less that hte followers of jesus? (PM said that this word "hate" means to love less than God) ))
"Carrying my cross" means convicted condemned, I am a dead man walking to the place where I would hang for days utterly dishonored
If you want to follow me people will hate you, and you might die
I will end up in a box, God help me make my life count. There is something worst than dying, a wasted life.
(2) DO NOT QUIT - before you commit look down the road and make a plan so you can make a plan
There is a cost to desiding to follow Christ, make sure that I am willing to pay
(3) DO NOT QUIT - the king who counts the cost of war and sues for peace
A good testimony, My life sucked, then I met Jesus and then it got worst, someday I will see him and it'll be cool
Men of Galatia - open indefensible terrain, they didn't lose for hundreds of years, they took their wives and children to battle, they would kiss them good by with the knowledge that their wives would be raped and kids murdered
You fight different when you are fighting for a family and kingdom that you really believe in
Video Games - young people desire to be part of an Epic battle to win and fight...for something that does't matter...at all
(4) DO NOT QUIT - Salt that has lost its flavor
Remain relevant in this world as we live IN on community
Am I living a worth-while life?
Giving, Bible Reading? What am I completing? Where am I serving? Where is my dead wood
Jesus know the price he will pay, he is sweating drops of blood in Gethsemine he is bleeding out in full knowledge of the price he will pay
God gives this hard word at this time (a great time in MH)
Christian Consumers:
They kill Jesus-loving churches
This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: salvation, religion
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
Luke 15:1-10
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
There is more joy in heaven over one repentant person than over 99 folks who don't need to repentant
The tax collectors were not allowed to testify in court because they were seen as completely dishoest
Their offering was rejeccted in the synagogue - You know your bad when even the church won't take your money
The religious people were not frustrated by the fact thay they ate food (sinners) and
God is our shepherd
I am a sheep (smelly, slow, awkwardly shapped, stupid, unable to fight, in danger all the time)
I am responsible for wandering off toward anything that isn't
A shepherd is a job that you don't aim for you fall into
They were seen as a peculiar - Jesus identifies himself with a lowly job
We don't find Jesus he finds us
We have a good shepherd
My Salvation is like my shepherd carrying my 100lb self back to the flock
Every sheep needs a good shepherd and a good flock
How is my relationship with my CG going
My shepherd is waiting for me to turn around in repentance to put
Confession - Mind and mouth
Contrition - Emotions and expressions, my wandering really burdens me, It shows
Change - will and works, I want to have a different life, leads to a walk with the flock
God's emotional state when I repetant is joy
The Parable's joy is talking about all of my daily repentance
By not repenting I with hold joy from others
Jesus Vs Religion
Jesus comes by and says that I'll come a pick you up - Good News
Religion says you are smelly, lost, and bleeding. You need to clean yourself up, find your way back to God, and sew up your wound, Do Better try harder
The Parable of the Lost Coin
Parable of the Lost Coin
I am like a lost coint
God looks for his people because thaty are prescious to him
Jesus says there is joy before the angles of God
Normally its the angels who are enthusiastically parising God but When I repent The angels watch God rejoices.
By not repenting I am denying God the right to rejoice
Stories of Found Sheep
Easter Party
March 13th and April 10th, 26,000 people
Mindy Williams
Serve,Pray, invite Everyone I know, Give
8am doors Open, 9:30 Service
How much bigger will the joy from God be compared to our
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: salvation, religion
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
Luke 15:1-10
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
There is more joy in heaven over one repentant person than over 99 folks who don't need to repentant
The tax collectors were not allowed to testify in court because they were seen as completely dishoest
Their offering was rejeccted in the synagogue - You know your bad when even the church won't take your money
The religious people were not frustrated by the fact thay they ate food (sinners) and
God is our shepherd
I am a sheep (smelly, slow, awkwardly shapped, stupid, unable to fight, in danger all the time)
I am responsible for wandering off toward anything that isn't
A shepherd is a job that you don't aim for you fall into
They were seen as a peculiar - Jesus identifies himself with a lowly job
We don't find Jesus he finds us
We have a good shepherd
My Salvation is like my shepherd carrying my 100lb self back to the flock
Every sheep needs a good shepherd and a good flock
How is my relationship with my CG going
My shepherd is waiting for me to turn around in repentance to put
Confession - Mind and mouth
Contrition - Emotions and expressions, my wandering really burdens me, It shows
Change - will and works, I want to have a different life, leads to a walk with the flock
God's emotional state when I repetant is joy
The Parable's joy is talking about all of my daily repentance
By not repenting I with hold joy from others
Jesus Vs Religion
Jesus comes by and says that I'll come a pick you up - Good News
Religion says you are smelly, lost, and bleeding. You need to clean yourself up, find your way back to God, and sew up your wound, Do Better try harder
The Parable of the Lost Coin
Parable of the Lost Coin
I am like a lost coint
God looks for his people because thaty are prescious to him
Jesus says there is joy before the angles of God
Normally its the angels who are enthusiastically parising God but When I repent The angels watch God rejoices.
By not repenting I am denying God the right to rejoice
Stories of Found Sheep
Easter Party
March 13th and April 10th, 26,000 people
Mindy Williams
Serve,Pray, invite Everyone I know, Give
8am doors Open, 9:30 Service
How much bigger will the joy from God be compared to our
RT - Lecture#3
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Brian Chapel
Notes 2/11/11 – Lecture #3
John Brotis the father of expository preaching
The pieces of a sermon
Exposition, Illustration,
Exposition – Shedding light on a path that leads to god’s word
The best preaching show people that the Bible is open and understandable to anyone
Presenting the meaning of scripture so it can be understood and applied
Jesus expounded all the scriptures all the stuff about him
Openning a door so people can see the truth
Ezra explained to the people what the text means so people could see truth, he literally translated it from Hebrew to the people who had lost their language
A right biblical understanding of the ancient practice of God’s communication with his people
In an oral medium the best is saved for last, in a written medium the best is served first, thus the order of the verses in a passage are not binding, but truth is key
Exposition is more than explanation – you must show what it looks like to apply the concept in the text: Explanation, Illustration, and application
This is what is means, this is an example of how it has worked in my or this other person, this is what it means in your life
Deductive Method - …
Illustrative material – Stats can be used, Quotations also (the shorter the better), Imagistic language (picture images), and of course small stories (not a reference to a story) the full story.
All of life is material for illustrations, looking for material in advance
Contemporary accounts, Historical accounts and Biblical accounts – All forms of illustrations
Illustrations connect principles to concrete reality, even simple principle, Illustrations are not principly to clarify they are to motivate people to action
The Bible’s genius is that God gives principles and then teases them out in real people’s lives over centuries
Danger – lack or excess of illustrations
Application – putting truth into life, the goal is to see life transformation, pastor must know his people so the application is specific and helpful
Standard categories
1 - Instructional specificity – what to do
2 – Situational Specificity – where would this make a difference, I love you enough to know you
3 – Enablement – How to apply the application
4 – Providing proper motivation – the right things for the wrong reason are wrong
Application is the culmination of the explanation and illustration in a sermon
Hugenots denied Explanation
Reformed folks tend to dislike illustration, don’t confuse my preaching with entertainment
All sermons needs to contain all three: Explanation, Illustration, and application
Modern integration in sermons:
Main point
Main point 2
The last point would then be the most powerful
The Holy Spirit is actively transforming people during the sermon
Starting with a joke bleeds trust unless there was a connection to a main point. Raise the emotional hammer to drive a good point hard builds interest and trust
The specific an illustration the more powerful the impact, connecting the listener to the event.
A grouping statement – right after the story, reaching into the illustration to get the truth out of it
Ebenezer – stone of help
Preacher: Brian Chapel
Notes 2/11/11 – Lecture #3
John Brotis the father of expository preaching
The pieces of a sermon
Exposition, Illustration,
Exposition – Shedding light on a path that leads to god’s word
The best preaching show people that the Bible is open and understandable to anyone
Presenting the meaning of scripture so it can be understood and applied
Jesus expounded all the scriptures all the stuff about him
Openning a door so people can see the truth
Ezra explained to the people what the text means so people could see truth, he literally translated it from Hebrew to the people who had lost their language
A right biblical understanding of the ancient practice of God’s communication with his people
In an oral medium the best is saved for last, in a written medium the best is served first, thus the order of the verses in a passage are not binding, but truth is key
Exposition is more than explanation – you must show what it looks like to apply the concept in the text: Explanation, Illustration, and application
This is what is means, this is an example of how it has worked in my or this other person, this is what it means in your life
Deductive Method - …
Illustrative material – Stats can be used, Quotations also (the shorter the better), Imagistic language (picture images), and of course small stories (not a reference to a story) the full story.
All of life is material for illustrations, looking for material in advance
Contemporary accounts, Historical accounts and Biblical accounts – All forms of illustrations
Illustrations connect principles to concrete reality, even simple principle, Illustrations are not principly to clarify they are to motivate people to action
The Bible’s genius is that God gives principles and then teases them out in real people’s lives over centuries
Danger – lack or excess of illustrations
Application – putting truth into life, the goal is to see life transformation, pastor must know his people so the application is specific and helpful
Standard categories
1 - Instructional specificity – what to do
2 – Situational Specificity – where would this make a difference, I love you enough to know you
3 – Enablement – How to apply the application
4 – Providing proper motivation – the right things for the wrong reason are wrong
Application is the culmination of the explanation and illustration in a sermon
Hugenots denied Explanation
Reformed folks tend to dislike illustration, don’t confuse my preaching with entertainment
All sermons needs to contain all three: Explanation, Illustration, and application
Modern integration in sermons:
Main point
Main point 2
The last point would then be the most powerful
The Holy Spirit is actively transforming people during the sermon
Starting with a joke bleeds trust unless there was a connection to a main point. Raise the emotional hammer to drive a good point hard builds interest and trust
The specific an illustration the more powerful the impact, connecting the listener to the event.
A grouping statement – right after the story, reaching into the illustration to get the truth out of it
Ebenezer – stone of help
The Doctrine of the Union with Christ
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Brian Chapel
Gal 2:20
Brian Chapel - The Doctrine of the Union with Christ
I am like Pastor Walter Marshall's people who
"I have been crucified with Christ it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me...Christ gave himself for me"
Foundational Verse for the doctrine Union of Christ
I am united to the death of Christ, I have been crucified with Jesus
I died to the law so that I may live with Jesus
The path (following the law) of holiness is too perfect to keep => CONDEMNATION
I am not justified by works of the law, only in Christ
Just as Jesus was abused, humiliated, reviled, my nakedness is revealed and my blood is pooling at my feet - I am that before God.
My accomplishments and failures are irrelevant, I have no basis for pride I'm dead
This doctrine murders all spiritual pride in the church, It murders all spiritual despair
Dead people don't get merit for being "better" that others, they are dead
Dead people don't get demerit for being a retarded fauilres and horrible evil vile little bastards, They are dead
The DEAD KIDS return
If I am dead and Jesus is alive, then my identity is in Christ. If I am dead with Christ, then I am alive in his resurrection
God the Father no longer looks at my evil, he only looks at Christ's perfection
It changes me when I realize my true identity, then I can acknowledge my sin and repent publicly of my weakness and failure
"Because they think they are worthless( they despair, they believe that they are not worthy of God's help) they become helpless"
Danger: basing my justification on my sactification, circumstances determine hope => despair or Pride are the necessary consequences
GOD"S LOVE FOR ME DOES NOT CHANGE, it is based upon what Jesus has already done
I will never be loved more than I am right now
I will never be loved less than I am right now
My ability changes?
Christ now lives in me, he gave himself for me. He died but now he lives in me
The same power that raised Jesus from death
If I denied the lie that I am hopeless and choose to believe that the gospel is real, then I know that tomorrow doesn't need to be like today. - Real Change is possible
Fear of Man
the doctrine of the Union with Christ tells us that if God loves us than what differenec does it make if other's disapprove
Am I living in the security of God's Opinion of me?
Question 2
Love from God is unwilling to take advantage of God's unwavering love. The desire not to grieve the Holy Spirit is enough to keep me from sin.
The most powerful motivation for holiness is love for God. We love God because he first loved us.
Question 3
Sin hurts the goodness of my life, it grieves my father, but our relationship is unbroken
Question 4
Not feeling the power of the gospel on the bad days, doesn't affect the realness of the gospel
Preacher: Brian Chapel
Gal 2:20
Brian Chapel - The Doctrine of the Union with Christ
I am like Pastor Walter Marshall's people who
"I have been crucified with Christ it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me...Christ gave himself for me"
Foundational Verse for the doctrine Union of Christ
I am united to the death of Christ, I have been crucified with Jesus
I died to the law so that I may live with Jesus
The path (following the law) of holiness is too perfect to keep => CONDEMNATION
I am not justified by works of the law, only in Christ
Just as Jesus was abused, humiliated, reviled, my nakedness is revealed and my blood is pooling at my feet - I am that before God.
My accomplishments and failures are irrelevant, I have no basis for pride I'm dead
This doctrine murders all spiritual pride in the church, It murders all spiritual despair
Dead people don't get merit for being "better" that others, they are dead
Dead people don't get demerit for being a retarded fauilres and horrible evil vile little bastards, They are dead
The DEAD KIDS return
If I am dead and Jesus is alive, then my identity is in Christ. If I am dead with Christ, then I am alive in his resurrection
God the Father no longer looks at my evil, he only looks at Christ's perfection
It changes me when I realize my true identity, then I can acknowledge my sin and repent publicly of my weakness and failure
"Because they think they are worthless( they despair, they believe that they are not worthy of God's help) they become helpless"
Danger: basing my justification on my sactification, circumstances determine hope => despair or Pride are the necessary consequences
GOD"S LOVE FOR ME DOES NOT CHANGE, it is based upon what Jesus has already done
I will never be loved more than I am right now
I will never be loved less than I am right now
My ability changes?
Christ now lives in me, he gave himself for me. He died but now he lives in me
The same power that raised Jesus from death
If I denied the lie that I am hopeless and choose to believe that the gospel is real, then I know that tomorrow doesn't need to be like today. - Real Change is possible
Fear of Man
the doctrine of the Union with Christ tells us that if God loves us than what differenec does it make if other's disapprove
Am I living in the security of God's Opinion of me?
Question 2
Love from God is unwilling to take advantage of God's unwavering love. The desire not to grieve the Holy Spirit is enough to keep me from sin.
The most powerful motivation for holiness is love for God. We love God because he first loved us.
Question 3
Sin hurts the goodness of my life, it grieves my father, but our relationship is unbroken
Question 4
Not feeling the power of the gospel on the bad days, doesn't affect the realness of the gospel
The Parable of the Wedding Feast
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Annual Report, Humility, Parenting, Prosperity Theology, Wedding
Luke 14:7-11
The Parable of the Wedding Feast
Best Year ever in Mars Hill History, more baptisms, more people saved, more services, more attendees, more glory to Jesus
Parenting: life is always a classroom and every moment is an opportunity yo teach and learn
Parable about how religious people are proud and will be personally humilated by Him
God's plan A is humility, if I don't follow it then his plan B is my humiliation
Wedding Story: (Make sure there is a white carpet roll down the center
Awesome day, the foolish dude walked down the center isle and sits down in the reserved section, he is then humiliated when the usher comes and kicks him out
Abraham Maslow's Heirarchy of Human Needs with the ultimate goal of self-actualization
Used to justify a prosperity theology where my own glory is the goal not God's fame
C.J Mahaney:Humility is a great gift that God gives, it is a great character trait to cultivate
Root of the word is "to know one's place"
I am finite I am fallen I am foolish (I am soo stupid that I am ignorant of my foolishness)
God's plan is to cultivate humility and then in time to raise up his people to help love and serve others
Proud people make the WORST spouses, the WORST parents
Pride is like a mother who is pregnant with all the other sins
God is not opposed to me pursuing
Questions 1 pt for every 'Yes'
(1) Do I long for a lot of attention? Yes
(2) Do I become jealous or critical of people who suceed? Yes
(3) Do I always have to Win? No
(4) Do you have a pattern of lying? YES, Hyperbole is my native language
This is what I do to protect my image
(5) Do I have a hard time acknowledging you were wrong? No
(6) Do I have a jot of conflict with other people? No, but I am probably just choose passivity out of cowardice.
(7) Do I cut in line at the store, airport, on the freeway,etc? Yes
What I am saying is that I am important and you all need to wait.
(8) Do I get upset when other people do not honor my achievements? Yes
(9) Do I tend more toward an attitude of entitlement or thankfulness? No
My attitude should always be one of thankfulness
(10) DO I honestly feel I am basically a good person and superior to everyone else? Yes
If I socre 0 than I am very proud
If I score 1-10 I am proud (SEVEN)
Humility and Honor
In county Cork with Driscoll Sr. this sign said:
"God himself could not sink this ship" last words of the captain of the HMS Titanic upon leaving their last port of call before heading into the Atlantic (in Cork)
I cannot focus on humility to battle my pride - (thinking about myself will not make me less proud) - This runs contrary to my religious tendancy
I MUST look to Jesus to battle my pride and pursue Humility
The only way to make my life count is to pursue Christ and humility in his name
Jesus (the person who has done the most was also the most humble)
The Bible says pride is the problem and the transformative work of the gospel causes the renewing of my mind
As a single guy, I am the most proud person because I don't need to consider anyone when I come and go, when I give, when I eat, when I make plans
"God's Humble?!"
We still don't get this?
Jesus you can't be God! Whay would God go from heaven a city lined with gold to homelesss? Why would God go from hearing "Holy Holy Holy" to hearing "crucify him crucify him!"?
Because Jesus was humble even in glory
And Jesus died for all of our pride, in humility
The physical posture is indicative of the heart, whe was the last time I knelt?
For those who are self-consumed, depressed...Kneel More
The way out of Sin is worshipping Jesus, because we see him rightly and we know our place.
Pride: Humility:
Natural Supernatural
Covets others' success Celebrated others' success
Selfish Servant
Gets glory Gives Glory
Independence Dependence
Achieved Pursued
In humility we sing of Jesus the onw whose name is above every other name.
Answer to prayer: I asked God to give me joy at the end of this sermon because I was feeling condemned. When I openned my eyes Pastor Mark was standing up front, singing. This little girl (like three) walked up to him. He waved at her and she folded her arms and made a sarchastic face and turned her back on Mark. It was hilarious because to her this perculiar man was a stranger and she mustn't talk to any strangers! I totally laughed out loud and God gave me joy through a little girl.
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Annual Report, Humility, Parenting, Prosperity Theology, Wedding
Luke 14:7-11
The Parable of the Wedding Feast
Best Year ever in Mars Hill History, more baptisms, more people saved, more services, more attendees, more glory to Jesus
Parenting: life is always a classroom and every moment is an opportunity yo teach and learn
Parable about how religious people are proud and will be personally humilated by Him
God's plan A is humility, if I don't follow it then his plan B is my humiliation
Wedding Story: (Make sure there is a white carpet roll down the center
Awesome day, the foolish dude walked down the center isle and sits down in the reserved section, he is then humiliated when the usher comes and kicks him out
Abraham Maslow's Heirarchy of Human Needs with the ultimate goal of self-actualization
Used to justify a prosperity theology where my own glory is the goal not God's fame
C.J Mahaney:Humility is a great gift that God gives, it is a great character trait to cultivate
Root of the word is "to know one's place"
I am finite I am fallen I am foolish (I am soo stupid that I am ignorant of my foolishness)
God's plan is to cultivate humility and then in time to raise up his people to help love and serve others
Proud people make the WORST spouses, the WORST parents
Pride is like a mother who is pregnant with all the other sins
God is not opposed to me pursuing
Questions 1 pt for every 'Yes'
(1) Do I long for a lot of attention? Yes
(2) Do I become jealous or critical of people who suceed? Yes
(3) Do I always have to Win? No
(4) Do you have a pattern of lying? YES, Hyperbole is my native language
This is what I do to protect my image
(5) Do I have a hard time acknowledging you were wrong? No
(6) Do I have a jot of conflict with other people? No, but I am probably just choose passivity out of cowardice.
(7) Do I cut in line at the store, airport, on the freeway,etc? Yes
What I am saying is that I am important and you all need to wait.
(8) Do I get upset when other people do not honor my achievements? Yes
(9) Do I tend more toward an attitude of entitlement or thankfulness? No
My attitude should always be one of thankfulness
(10) DO I honestly feel I am basically a good person and superior to everyone else? Yes
If I socre 0 than I am very proud
If I score 1-10 I am proud (SEVEN)
Humility and Honor
In county Cork with Driscoll Sr. this sign said:
"God himself could not sink this ship" last words of the captain of the HMS Titanic upon leaving their last port of call before heading into the Atlantic (in Cork)
I cannot focus on humility to battle my pride - (thinking about myself will not make me less proud) - This runs contrary to my religious tendancy
I MUST look to Jesus to battle my pride and pursue Humility
The only way to make my life count is to pursue Christ and humility in his name
Jesus (the person who has done the most was also the most humble)
The Bible says pride is the problem and the transformative work of the gospel causes the renewing of my mind
As a single guy, I am the most proud person because I don't need to consider anyone when I come and go, when I give, when I eat, when I make plans
"God's Humble?!"
We still don't get this?
Jesus you can't be God! Whay would God go from heaven a city lined with gold to homelesss? Why would God go from hearing "Holy Holy Holy" to hearing "crucify him crucify him!"?
Because Jesus was humble even in glory
And Jesus died for all of our pride, in humility
The physical posture is indicative of the heart, whe was the last time I knelt?
For those who are self-consumed, depressed...Kneel More
The way out of Sin is worshipping Jesus, because we see him rightly and we know our place.
Pride: Humility:
Natural Supernatural
Covets others' success Celebrated others' success
Selfish Servant
Gets glory Gives Glory
Independence Dependence
Achieved Pursued
In humility we sing of Jesus the onw whose name is above every other name.
Answer to prayer: I asked God to give me joy at the end of this sermon because I was feeling condemned. When I openned my eyes Pastor Mark was standing up front, singing. This little girl (like three) walked up to him. He waved at her and she folded her arms and made a sarchastic face and turned her back on Mark. It was hilarious because to her this perculiar man was a stranger and she mustn't talk to any strangers! I totally laughed out loud and God gave me joy through a little girl.
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Divorce,
Luke 14:1-6
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
Another conflict between Jesus and Religious people
We are all religious and legalistic just like they will
Folks are willing to fight for their issues and even die for it
A clentched fist is the best emblem of Religion
The very conservative religious people are examining everything Jesus did
The pharisees decided to take the conservative view on every issue
Their were only 6,000 total pharisees in the day of Jesus, but we keep seeing them. They were just following him around
The Core Dispute
(1) Where does Authority Reside? - In the Tora and the tradtions or just the Tora?
(2) Who should you hang out with? - Religious people seem to think that sin is caught like a disease, Jesus had the attitude of a missionary who is going to see and heal sick people
The amazing part
Jesus comes to the setup meal, even though they have been ripping on him every step of the way
The Religious people are working on the sabbath with their plans, meals, and goal to fool Jesus on the sabbath
What is Wrong with Religious People
(1) They are defined by what they are against - They are against Jesus' view of the sabbath, against his friends
(2) They are single issue voters - The sabbath is their issue, they only want to talk about this issue
(3) They preach but don't practice repentance - They try to shift the focus from the issue, after Jesus proves them wrong, to Jesus' character
(4) They prefer tidy answers over messy lives - They want a simple clear manual for people's lives and troubles, religious people are lazy when it comes to caring for people's suffering - Divorce christians should never get divorced, what about a habitually sinning husband who is dangerous
(5) They convert believers not unbelievers - religious people see very few converts, they would rather fight the other believers
(6) They use fear of man to bully people into agreeing with them - picking fights in public
(7) They confuse principles and Methods - Danger is that the people who need to be loved are neglected, They are confusing and compelling
(8) They labor to set the agenda and change the mission - They want to turn him to back their cause
Jesus wants a Friend (The religious people want to fight)
The religious people are working to setup the dude with dropsy
Jesus loves the dude with dropsy
Jesus also loves the religious people by eating a meal with them and revealing to them their error so that they can be repentant and come to know God as he really is, not as their box labled "God"
Luke and Paul are Friends and they together wrote most of the NT
Paul's story is hope for religious people, after he met Jesus he didn't care about all his religious crap.
All that mattered to him was the joy of the lord - Rejoice - philippians the rebel's guide to joy
Religious folks are asking the right question: How are we justified in the eyes of God?
Their answer: I must act.
Our Salvation Forshadowed
Jesus does it all, he loved him, he healed him, and he gave him direction
It's not about my achievements, it's NOT about me and what Ido
Acts: Story of Paul transition from religious guy to redeemed guy
1Cor 5:21
Twitter quote:
"and he rose from the dead to say i told you so"
"A clentched fist is the best emblem of Religion"
"religious people are lazy when it comes to caring for people's suffering"
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Divorce,
Luke 14:1-6
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
Another conflict between Jesus and Religious people
We are all religious and legalistic just like they will
Folks are willing to fight for their issues and even die for it
A clentched fist is the best emblem of Religion
The very conservative religious people are examining everything Jesus did
The pharisees decided to take the conservative view on every issue
Their were only 6,000 total pharisees in the day of Jesus, but we keep seeing them. They were just following him around
The Core Dispute
(1) Where does Authority Reside? - In the Tora and the tradtions or just the Tora?
(2) Who should you hang out with? - Religious people seem to think that sin is caught like a disease, Jesus had the attitude of a missionary who is going to see and heal sick people
The amazing part
Jesus comes to the setup meal, even though they have been ripping on him every step of the way
The Religious people are working on the sabbath with their plans, meals, and goal to fool Jesus on the sabbath
What is Wrong with Religious People
(1) They are defined by what they are against - They are against Jesus' view of the sabbath, against his friends
(2) They are single issue voters - The sabbath is their issue, they only want to talk about this issue
(3) They preach but don't practice repentance - They try to shift the focus from the issue, after Jesus proves them wrong, to Jesus' character
(4) They prefer tidy answers over messy lives - They want a simple clear manual for people's lives and troubles, religious people are lazy when it comes to caring for people's suffering - Divorce christians should never get divorced, what about a habitually sinning husband who is dangerous
(5) They convert believers not unbelievers - religious people see very few converts, they would rather fight the other believers
(6) They use fear of man to bully people into agreeing with them - picking fights in public
(7) They confuse principles and Methods - Danger is that the people who need to be loved are neglected, They are confusing and compelling
(8) They labor to set the agenda and change the mission - They want to turn him to back their cause
Jesus wants a Friend (The religious people want to fight)
The religious people are working to setup the dude with dropsy
Jesus loves the dude with dropsy
Jesus also loves the religious people by eating a meal with them and revealing to them their error so that they can be repentant and come to know God as he really is, not as their box labled "God"
Luke and Paul are Friends and they together wrote most of the NT
Paul's story is hope for religious people, after he met Jesus he didn't care about all his religious crap.
All that mattered to him was the joy of the lord - Rejoice - philippians the rebel's guide to joy
Religious folks are asking the right question: How are we justified in the eyes of God?
Their answer: I must act.
Our Salvation Forshadowed
Jesus does it all, he loved him, he healed him, and he gave him direction
It's not about my achievements, it's NOT about me and what Ido
Acts: Story of Paul transition from religious guy to redeemed guy
1Cor 5:21
Twitter quote:
"and he rose from the dead to say i told you so"
"A clentched fist is the best emblem of Religion"
"religious people are lazy when it comes to caring for people's suffering"
Jesus is the Narrow Door
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Healing
Luke 13:22-35
Jesus is the Narrow Door
Story told in your family for generations
man of great arrogance - he declared war on God and fled from God's presence
He found a small and narrow door into our world he entered and he was shut out forever
Somewhere is a long dark tunnel there is a door that has now been cracked open by God, there is a now light there is alight
Jesus says many will try to enter this special door
There is a door between sinful people and the Holy God
The Atheists, the Universalists, the and the all have lied to you; apart from Jesus the dead all are screaming in torment
There is no hope for salvation apart from Jesus
The Narrow Door is Closing
What is evil is when I live ignoring him despite all his good and all his invitations
There will be a day when the door slams shut
This Narrow Door Divides Heaven from Hell
Haiti Quake Year Anniversary
12 year old boy leads worship for a mega church of homeless people in the park.
Their homeless pastor refused to be paid by a relief agency because they don't love Jesus
Jesus' Initiation
He is weeping for any of you who have not gone throught that door
John 5 "All judgement is reserved to me"
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Healing
Luke 13:22-35
Jesus is the Narrow Door
Story told in your family for generations
man of great arrogance - he declared war on God and fled from God's presence
He found a small and narrow door into our world he entered and he was shut out forever
Somewhere is a long dark tunnel there is a door that has now been cracked open by God, there is a now light there is alight
Jesus says many will try to enter this special door
There is a door between sinful people and the Holy God
The Atheists, the Universalists, the and the all have lied to you; apart from Jesus the dead all are screaming in torment
There is no hope for salvation apart from Jesus
The Narrow Door is Closing
What is evil is when I live ignoring him despite all his good and all his invitations
There will be a day when the door slams shut
This Narrow Door Divides Heaven from Hell
Haiti Quake Year Anniversary
12 year old boy leads worship for a mega church of homeless people in the park.
Their homeless pastor refused to be paid by a relief agency because they don't love Jesus
Jesus' Initiation
He is weeping for any of you who have not gone throught that door
John 5 "All judgement is reserved to me"
Jesus Heals a Demonized Woman
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Healing, Religion, Rejoicing, Kingdom
Luke 13:10-21
Jesus Heals a Demonized Woman
Chronic Pain - Woman is struggling physical pain caused by oppression
Jesus reaches out to her, she doesn't talk to him, reach out to him
Jesus didn't need to lay his hands on her - but he showed God's affection
Jesus Rebukes a Religious Man
Religious people added laws to God's law
God's Law is like a fence, it is there to protect us
Religion turns God's fenced yard into a over fences prison
2000 years later people are still fighting over the rules around the sabbath
The Sabbath is made for man not the man for sabbath
It is a gift from God
Religious people think if you do something they disagree with then you are wrong
Jesus knows where to be tender instead of tough - we need to be discerning
Who am I in the story?
Mustard Seed Parable/Flour
One of the underlying problems that lead to religious outlook
Not understanding the Kingdom of Heaven
Jesus is revealed as a king in Isaiah high and exalted on a throne
Revelation shows Jesus as a king on a throne right now
The eternal state will be a benevolent dictatorship
The big idea is that the kingdom starts out small and grow enormously
Branches - Campuses
Nests - CGs
Cause based culture
Are any of my causes using Jesus?
The key to Rejoicing is rejoicing when others get blessed
Options for making money, I believe that I have lost the chance at the central job.
UW Sports Video
RAF service
Apply for NOAA facility job
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Healing, Religion, Rejoicing, Kingdom
Luke 13:10-21
Jesus Heals a Demonized Woman
Chronic Pain - Woman is struggling physical pain caused by oppression
Jesus reaches out to her, she doesn't talk to him, reach out to him
Jesus didn't need to lay his hands on her - but he showed God's affection
Jesus Rebukes a Religious Man
Religious people added laws to God's law
God's Law is like a fence, it is there to protect us
Religion turns God's fenced yard into a over fences prison
2000 years later people are still fighting over the rules around the sabbath
The Sabbath is made for man not the man for sabbath
It is a gift from God
Religious people think if you do something they disagree with then you are wrong
Jesus knows where to be tender instead of tough - we need to be discerning
Who am I in the story?
Mustard Seed Parable/Flour
One of the underlying problems that lead to religious outlook
Not understanding the Kingdom of Heaven
Jesus is revealed as a king in Isaiah high and exalted on a throne
Revelation shows Jesus as a king on a throne right now
The eternal state will be a benevolent dictatorship
The big idea is that the kingdom starts out small and grow enormously
Branches - Campuses
Nests - CGs
Cause based culture
Are any of my causes using Jesus?
The key to Rejoicing is rejoicing when others get blessed
Options for making money, I believe that I have lost the chance at the central job.
UW Sports Video
RAF service
Apply for NOAA facility job
The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Fruitfulness
Luke 13:6-9
The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree
Parables - Good profound simple stories are everywhere in all cultures, we love to learn through story
Stories that sneek up on you
1/3 of jesus' teaching is in parable form
18 parables in Luke are unique to Luke
How to Appreciate the Parables
They create a fictional world that mirror reality and teach us about
They are about People - anonimous - We are to ask who am I in the parables?
We learn about out reality in the parables
They are really like movies
Don't alligorize the parables - don't make them more than Jesus intended
We should treat parables like a pitcher
Jesus pours in the meaning and we pour it out
Questions to ask about the parables:
What does this parable teach us about God?
What question does the parable answer? - the story is the answer to a question
What is the punch line in the story?
What did Jesus want the original people to learn?
What action does Jesus Expect from me? - What is the response?
Parables do not teach new doctrine - they expound existing doctrine
Danger - heresy from creating doctrine from a parable
Question Jesus is answering: Does God care about our performance? Our results?
We are NOT saved by our good works - We are CALLED to good works as a greatful responce to his Love
Jesus is the kind gardener
The crappy fig tree = Me
What are of my life is their NO fruit? - My lack of Bible Reading
What limb of my Fig tree is bare? - Where can I have hope that my good gardener will pour his grace into?
How to be fruitful?
1 - Cultivate my relationship with God the Holy Spirit
Start my day with prayer, end my day with prayer, listen to His voice and go with the Gut he speaks to
He makes this happen -
3 - Count your Figs - keep track of my stuff
4 - Measure Fruitfulness not busyness - Cage Fighter who yawns and one-punches the busy guy
5 - Learn from fruitful people - Pursue the successful and fruitful folks
I want to meet with you once - I will be listening - I have some questions - I could really learn from you - Don't argue - learn and listen
6 - Be an activist, not a fatalist - God's sovereighty and our actions are two peddles on a bike - God initiates we respond - God wants to work ot his plans with us, so I need to work with him
7 - Turn my pains into plans - Most pain in life can be prevented or alleviated with Wisdom
Accumulate files to analyze where their was pain and what I can correct to improve
8 - Use your manure - The manure comes first - everything in life that is painful is a PILE - God loves me so much that he gives me manure -
The best rape councilors are other rape victims....etc
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Fruitfulness
Luke 13:6-9
The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree
Parables - Good profound simple stories are everywhere in all cultures, we love to learn through story
Stories that sneek up on you
1/3 of jesus' teaching is in parable form
18 parables in Luke are unique to Luke
How to Appreciate the Parables
They create a fictional world that mirror reality and teach us about
They are about People - anonimous - We are to ask who am I in the parables?
We learn about out reality in the parables
They are really like movies
Don't alligorize the parables - don't make them more than Jesus intended
We should treat parables like a pitcher
Jesus pours in the meaning and we pour it out
Questions to ask about the parables:
What does this parable teach us about God?
What question does the parable answer? - the story is the answer to a question
What is the punch line in the story?
What did Jesus want the original people to learn?
What action does Jesus Expect from me? - What is the response?
Parables do not teach new doctrine - they expound existing doctrine
Danger - heresy from creating doctrine from a parable
Question Jesus is answering: Does God care about our performance? Our results?
We are NOT saved by our good works - We are CALLED to good works as a greatful responce to his Love
Jesus is the kind gardener
The crappy fig tree = Me
What are of my life is their NO fruit? - My lack of Bible Reading
What limb of my Fig tree is bare? - Where can I have hope that my good gardener will pour his grace into?
How to be fruitful?
1 - Cultivate my relationship with God the Holy Spirit
Start my day with prayer, end my day with prayer, listen to His voice and go with the Gut he speaks to
He makes this happen -
3 - Count your Figs - keep track of my stuff
4 - Measure Fruitfulness not busyness - Cage Fighter who yawns and one-punches the busy guy
5 - Learn from fruitful people - Pursue the successful and fruitful folks
I want to meet with you once - I will be listening - I have some questions - I could really learn from you - Don't argue - learn and listen
6 - Be an activist, not a fatalist - God's sovereighty and our actions are two peddles on a bike - God initiates we respond - God wants to work ot his plans with us, so I need to work with him
7 - Turn my pains into plans - Most pain in life can be prevented or alleviated with Wisdom
Accumulate files to analyze where their was pain and what I can correct to improve
8 - Use your manure - The manure comes first - everything in life that is painful is a PILE - God loves me so much that he gives me manure -
The best rape councilors are other rape victims....etc
Repent or Perish
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Blood
Luke 12:49-13:5
Repent or Perish
FIRE - the zeal given by God, Jesus'
His passion was to complete his mission so glory would be brought to the Father and hope could be brought to us
The Holy Spirit burns within us causing excitment and endurance
Division is the outworking of Jesus' fire
Within families (brutal conflicts because of Jesus)
Difficult Holidays, why Thanks giving is the biggest alcohol day of the year
Jesus spoke of Hell and his told of a narrow gospel, exclusivity
Jesus rebuked everyone for sin and folly
Jesus wants to encourage us and be honest about the cost
Non-Christians, Religious people, and Tollerance as God folks
How to Kindle Spirit-Filled Passion
Spiritual disciples are like kindling that heat up the logs and builds a good fire
Logs stacked together - Living in Community
Without Kindling (disciplines) and Stacked logs (Community) a Christian (lone log) will burn out soon
1 Commuunity
2 Scripture
3 Prayer
4 Worship
5 Giving
6 Serving, who can I help because Jesus Served us
7 Obedience - Even when I don't feel like it
8 Evangelism - Loving and serving non-Christians
A rebuke is an invitation for a Christian (not a condemnation)
Bucket of water
Some will always try to extinguish my fire
Urgency - We waste time on stupid conversations rather than on meaningful relationship
Everyone cares about it, b/c we want to be prepared for the future
People don't know (or sometimes don't care) about their eternity, but we all know what the weather will be
90% of My conversations are about inanities like the weather
We all die, we all sin, the wage for my sin is death and hell...Oh Shit
Suppose I commit a horible crime and its self evident, everyone knows
My attorney will say get ready to go away for a long time, there is no way out
What if a letter comes from the one I criminally injured
"I love you... i'm worried about you... Your family has disowned you but I would like to be your family...let me bless youa dn seve you...I would love to meet you whennever you have time..."
The Bible is that letter
Grace - the Bibles explanation of this to-good -to-be true
Jesus invties us to URGENCY
Jesus' reason for the Passion and Urgency
Story of the Galileans, story of the Tower that Fell - Everyone will die lie those guys if you don't repent and yield to Jesus
Repent or perish
To change life-directions
It what I am called to do to become a Christians, and wht I am called to do to to Mature as a Christians "ALL OF A CHRISTIANS LIFE IS ONE OF REPETANCE"
Acknowledging all of the ways I have fallen short of being a Christian
When we are often distracted by the weather and news so Jesus comments on some notable news stories
1 - The massacred worshippers' blood was mixed with the sacrifices
2 - Construction accident killing 18
All these people died tragically - people try to ignore death, make death sterile, but then tragedy strikes and we can't ignore it anymore
Karma is Dumb
Good things happens to good people and bad things happen to bad people
Karma leads to cruelty in times of tragedy
Jesus' fate disproves Karma, the best person suffered the worst fate
We only see in part - we don't know why things happen to people, we will never know in this life - An answer will not comfot me in these times, but my friend Jesus will help me
Questions in terrible times:
Bad - Why? God Why?
Good - Am I ready to die?
I am called to put my sin to death
Confession - My mind and mouth admit my folly openly
No conditions, no blame shifting, no excuses
Contrition - My emotions reflect my remorse and I express these
Am I disturbed by my sin? Does it bother me?
Change - My will and my works change
Appart from Jesus there is no repentance -
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Blood
Luke 12:49-13:5
Repent or Perish
FIRE - the zeal given by God, Jesus'
His passion was to complete his mission so glory would be brought to the Father and hope could be brought to us
The Holy Spirit burns within us causing excitment and endurance
Division is the outworking of Jesus' fire
Within families (brutal conflicts because of Jesus)
Difficult Holidays, why Thanks giving is the biggest alcohol day of the year
Jesus spoke of Hell and his told of a narrow gospel, exclusivity
Jesus rebuked everyone for sin and folly
Jesus wants to encourage us and be honest about the cost
Non-Christians, Religious people, and Tollerance as God folks
How to Kindle Spirit-Filled Passion
Spiritual disciples are like kindling that heat up the logs and builds a good fire
Logs stacked together - Living in Community
Without Kindling (disciplines) and Stacked logs (Community) a Christian (lone log) will burn out soon
1 Commuunity
2 Scripture
3 Prayer
4 Worship
5 Giving
6 Serving, who can I help because Jesus Served us
7 Obedience - Even when I don't feel like it
8 Evangelism - Loving and serving non-Christians
A rebuke is an invitation for a Christian (not a condemnation)
Bucket of water
Some will always try to extinguish my fire
Urgency - We waste time on stupid conversations rather than on meaningful relationship
Everyone cares about it, b/c we want to be prepared for the future
People don't know (or sometimes don't care) about their eternity, but we all know what the weather will be
90% of My conversations are about inanities like the weather
We all die, we all sin, the wage for my sin is death and hell...Oh Shit
Suppose I commit a horible crime and its self evident, everyone knows
My attorney will say get ready to go away for a long time, there is no way out
What if a letter comes from the one I criminally injured
"I love you... i'm worried about you... Your family has disowned you but I would like to be your family...let me bless youa dn seve you...I would love to meet you whennever you have time..."
The Bible is that letter
Grace - the Bibles explanation of this to-good -to-be true
Jesus invties us to URGENCY
Jesus' reason for the Passion and Urgency
Story of the Galileans, story of the Tower that Fell - Everyone will die lie those guys if you don't repent and yield to Jesus
Repent or perish
To change life-directions
It what I am called to do to become a Christians, and wht I am called to do to to Mature as a Christians "ALL OF A CHRISTIANS LIFE IS ONE OF REPETANCE"
Acknowledging all of the ways I have fallen short of being a Christian
When we are often distracted by the weather and news so Jesus comments on some notable news stories
1 - The massacred worshippers' blood was mixed with the sacrifices
2 - Construction accident killing 18
All these people died tragically - people try to ignore death, make death sterile, but then tragedy strikes and we can't ignore it anymore
Karma is Dumb
Good things happens to good people and bad things happen to bad people
Karma leads to cruelty in times of tragedy
Jesus' fate disproves Karma, the best person suffered the worst fate
We only see in part - we don't know why things happen to people, we will never know in this life - An answer will not comfot me in these times, but my friend Jesus will help me
Questions in terrible times:
Bad - Why? God Why?
Good - Am I ready to die?
I am called to put my sin to death
Confession - My mind and mouth admit my folly openly
No conditions, no blame shifting, no excuses
Contrition - My emotions reflect my remorse and I express these
Am I disturbed by my sin? Does it bother me?
Change - My will and my works change
Appart from Jesus there is no repentance -
Location: West Seattle Campus
Preacher: Bill Clem
Isaiah 9:6-
Christus Victor
Pastor Bill Moved this weekend
Now is the time where Christ Loves me, Even in the midst of trouble and sin
Pharoah sat on a throne where he was the center of 9 spokes each of which was a god of: the Nile, Frogs, Light, etc... the tenth god God killed was Pharoah himself by taking away his son (the son of "god") who could not resurrect
Nebuchnessar - God makes him like a beast, then after a time God restored his reason and allowed him to see God rightly as the only glorious one
He is then restored to his throne with a right view of God, "those who walk in pride God will humble"
Isaiah is saying ther will be a warrior king a mighty conqueror is coming to deliver the people of God
God's Battle Fronts: Who God is Fighting
Even under the curse, the earth is still glorifying God
It points to the Creator
God doesn't want us to settle for a small thing like creation, rather than the Creator
National/Political/relational Systems
God wants us to live in such a way that if God doesn't show up we will be totally freaked out, He wants us to be dependent on God alone
There is no better way to survive, we shouldn't live in such a way as to insure ourselves against the possibility that God won't show up
The Law given by God was meant to show the nations what living rightly with God's heart looks like
God even uses an Evil nation to discipline my people
Spiritual Realm:
No more death because there is no more power from Sin
Right now there is no reason for me to be reserved in my affection for Jesus, Right now there is nothing in between me and Jesus_Not even my Sin
Right now I need to rest in the fact that I am in his arms right now
Right now Jesus is giving me a piece of his kingdom
Preacher: Bill Clem
Isaiah 9:6-
Christus Victor
Pastor Bill Moved this weekend
Now is the time where Christ Loves me, Even in the midst of trouble and sin
Pharoah sat on a throne where he was the center of 9 spokes each of which was a god of: the Nile, Frogs, Light, etc... the tenth god God killed was Pharoah himself by taking away his son (the son of "god") who could not resurrect
Nebuchnessar - God makes him like a beast, then after a time God restored his reason and allowed him to see God rightly as the only glorious one
He is then restored to his throne with a right view of God, "those who walk in pride God will humble"
Isaiah is saying ther will be a warrior king a mighty conqueror is coming to deliver the people of God
God's Battle Fronts: Who God is Fighting
Even under the curse, the earth is still glorifying God
It points to the Creator
God doesn't want us to settle for a small thing like creation, rather than the Creator
National/Political/relational Systems
God wants us to live in such a way that if God doesn't show up we will be totally freaked out, He wants us to be dependent on God alone
There is no better way to survive, we shouldn't live in such a way as to insure ourselves against the possibility that God won't show up
The Law given by God was meant to show the nations what living rightly with God's heart looks like
God even uses an Evil nation to discipline my people
Spiritual Realm:
No more death because there is no more power from Sin
Right now there is no reason for me to be reserved in my affection for Jesus, Right now there is nothing in between me and Jesus_Not even my Sin
Right now I need to rest in the fact that I am in his arms right now
Right now Jesus is giving me a piece of his kingdom
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Isaiah 9:1-7
Wonderful Councilor
Mars Hill Therapy
Hotline - MPD
Assiria attacks in the midst of civil war between North and South
The Chapters around Isaiah 9 are focus on God calling Israel to give up on all the alliances that israel is using to solve its own problems, Israel says NO!
God then reveals his coming plan to love the world in Christ
The Government is upon his kingdom.
This Child called father and kingdom
God's Track Record
Judge Gideon (mighty man of valor) delivers Israel from Midian
Gideon - responds meekly and tries to sneakily destory an idol
Called to assemble men to fight 22,000 come
10,000 are not afraid
300 drink
God initiates a perfect strategy b/c he is our Wonderful Councilor and 120,000 Midians are killed
Israels responce: Great the king will come someday, but I have a coping plan for today
A contrary Stategy:
Jesus didn't do this evil thing, he let go of all his godly rights, he gave himself even to the cross
Escapism - checking out emotionally,
God please let me pray honestly, "Screw my life, take everything away but let me know you more and let me know that you are a faithful god".
A gentle answer turns away wrath - A life of contrarity
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Isaiah 9:1-7
Wonderful Councilor
Mars Hill Therapy
Hotline - MPD
Assiria attacks in the midst of civil war between North and South
The Chapters around Isaiah 9 are focus on God calling Israel to give up on all the alliances that israel is using to solve its own problems, Israel says NO!
God then reveals his coming plan to love the world in Christ
The Government is upon his kingdom.
This Child called father and kingdom
God's Track Record
Judge Gideon (mighty man of valor) delivers Israel from Midian
Gideon - responds meekly and tries to sneakily destory an idol
Called to assemble men to fight 22,000 come
10,000 are not afraid
300 drink
God initiates a perfect strategy b/c he is our Wonderful Councilor and 120,000 Midians are killed
Israels responce: Great the king will come someday, but I have a coping plan for today
A contrary Stategy:
Jesus didn't do this evil thing, he let go of all his godly rights, he gave himself even to the cross
Escapism - checking out emotionally,
God please let me pray honestly, "Screw my life, take everything away but let me know you more and let me know that you are a faithful god".
A gentle answer turns away wrath - A life of contrarity
A Son is Given
Location: West Seattle Campus
Preacher: Bill Clem
Tags: Prophesey
Isaiah 9:1-7
A son is Given
Context that Isaiah is writting to
Assiria is dominating the Northern kingdom of Israel
A brutal dictator places fish hooks into the Israelites mouths and marches them East through the desert dragging them
The time is one of gloom where there is no hope
Hope God gives to Isaiah
There will be a time where Israel will again be an object of God's Glory
God will not act as in the past where He parts seas, He will come in person
The son will come with the amazing name and power to save
It doesn't make sense to the prophet, they only knew that at a later scene the conquering king would come
Kings in my life:
Sin committed against us
Lies that I ive within
Fears that paralyze me
Sexual sin - Terrible guilt
Pastor Bill's Daughter
Rebellion and fleeing leads to tyranny and a hard life bound to a king of circumstances and finances
Me as king - empty
Jesus as King - subdueing us , ruling and defendingus from tyrannical kings of this world
This is the picture of Jesus that Isaiah gives
Our responce is to declare Him King of Kings and Lord of Lords in our generosity
Preacher: Bill Clem
Tags: Prophesey
Isaiah 9:1-7
A son is Given
Context that Isaiah is writting to
Assiria is dominating the Northern kingdom of Israel
A brutal dictator places fish hooks into the Israelites mouths and marches them East through the desert dragging them
The time is one of gloom where there is no hope
Hope God gives to Isaiah
There will be a time where Israel will again be an object of God's Glory
God will not act as in the past where He parts seas, He will come in person
The son will come with the amazing name and power to save
It doesn't make sense to the prophet, they only knew that at a later scene the conquering king would come
Kings in my life:
Sin committed against us
Lies that I ive within
Fears that paralyze me
Sexual sin - Terrible guilt
Pastor Bill's Daughter
Rebellion and fleeing leads to tyranny and a hard life bound to a king of circumstances and finances
Me as king - empty
Jesus as King - subdueing us , ruling and defendingus from tyrannical kings of this world
This is the picture of Jesus that Isaiah gives
Our responce is to declare Him King of Kings and Lord of Lords in our generosity
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Money, Stewardship, Worship, Fear, Anxiety
Luke 12:22-34
Jesus and Anxiety
Jesus' life is our standard for how to live and our beautiful savior
He is our example and he experienced anxiety
We are of more value than the birds of the air and the plants, we are loved and cared for even more than than them
What does my mind Fear?
Fear Not little flock
The most frequent command of God - This is a perennial issue with all peoples in all places
This is not a license to be disorganized and lazy and irresponsible
The goal is to be ready for the future and trust God for it so I can enjoy it when it comes
I fear destroying my wife and destroying my kids when they should come
I fear death by gunshot wound
I fear my urge to seek bloody vengence on anyone who would hurt my wife and daughters when they come
Do I fear my G's death or Mom's death, Am I taking the weight of their lives on my shoulders? No, I trust God in this area.
I fear not being able to provide for my mom as she gets old.
"Fear Not" is God invitation to trust him
Fear is sometimes forsight without optimism
Facing Fear
1 Vision w/o optimism
2 Fear can be irrational
3 Fear is about
Not getting what we want
Getting what we ant and losing it
Getting what you don't want
4 Fear reveals our longings, loves, priorities, and values
5 Fear increases with more choices
Who should I pursue for marriage? - FEAR
I fear my inability to control my passion for vengence against anyone who would hurt my family.
6 Fear turns us into false prophets - predicting the future wrongly
7 Fear is not always sinful, but it is always an opportunity
To either run to or from God
Anxiety - When does my Body Manifest Anxiety?
Jesus says I don't want you to freak out because you will hurt yourself
The Physiological responce is an increase in adrenaline and other hormones leading to a fight or flight
Results of anxiety (shorter life span):
Canker Sores
Weight changes
Fantisizing about dying
Sleep deprivation
Unhealthy eating - comfort food - ME
Chronic Sickness
Victim mentality
Excessive caffeine consumption
Jesus' Anxiety
The Garden of G. - Sweating blood
He has experienced it all so when he says Fear not he knows what its like
He goes to the Father to deal with his anxiety
Directs all our focus off of ourselves and onto our Father and those he has created us to love
Luther: Sin is the self turning into the self
Where is my Treasure?
A lot of my stress is connected to my stuff
Food is an indicator for where I go to get my help and what Jesus only can give us
Ravens are unclean animals who fed by God
When I freak out - I am acting like a heretic
When I plan with the motivation of control, I am trying to be God
I love being organized (sovereign like God) So I can control the future - Acting like a heretic
Clothed better than the world's richest man
We are loved and our Father is Good
It is a sin to have such things sit in such a place where they cause fear and anxiety
My theology changes my biography and culminates in Doxology
My Money reveal my beliefs, my core treasure
My money goes to my fears and anxieties
As we give our best God is taking my stress NOT TAKING MY STUFF, because its all his anyways
Combat fear by knowing my father
My father asks me to be generous as an act fo faith
My father has proven himself faithful
My father is a rich and generous King
My father's kingdom has nothing to fear
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Money, Stewardship, Worship, Fear, Anxiety
Luke 12:22-34
Jesus and Anxiety
Jesus' life is our standard for how to live and our beautiful savior
He is our example and he experienced anxiety
We are of more value than the birds of the air and the plants, we are loved and cared for even more than than them
What does my mind Fear?
Fear Not little flock
The most frequent command of God - This is a perennial issue with all peoples in all places
This is not a license to be disorganized and lazy and irresponsible
The goal is to be ready for the future and trust God for it so I can enjoy it when it comes
I fear destroying my wife and destroying my kids when they should come
I fear death by gunshot wound
I fear my urge to seek bloody vengence on anyone who would hurt my wife and daughters when they come
Do I fear my G's death or Mom's death, Am I taking the weight of their lives on my shoulders? No, I trust God in this area.
I fear not being able to provide for my mom as she gets old.
"Fear Not" is God invitation to trust him
Fear is sometimes forsight without optimism
Facing Fear
1 Vision w/o optimism
2 Fear can be irrational
3 Fear is about
Not getting what we want
Getting what we ant and losing it
Getting what you don't want
4 Fear reveals our longings, loves, priorities, and values
5 Fear increases with more choices
Who should I pursue for marriage? - FEAR
I fear my inability to control my passion for vengence against anyone who would hurt my family.
6 Fear turns us into false prophets - predicting the future wrongly
7 Fear is not always sinful, but it is always an opportunity
To either run to or from God
Anxiety - When does my Body Manifest Anxiety?
Jesus says I don't want you to freak out because you will hurt yourself
The Physiological responce is an increase in adrenaline and other hormones leading to a fight or flight
Results of anxiety (shorter life span):
Canker Sores
Weight changes
Fantisizing about dying
Sleep deprivation
Unhealthy eating - comfort food - ME
Chronic Sickness
Victim mentality
Excessive caffeine consumption
Jesus' Anxiety
The Garden of G. - Sweating blood
He has experienced it all so when he says Fear not he knows what its like
He goes to the Father to deal with his anxiety
Directs all our focus off of ourselves and onto our Father and those he has created us to love
Luther: Sin is the self turning into the self
Where is my Treasure?
A lot of my stress is connected to my stuff
Food is an indicator for where I go to get my help and what Jesus only can give us
Ravens are unclean animals who fed by God
When I freak out - I am acting like a heretic
When I plan with the motivation of control, I am trying to be God
I love being organized (sovereign like God) So I can control the future - Acting like a heretic
Clothed better than the world's richest man
We are loved and our Father is Good
It is a sin to have such things sit in such a place where they cause fear and anxiety
My theology changes my biography and culminates in Doxology
My Money reveal my beliefs, my core treasure
My money goes to my fears and anxieties
As we give our best God is taking my stress NOT TAKING MY STUFF, because its all his anyways
Combat fear by knowing my father
My father asks me to be generous as an act fo faith
My father has proven himself faithful
My father is a rich and generous King
My father's kingdom has nothing to fear
Strategy for Disciple Making
Location: West Seattle Campus
Preacher: Bubba Jennings
Strategy for disciple making
Win - Winning people to Christ
Build - Growing our relationship with Christ
Equip - Skills and the ability to trach those skills to other
Multiply - finding a Joshua - Leader replaced - Free to serve more
*Won to Christ, built up, equipped with skills, then going out to win more to Christ
Gospel Identity
Image - New Creation, to reflect God to the world
Worship - What I give to God after he gives to me - All of life outpuring to God
Community - fellowship where Christ is reflected to other believers
Mission - Jesus' mission to seek worshippers, we can join in with his empowering grace
Sanctification - Discipleship Lesson #1
Goal is to learn this and be able to apply it to a particular situation
Example: People are image bearers->God loves poeple->People are important->making disciples
Model of sactification
We are all justified by grace (Rom3, Eph 2:5-10)
There is a difference in my standing before God at conversion, there is also a difference in my moral state of growing in Christ Likeness
I an perfect in god's sight, but I am not a perfect child of God
Holiness is my whole point of a Christian
All believers are indwelt by the holy spirit - but at times we can become more filled with the spirit
Perfection is impossible here on earth
The spirit allow holiness for all christians
there is a difference between willful sin and depraved character - temptation is not sin
*asymptotic maturation of the chirstian
My position is in Christ
My standing is sactifying in Christ
My ethical and moral position is being drawn closer ot Christ
Let us cleanse ourselves of sin and evil
Go dwill be with us
Indicative Imperative (we are, so we live well)
Preacher: Bubba Jennings
Strategy for disciple making
Win - Winning people to Christ
Build - Growing our relationship with Christ
Equip - Skills and the ability to trach those skills to other
Multiply - finding a Joshua - Leader replaced - Free to serve more
*Won to Christ, built up, equipped with skills, then going out to win more to Christ
Gospel Identity
Image - New Creation, to reflect God to the world
Worship - What I give to God after he gives to me - All of life outpuring to God
Community - fellowship where Christ is reflected to other believers
Mission - Jesus' mission to seek worshippers, we can join in with his empowering grace
Sanctification - Discipleship Lesson #1
Goal is to learn this and be able to apply it to a particular situation
Example: People are image bearers->God loves poeple->People are important->making disciples
Model of sactification
We are all justified by grace (Rom3, Eph 2:5-10)
There is a difference in my standing before God at conversion, there is also a difference in my moral state of growing in Christ Likeness
I an perfect in god's sight, but I am not a perfect child of God
Holiness is my whole point of a Christian
All believers are indwelt by the holy spirit - but at times we can become more filled with the spirit
Perfection is impossible here on earth
The spirit allow holiness for all christians
there is a difference between willful sin and depraved character - temptation is not sin
*asymptotic maturation of the chirstian
My position is in Christ
My standing is sactifying in Christ
My ethical and moral position is being drawn closer ot Christ
Let us cleanse ourselves of sin and evil
Go dwill be with us
Indicative Imperative (we are, so we live well)
Is God my Promised Land 11
Location: West Seattle Campus
Preacher: James Armstrong
Is God my Promised Land - 11
God shines his glory through the cracks in my life
Jesus is our mediator (better moses), the Red Sea was the forshadow of the cross, Jesus is our mana,
IN Ex 3 and 4 the converation between Moses and God is just like my conversations with God
Vertical relationship with God allows the horizonal relationship with others in a God honoring way
DANGER - looking at the fruit that God has worked through me and then taking credit for it
God warns living with you guys will result in your destruction, so I will give you the land w/o me
The people morned this isolation for God - striipped off their ornaments
Danger - settling down into mediocrity and continually depending on God in both the good and bad times
Joshua is told that God will be with him all his days and will never depart from him
Jeremiah is tol that God has had his eye on J, he will be with him all his life
I am the glory of God and the light that is within will confront the darkness, and the darkness does not understand it and is overcome b it
John talks of God as tenting with his people
Paul (2 Cor 3)speaks of us now as sharing truth without veiled face, because the glory of God on us no longer fades, it stands forever (unlike the law which was to fade away)
We are the glory of God being transformed from one degree of glory to another
God does all the walking horizonally in our life
The law could not produce the righteousness it commanded - Condemnation
Jesus come to become the Law, Hooly righteous perfect so when he comes with us and dwells in us we can life like him, by his power for his glory
SIN is irrelevant, chirst is the whole point. He allows us to follow the law because our actions are done by him
Preacher: James Armstrong
Is God my Promised Land - 11
God shines his glory through the cracks in my life
Jesus is our mediator (better moses), the Red Sea was the forshadow of the cross, Jesus is our mana,
IN Ex 3 and 4 the converation between Moses and God is just like my conversations with God
Vertical relationship with God allows the horizonal relationship with others in a God honoring way
DANGER - looking at the fruit that God has worked through me and then taking credit for it
God warns living with you guys will result in your destruction, so I will give you the land w/o me
The people morned this isolation for God - striipped off their ornaments
Danger - settling down into mediocrity and continually depending on God in both the good and bad times
Joshua is told that God will be with him all his days and will never depart from him
Jeremiah is tol that God has had his eye on J, he will be with him all his life
I am the glory of God and the light that is within will confront the darkness, and the darkness does not understand it and is overcome b it
John talks of God as tenting with his people
Paul (2 Cor 3)speaks of us now as sharing truth without veiled face, because the glory of God on us no longer fades, it stands forever (unlike the law which was to fade away)
We are the glory of God being transformed from one degree of glory to another
God does all the walking horizonally in our life
The law could not produce the righteousness it commanded - Condemnation
Jesus come to become the Law, Hooly righteous perfect so when he comes with us and dwells in us we can life like him, by his power for his glory
SIN is irrelevant, chirst is the whole point. He allows us to follow the law because our actions are done by him
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Money, Stewardship, Worship
Luke 12:13-21
The Parable of the Rich Fool
People are struggling because of bad times, others are struggling due to folly
Maybe we need more wisdom
That way we will be prepared to steward well when/if things turn around
800 passages on wealth in the Bible
25% of the time Jesus talks about money
Focus is personal responsiblity (where is my sin folly and rebellion) and worship
Danger is prosperity theology or poverty theology - both think in a worldly way not as God thinks
Righteous and unrighteous people is the emphasis of God not rich and poor
Which more accurately depicts me: Coveting or Contented?
Contentedness or Contetment
The questioner's heart is to use Jesus to get money
Money matters to me more than it does to Jesus
During estate settlements people's hearts are exposed and their coveting hearts are exposed
Advertizing and Economics
Advertising is designed to upset my contentment
Newer better versions continually to breed discontentment
The solution to Coveting is worshipping God as God
Idol Worship
Coveting ends in Slavery, the borrower is slave to the lender
Tim Keller: Concept of the surface idols vs. the deeper idol
Below the surface idol is the deeper idol
Deeper Idols:
Status - surface idol is wealth
Security - surface idol is hoarding - the misers who dies alone living in poverty but leaves a lot of cash
Control - Money is the surface idol
Comfort - Toys (boats, electronics, etc) are the surface idol
Guard your heart against money (Mammon)
The solution to coverting is worship directed to God (Commandments 1 and 2 together)
Parable - of the American
He has a lot of grain gathered, way more than he needed
Then we upgraded to have bigger barns, retirement barns, second barns
Then the real estate market crashed
In the last 30 years family size is down 25% and the average house size is up 50%
The US has 5 times more storage facilities than starbucks
The American dream is God's nightmare - a wasted life, wasted resources, wasted service, WASTE
He worshipped his wealth not with his wealth
Here Jesus is ripping on retiring from life - this is the evil American Goal
The older folks are meant to invest in their kids, their grandkids, lead community groups,
God or Gift
The foolish rich guy is storing up treasure for himself
Rick Warren - Wrote the best selling english book outside of the Bible
Reverse tithes, works for free, paid back 25 years of salary to his church
His heart is in the right place - a good example
What if every month God sent me a bill all my thoughts, my deeds, my motives
Late notice, accrued interest
Then one day the bill comes saying all debt paid (future too) ~ Love Jesus
is the one who gave the most
Generosity Theology: take care of my family, love my church, leave a legacy, serve others, and give away as much as I can
Old testament tithing
25%+ given away
Generous Campaign
Pay down debt
Bellevue, Shoreline, Everett, Portland, California
Developing bands, upgrading children ministy (ciriculum and the facilities)
50% equity on all buildings great position financially
Now is a great time to pick up cheap real-estate
I AM SELFISH - Singleness breeds selfishness
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Money, Stewardship, Worship
Luke 12:13-21
The Parable of the Rich Fool
People are struggling because of bad times, others are struggling due to folly
Maybe we need more wisdom
That way we will be prepared to steward well when/if things turn around
800 passages on wealth in the Bible
25% of the time Jesus talks about money
Focus is personal responsiblity (where is my sin folly and rebellion) and worship
Danger is prosperity theology or poverty theology - both think in a worldly way not as God thinks
Righteous and unrighteous people is the emphasis of God not rich and poor
Which more accurately depicts me: Coveting or Contented?
Contentedness or Contetment
The questioner's heart is to use Jesus to get money
Money matters to me more than it does to Jesus
During estate settlements people's hearts are exposed and their coveting hearts are exposed
Advertizing and Economics
Advertising is designed to upset my contentment
Newer better versions continually to breed discontentment
The solution to Coveting is worshipping God as God
Idol Worship
Coveting ends in Slavery, the borrower is slave to the lender
Tim Keller: Concept of the surface idols vs. the deeper idol
Below the surface idol is the deeper idol
Deeper Idols:
Status - surface idol is wealth
Security - surface idol is hoarding - the misers who dies alone living in poverty but leaves a lot of cash
Control - Money is the surface idol
Comfort - Toys (boats, electronics, etc) are the surface idol
Guard your heart against money (Mammon)
The solution to coverting is worship directed to God (Commandments 1 and 2 together)
Parable - of the American
He has a lot of grain gathered, way more than he needed
Then we upgraded to have bigger barns, retirement barns, second barns
Then the real estate market crashed
In the last 30 years family size is down 25% and the average house size is up 50%
The US has 5 times more storage facilities than starbucks
The American dream is God's nightmare - a wasted life, wasted resources, wasted service, WASTE
He worshipped his wealth not with his wealth
Here Jesus is ripping on retiring from life - this is the evil American Goal
The older folks are meant to invest in their kids, their grandkids, lead community groups,
God or Gift
The foolish rich guy is storing up treasure for himself
Rick Warren - Wrote the best selling english book outside of the Bible
Reverse tithes, works for free, paid back 25 years of salary to his church
His heart is in the right place - a good example
What if every month God sent me a bill all my thoughts, my deeds, my motives
Late notice, accrued interest
Then one day the bill comes saying all debt paid (future too) ~ Love Jesus
is the one who gave the most
Generosity Theology: take care of my family, love my church, leave a legacy, serve others, and give away as much as I can
Old testament tithing
25%+ given away
Generous Campaign
Pay down debt
Bellevue, Shoreline, Everett, Portland, California
Developing bands, upgrading children ministy (ciriculum and the facilities)
50% equity on all buildings great position financially
Now is a great time to pick up cheap real-estate
I AM SELFISH - Singleness breeds selfishness
Hope of Lasting Change 10
Location: West Seattle Campus
Preacher: James Noreiga
Hope of lasting change - 10
I am worse than I think - But God is better than I know
God's responce is to say that he will remember his covenant
God asks who will be on my side?
Moses takes the idol and powders it and makes th people drink it
idolatry = shit
God fully rejects the people's idolatry
God actively crushes our idols
He does so with Love and Grace
This still makes it about you
Where do you find lasting hope?
Techniques to fight sin
Accountability - using people to manage my sin
hope in a new season in life
Success against insecurities - I am doing better
New job, child, friend
The myth of rock bottom
All this is garbage...
Do I rely on miracles as my hope for lasting change?
My chage is eternal - God leads us to who we already are
Cross is my redemption initiated - A MIRACLE
this seems foolishness to those who are perishing
Redemption accomplished - justified/made perfecet yet I still sin
Redemption means my good or bad behavior doesn't make me more or less a christian
The only needed evidence that I am a christian (not a good work or lack of sin) is my belief in Christ 1John4
Redemption Applied - My only hope
The Ghost embodies Jesus Christ John 14 -
The father will reveal the Ghosts work in us
We have hope and confidence because of Love and Grace
Miracles means that God has interveened to change my heart
This means that I have love even for my enemies
Preacher: James Noreiga
Hope of lasting change - 10
I am worse than I think - But God is better than I know
God's responce is to say that he will remember his covenant
God asks who will be on my side?
Moses takes the idol and powders it and makes th people drink it
idolatry = shit
God fully rejects the people's idolatry
God actively crushes our idols
He does so with Love and Grace
This still makes it about you
Where do you find lasting hope?
Techniques to fight sin
Accountability - using people to manage my sin
hope in a new season in life
Success against insecurities - I am doing better
New job, child, friend
The myth of rock bottom
All this is garbage...
Do I rely on miracles as my hope for lasting change?
My chage is eternal - God leads us to who we already are
Cross is my redemption initiated - A MIRACLE
this seems foolishness to those who are perishing
Redemption accomplished - justified/made perfecet yet I still sin
Redemption means my good or bad behavior doesn't make me more or less a christian
The only needed evidence that I am a christian (not a good work or lack of sin) is my belief in Christ 1John4
Redemption Applied - My only hope
The Ghost embodies Jesus Christ John 14 -
The father will reveal the Ghosts work in us
We have hope and confidence because of Love and Grace
Miracles means that God has interveened to change my heart
This means that I have love even for my enemies
The Golden Calf Volunteering for Slavery 9
Location: West Seattle Campus
Preacher: James Noreiga
The Golden Calf Volunteering for Slavery - 9
The most bizarre sin in Exodus
God continually is miraculously providing for them - He is saying please remember that I AM the Lord your God
Treason: Denying God's provision in their worship of the calf
Idol: anythign more important to you than God
Anything you seek to give yourself that only God can give you: Peace, comfort, joy, patience, meaning, significance other than God
Romans 5: God has made us slaves of righteousness - instead of slavery to Sin
Romans 1: Trading the Truth for The lie
We cannot truely be enslaved to sin in the same way as we were before Christ - Our identity is different now
Anything that is off of God's metric for truth is a lie, there cannot be two truths, only one
Even when I sin I am not filthy and/or vile, because of the imouted righteousness of Christ
Just because I don't feel like I can ever stop sinning doesn't mean I can't
When the enemy's lies come thay are really lies about God
God has given us the spirit to understand the gifts from God and to understand the works of our enemy - 1Cor2 - The Spirit helps us understand supernatural things
Deacon Stephen says the people rejected Moses - AKA rejected God's man, rejected God - They refused to obey Moses and turned their heart to Egypt - the visible demonstation of their heart was the Calf their Idol
They sef selected slavery to Egypt
They called the Calf the Tetragramiton
How do I make God of my own hands?
Anexiety? - Truth (If I beleieve that Jesus resides inside me because God says so)God is peace and he has given you himself - so you have peace NOT anxiety
Slumber? - Truth (If I beleieve that Jesus resides inside me because God says so) God is active and he has given you himself - so I have his good works to do NOT a lazy disposition
Torment? - Truth....
What does repentance look like?
The tax collector was humble and screamed to God, "I am a sinner please be merciful to me!"
Preacher: James Noreiga
The Golden Calf Volunteering for Slavery - 9
The most bizarre sin in Exodus
God continually is miraculously providing for them - He is saying please remember that I AM the Lord your God
Treason: Denying God's provision in their worship of the calf
Idol: anythign more important to you than God
Anything you seek to give yourself that only God can give you: Peace, comfort, joy, patience, meaning, significance other than God
Romans 5: God has made us slaves of righteousness - instead of slavery to Sin
Romans 1: Trading the Truth for The lie
We cannot truely be enslaved to sin in the same way as we were before Christ - Our identity is different now
Anything that is off of God's metric for truth is a lie, there cannot be two truths, only one
Even when I sin I am not filthy and/or vile, because of the imouted righteousness of Christ
Just because I don't feel like I can ever stop sinning doesn't mean I can't
When the enemy's lies come thay are really lies about God
God has given us the spirit to understand the gifts from God and to understand the works of our enemy - 1Cor2 - The Spirit helps us understand supernatural things
Deacon Stephen says the people rejected Moses - AKA rejected God's man, rejected God - They refused to obey Moses and turned their heart to Egypt - the visible demonstation of their heart was the Calf their Idol
They sef selected slavery to Egypt
They called the Calf the Tetragramiton
How do I make God of my own hands?
Anexiety? - Truth (If I beleieve that Jesus resides inside me because God says so)God is peace and he has given you himself - so you have peace NOT anxiety
Slumber? - Truth (If I beleieve that Jesus resides inside me because God says so) God is active and he has given you himself - so I have his good works to do NOT a lazy disposition
Torment? - Truth....
What does repentance look like?
The tax collector was humble and screamed to God, "I am a sinner please be merciful to me!"
Jesus and Fear
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Religion, Husband, Father, Hell
Luke 12:1-12
Jesus and Fear
Mars Hill Southern Cali soon
Mars Hill Everette early 2011
Mars Hill Portland with pastor Tim
Mars Hill Bellevue part #2
How to deal with Bullies, Religious Bullies
Religious people are physically getting in the way of needy people and Jesus
They are bullies, thousands are following Jesus, if we get Him to follow us then thousands will follow us
Criticisms of Christians
1 -
2 - They are hypocrit
3 - Some are not hypocrits
To be a Christians they need to admit publicly that they are sinners so when they sin they are being consistent
4 - Some are those who sin sexually (or other sin) and then judge others for the same sin
How Religious Bullies Attack:
Rude - always want to be a priority
Being the Self-Appointed Rule-Maker
They try to use shame when you break their rules
Fear of Man (Religious Bullies tool) Mr Welch wrote a good book When people are big
Jesus uses the word fear 5 times and anxiety once (the result of when they use one of their attacks)
Holding someone in Awe also counts as FOM
Needing people - then they are used b/c of FOM
Wanting somone other than Jesus to be Lord to worship or gain their favor, please them or appease them
Jesus says Beware - To be Aware
1 - Have you struggled with peer pressure?
2 - Over committed, a people pleaser?
3 - In self esteem concerns of yours?
4 - Are embarrassment or is shyness common for you?
5 - ????
6 - Do other people often make you angry, de.pressed, or drive you crazy?
7 - do you Avoid People?
8 - Do you take too much responsibilty for other people?
9 - Are you too committed to being nice, keeping peace, and avoiding conflict?
We overcome fear of man by living for judgement day
Don't fear anyone who can only kill you, fear God who can lay an eternal beat down
A Bulliing husband will destroy his wife and destroy his kids
Suffering is inevitable when we resist fea of man
Jesus says Hell is worse than death
We Overcome Fear of Man with the Love of God
God cares about even the smallest most worthless birds, he cares for you immensely
1 God Loves us
2 God will provide for us
4 God values me deeply
Suffering allows:
1 We appreciate jesus' suffering more
2 Causes me to be humble and repentant
Jesus' Warning
Everyone who denies me will be crushed
Everyone who follows me will be raised up
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom ~Proverbs 1:4
The Holy Spirit will give us the words at the moment of trial
The One unforgivabe sin;
Blasphemeing of the Holy Spirit
Resisting all the work of the Holy Spirit and rejecting the person of Jesus for your whole life into death
Whose thone am I on? I need to get off their throne
Who sits on my throne?
What difficult conversations do I need to have by the power of the Holy Spirit? We can't be together anymore, we can't be friends anymore...
Understand jesus is Lord will overcome biology altering how our body responds to stress and anxiety
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Religion, Husband, Father, Hell
Luke 12:1-12
Jesus and Fear
Mars Hill Southern Cali soon
Mars Hill Everette early 2011
Mars Hill Portland with pastor Tim
Mars Hill Bellevue part #2
How to deal with Bullies, Religious Bullies
Religious people are physically getting in the way of needy people and Jesus
They are bullies, thousands are following Jesus, if we get Him to follow us then thousands will follow us
Criticisms of Christians
1 -
2 - They are hypocrit
3 - Some are not hypocrits
To be a Christians they need to admit publicly that they are sinners so when they sin they are being consistent
4 - Some are those who sin sexually (or other sin) and then judge others for the same sin
How Religious Bullies Attack:
Rude - always want to be a priority
Being the Self-Appointed Rule-Maker
They try to use shame when you break their rules
Fear of Man (Religious Bullies tool) Mr Welch wrote a good book When people are big
Jesus uses the word fear 5 times and anxiety once (the result of when they use one of their attacks)
Holding someone in Awe also counts as FOM
Needing people - then they are used b/c of FOM
Wanting somone other than Jesus to be Lord to worship or gain their favor, please them or appease them
Jesus says Beware - To be Aware
1 - Have you struggled with peer pressure?
2 - Over committed, a people pleaser?
3 - In self esteem concerns of yours?
4 - Are embarrassment or is shyness common for you?
5 - ????
6 - Do other people often make you angry, de.pressed, or drive you crazy?
7 - do you Avoid People?
8 - Do you take too much responsibilty for other people?
9 - Are you too committed to being nice, keeping peace, and avoiding conflict?
We overcome fear of man by living for judgement day
Don't fear anyone who can only kill you, fear God who can lay an eternal beat down
A Bulliing husband will destroy his wife and destroy his kids
Suffering is inevitable when we resist fea of man
Jesus says Hell is worse than death
We Overcome Fear of Man with the Love of God
God cares about even the smallest most worthless birds, he cares for you immensely
1 God Loves us
2 God will provide for us
4 God values me deeply
Suffering allows:
1 We appreciate jesus' suffering more
2 Causes me to be humble and repentant
Jesus' Warning
Everyone who denies me will be crushed
Everyone who follows me will be raised up
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom ~Proverbs 1:4
The Holy Spirit will give us the words at the moment of trial
The One unforgivabe sin;
Blasphemeing of the Holy Spirit
Resisting all the work of the Holy Spirit and rejecting the person of Jesus for your whole life into death
Whose thone am I on? I need to get off their throne
Who sits on my throne?
What difficult conversations do I need to have by the power of the Holy Spirit? We can't be together anymore, we can't be friends anymore...
Understand jesus is Lord will overcome biology altering how our body responds to stress and anxiety
Demanding Mana 8
Location: West Seattle Campus
Preacher: James Armstrong
Demanding Mana - 8
My daily needs and desires, where is my sin where I doubt God?
Where do I want deliverance from pain?
Are my desires at the place where they start to get between God and I
Comfort - having a time of decompression at the end of the day - danger: if marriage should come I will probably get ticked if this time is taken away
Why does God test us? - So my heart is made obvious and I see if I am close to him or not close to Him
Is familiarity an Idol of Mine?
God is still faithful when the people complain
Food and Meat are provided, because he is a good father - "Eat to your full"
He would have given food even if no one ask
When the people gather and then save some, were they chosing to go little hungry to test God?
Lack of Trust
Israel didn't believe God would provide - They hoarded
They starved themselves intentionally so they could save some for the morrow
How Do I starve myself of good so I can be God?
Jesus' Wisdom
The followers wanted more food after the feeding of the 5k
The people's religion is worthless and Jesus says the bread came from God not Moses
QUESTION - What did James mean when he asked how do we starve ourselves?
Preacher: James Armstrong
Demanding Mana - 8
My daily needs and desires, where is my sin where I doubt God?
Where do I want deliverance from pain?
Are my desires at the place where they start to get between God and I
Comfort - having a time of decompression at the end of the day - danger: if marriage should come I will probably get ticked if this time is taken away
Why does God test us? - So my heart is made obvious and I see if I am close to him or not close to Him
Is familiarity an Idol of Mine?
God is still faithful when the people complain
Food and Meat are provided, because he is a good father - "Eat to your full"
He would have given food even if no one ask
When the people gather and then save some, were they chosing to go little hungry to test God?
Lack of Trust
Israel didn't believe God would provide - They hoarded
They starved themselves intentionally so they could save some for the morrow
How Do I starve myself of good so I can be God?
Jesus' Wisdom
The followers wanted more food after the feeding of the 5k
The people's religion is worthless and Jesus says the bread came from God not Moses
QUESTION - What did James mean when he asked how do we starve ourselves?
Jesus is Greater than Jonah
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Luke 11:29-32
Jesus is Greater than Jonah
"you evil generation"
There will be crowds who will rise up and testify against you
Story: Ticket and the adjudication proceedings
Innocent by lack of an accuser, Cop didn't show up
"only the sign of Jonah will be given to this generation"
Do I ask God for a sign to show me when to share my faith?
Rebuke of Unbelief in Jesus
A jewish prophet during assirian ascendency
God tells him to preach to the Nineveh to preach
Am I like Jonah running from God in the area of marriage, because I believe that God will provide a wife, much like Jonah's knowledge that they would repent if he preached becasue God is merciful and Good?
Jesus is greater than Jonah because he preaches the good news in love (unlike Jonah's unloving message)
Queen of the south (Sheba) - she recognized God's fingerprint as her sign
She blesses God after seeing the wisdom of Solomon - God really loves Israel to place you in charge, she sees Solomon as a delivery system of God
The Queen of the south had a huge responce to Solomon, so how come you guys, who are addressing one greater than Solomon, aren't giving me at least as genuine a responce
The men of Nineveh - will rise up to testify against that generation
They heard a simple word and by God's grace they responded, yet this evil generation doesn't
How freckened I really am:
I like to be God in seeing the solutions to problems and then pushing people to fix them, but not be seen as the person who has fixed it. I want to be God as God (hidden yet active moving the world toward perfection).
Exodus 14:14 - The Lord will fight for you and you have only to be silent
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Luke 11:29-32
Jesus is Greater than Jonah
"you evil generation"
There will be crowds who will rise up and testify against you
Story: Ticket and the adjudication proceedings
Innocent by lack of an accuser, Cop didn't show up
"only the sign of Jonah will be given to this generation"
Do I ask God for a sign to show me when to share my faith?
Rebuke of Unbelief in Jesus
A jewish prophet during assirian ascendency
God tells him to preach to the Nineveh to preach
Am I like Jonah running from God in the area of marriage, because I believe that God will provide a wife, much like Jonah's knowledge that they would repent if he preached becasue God is merciful and Good?
Jesus is greater than Jonah because he preaches the good news in love (unlike Jonah's unloving message)
Queen of the south (Sheba) - she recognized God's fingerprint as her sign
She blesses God after seeing the wisdom of Solomon - God really loves Israel to place you in charge, she sees Solomon as a delivery system of God
The Queen of the south had a huge responce to Solomon, so how come you guys, who are addressing one greater than Solomon, aren't giving me at least as genuine a responce
The men of Nineveh - will rise up to testify against that generation
They heard a simple word and by God's grace they responded, yet this evil generation doesn't
How freckened I really am:
I like to be God in seeing the solutions to problems and then pushing people to fix them, but not be seen as the person who has fixed it. I want to be God as God (hidden yet active moving the world toward perfection).
Exodus 14:14 - The Lord will fight for you and you have only to be silent
The Red Sea 7
Location: West Seattle Campus
Preacher: James Noreiga
The Red Sea - 7
Constantly God shows up
God Mocks Pharoh and Egypt with his plagues
He even show the oppressors grace by revealing the true God
God used pharoh to destry pharoh
Just likes he still does
The Isaelites look back at the army approaching and yearn for the old place of slavery
"wasn't this ocean on your map God?" Mockery
It would have been better to have left me in bondage
Impassibility is the only way we are freed from bondage - Jesus' Death and Ressurection
God puts me into an impossible place where I must have faith (which he gives) to get through
We have only to be silent for God to deliver us - Like in Exodus where God responds to the fear with a demand for silence
God showers his grace by even drying out the sea floor they walked on
God is the Lord our Healer
He has destroyed the enemy
God invites us to reset our view of normal (slavery as the norm vs. our identity in Christ as the norm)
God used the evil of Pharoh toward salvation and the promised land
The very thing that saved us is the very thing that destroyed the enemy (I.e. the water)
Now the enemy has no force, no power over us like the egyptians death
Weapon of the enemy: Shame for our sin
There is nothing that could shame Jesus, he scorned the shame of the Cross
We in Christ now are immune to shame unless we open the door to welcome us in
Jesus was imperviuos to shame because he knew his identity
The crux scares we not a sybol of shame, instead a reminder of His identity as God's Son
Similarly my scares are a reminder of my identity as God's son
My scares and the memories of my sin are a reminder that That is how big God's grace to me is
Preacher: James Noreiga
The Red Sea - 7
Constantly God shows up
God Mocks Pharoh and Egypt with his plagues
He even show the oppressors grace by revealing the true God
God used pharoh to destry pharoh
Just likes he still does
The Isaelites look back at the army approaching and yearn for the old place of slavery
"wasn't this ocean on your map God?" Mockery
It would have been better to have left me in bondage
Impassibility is the only way we are freed from bondage - Jesus' Death and Ressurection
God puts me into an impossible place where I must have faith (which he gives) to get through
We have only to be silent for God to deliver us - Like in Exodus where God responds to the fear with a demand for silence
God showers his grace by even drying out the sea floor they walked on
God is the Lord our Healer
He has destroyed the enemy
God invites us to reset our view of normal (slavery as the norm vs. our identity in Christ as the norm)
God used the evil of Pharoh toward salvation and the promised land
The very thing that saved us is the very thing that destroyed the enemy (I.e. the water)
Now the enemy has no force, no power over us like the egyptians death
Weapon of the enemy: Shame for our sin
There is nothing that could shame Jesus, he scorned the shame of the Cross
We in Christ now are immune to shame unless we open the door to welcome us in
Jesus was imperviuos to shame because he knew his identity
The crux scares we not a sybol of shame, instead a reminder of His identity as God's Son
Similarly my scares are a reminder of my identity as God's son
My scares and the memories of my sin are a reminder that That is how big God's grace to me is
Gospel Mission Lecture Acts 17
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Bubba Jennings
Gospel Mission Acts 17
Goal is to apply these truths this week to our teams
Because of your life others would ask hey what causes that: Jesus
If the beauty of the gospel is not seen then the end goal is not fulfilled - we don't want to convert them to religion we want to convert them to Jesus
Good news of Jesus
There is no good news in a jacked up world, only the supernatural power of God can share the gospel
In Jesus the gospel breaks through into the fallen world
The cross is at the center of the gospel - he must die before the kingdom comes (otherwise there is only justice and judgement) - and he must rise from death (otherwise there is no victory over satan sin and death)
The facts of the Godpel:
There really was a savior who lived perfectly
He died as a substitute for our sins
A real death and resurrection
This is historically true and accurate
Not taking the gospel fully and completely with high value on each piece of the gospel
"If Christ has not been raised , we are still in our sins"
Acts 17
He observed - and saw the culture and how the Atheians did life
He Found a Bridge - Ther literature and the Altar to the unknown God
He didn't shrink back from the Barrier - the Gospel
Bridges - deal with those aspects of culture, religion that could connect someone to the gospel
Brokenness due to physical, social, or spiritual causes
Cultural stories that parallel the Bible
Moral or spiritual desire fora better world
How can I be a bridge-builder?
Barriers - personal experiences, filters that taint info they hear
Info->Filter- >Convictions->Values->Priorities->Life Rhythms
Religious - false doctrines - bad experience with church
Mind - philosophies, and logic
Heart barriers - lust, worldly concerns
Social - family and gangs
Psychological - shame
Believers - irresponsible Christians
Language - misunderstands having to do wth
Who are we shepherding/ministering to?
Who are we yet to minister to? - god placed anyone on your heart?
How to we help creat a bridge with the people who come with to church on Sunday?
Preacher: Bubba Jennings
Gospel Mission Acts 17
Goal is to apply these truths this week to our teams
Because of your life others would ask hey what causes that: Jesus
If the beauty of the gospel is not seen then the end goal is not fulfilled - we don't want to convert them to religion we want to convert them to Jesus
Good news of Jesus
There is no good news in a jacked up world, only the supernatural power of God can share the gospel
In Jesus the gospel breaks through into the fallen world
The cross is at the center of the gospel - he must die before the kingdom comes (otherwise there is only justice and judgement) - and he must rise from death (otherwise there is no victory over satan sin and death)
The facts of the Godpel:
There really was a savior who lived perfectly
He died as a substitute for our sins
A real death and resurrection
This is historically true and accurate
Not taking the gospel fully and completely with high value on each piece of the gospel
"If Christ has not been raised , we are still in our sins"
Acts 17
He observed - and saw the culture and how the Atheians did life
He Found a Bridge - Ther literature and the Altar to the unknown God
He didn't shrink back from the Barrier - the Gospel
Bridges - deal with those aspects of culture, religion that could connect someone to the gospel
Brokenness due to physical, social, or spiritual causes
Cultural stories that parallel the Bible
Moral or spiritual desire fora better world
How can I be a bridge-builder?
Barriers - personal experiences, filters that taint info they hear
Info->Filter- >Convictions->Values->Priorities->Life Rhythms
Religious - false doctrines - bad experience with church
Mind - philosophies, and logic
Heart barriers - lust, worldly concerns
Social - family and gangs
Psychological - shame
Believers - irresponsible Christians
Language - misunderstands having to do wth
Who are we shepherding/ministering to?
Who are we yet to minister to? - god placed anyone on your heart?
How to we help creat a bridge with the people who come with to church on Sunday?
The Passover: God's Best at Your Worst 6
Location: West Seattle Campus
Preacher: James Noreiga
The Passover: God's Best at Your Worst - 6
Being at our worst made God's grace that much more obvious
Passover is the shadow of the cross to come
I need to see myself rightly apart from Christ - absolutely evil
Example: Pharoh, shown how weak he was to demonstrate God's Power
God Attacks the Nile the giver of life
God Attacks with the Frogs, conqueroring the creator God of Egypt
God Attacks with the Gnats the earth God
God Attacks with the Flies - Price of the Air
God Attacks the Livestock - Sacred Bull is powerless
God will attack my idols to show me how worthless they are
In my worst sin God is forgiving me
At my worst is when Jesus says I'll take you
Yet I will not do the same so often, You are terrible I won't forgive you
Do I hold onto forgiveness as a weapon to wound other people
From my worst bondage God will free me
So in my worst suffering I MUST forgive those who hurt me
High Treason against God - Refusing to forgive when God forgives me
Unforgiveness - Drinking poison and hoping the other person will die
Jesus is the Blood and we are the household woth the blood my my doorposts
Idols on the mantle, o blood on the doorposts - Death
Idols on the mantle, blood on the doorposts - Life
The Blood payment - true life in in his blood
The costly grace that God the Father did not think too expensive to lavish on us
Therapy as heretical self atonement
I cannot forgive myself - The blood payment is too costly, I can't afford it
I am forgiven by God alone I need to know that God sees me through the cross
The Result of believeing Satan's lie that I can be God and demand payment for sin
Hating God - Holding someone liable for their sin against me and mine when God hasn't held me liable
Preacher: James Noreiga
The Passover: God's Best at Your Worst - 6
Being at our worst made God's grace that much more obvious
Passover is the shadow of the cross to come
I need to see myself rightly apart from Christ - absolutely evil
Example: Pharoh, shown how weak he was to demonstrate God's Power
God Attacks the Nile the giver of life
God Attacks with the Frogs, conqueroring the creator God of Egypt
God Attacks with the Gnats the earth God
God Attacks with the Flies - Price of the Air
God Attacks the Livestock - Sacred Bull is powerless
God will attack my idols to show me how worthless they are
In my worst sin God is forgiving me
At my worst is when Jesus says I'll take you
Yet I will not do the same so often, You are terrible I won't forgive you
Do I hold onto forgiveness as a weapon to wound other people
From my worst bondage God will free me
So in my worst suffering I MUST forgive those who hurt me
High Treason against God - Refusing to forgive when God forgives me
Unforgiveness - Drinking poison and hoping the other person will die
Jesus is the Blood and we are the household woth the blood my my doorposts
Idols on the mantle, o blood on the doorposts - Death
Idols on the mantle, blood on the doorposts - Life
The Blood payment - true life in in his blood
The costly grace that God the Father did not think too expensive to lavish on us
Therapy as heretical self atonement
I cannot forgive myself - The blood payment is too costly, I can't afford it
I am forgiven by God alone I need to know that God sees me through the cross
The Result of believeing Satan's lie that I can be God and demand payment for sin
Hating God - Holding someone liable for their sin against me and mine when God hasn't held me liable
Jesus vs. Satan
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Book
Luke 11:14-28
Jesus vs. Satan
Crucial Questions by Prof at viola university
Jesus intros people lives who are affected by demonic oppresion chapter 4, Chapter8 (demoniac, martha), Chapter 9 little boy who is hurt by siezures caused by a demon, and chapter 11...
Two Problems
Attacks on our soul can cause physical problems
This man is attacked by a vocal suppression - As soon as the demon is removed he can speak
Demons are persons who are abusing and tormenting - using analogies where people hurt people
Abuse - The abuse comes to an end (the effects remain)
A woman who is raped after being drugged
Torment - Repeated abuse that does not end
A little girl who is continually abused by a male relative
Soft Rejection: We need more evidence, the miraculous stuff is insufficient
Hard Rejection: He is an evil high general who is casting out demons by demonic power
Pergamum - where satan had his throne during the writing of revelation
They had this Zeus temple overlooking the ancient city of pergamum
The altar @ the temple was taken by the Germans in WWII and a replica was constructed from which Adolph Hitler preached his kingdom of power over the whole earth to be worshipped
That altar was probably where Satan had his throne as talked about in Revelation
Jesus deconstructed their argument - you think I caste out demons by satan but it makes no sense for evil to rebuke evil, if I am evil then I would give accolades to evil
The finger of God - a metaphor for the work of the Holy Spirit against evil.
Two Armies
Satan and demons are stronger than a human, apart from Jesus we lose, we need someone bigger and stronger and more badass than Satan
Two Battlefields
The demons are caste out or is forced out via pride without the Holy Spirit it will return with 7 other worse than it is
Your home taken over by one soldier, kick him out and are free temporarily, then he comes backwith 7 worse soldiers who now oppress you and torment you because you left open the door, a window, etc.
Danger opening doors and windows to the enemy
A believer can only be oppressed and influenced
A non-believer can be tormented and possessed like the 7 more demons who crash in
Two Choices
Jesus says there are two ways to be more blessed than Mary
1 - Hear the word of God
2 - Doing what it says
Where are the evidences of the enemy's work in your life
How have I aided my enemy?
Will you command the Enemy to leave, repent of sin, and invite the Holy Spirit?
Stokholm Syndrome back in 1973
Captives who were taken prisoner and strapped by explosives and tormented for 5 days
The captors act like god - They decide life or death, sleep or awake, they give or take food
The captive then worship the captors,
Police - called to DV situation and are shot in the back bythe abused woman when they go to arrest the dude
Do I have some sins that I really don't want to give up? Because they are too fun
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Book
Luke 11:14-28
Jesus vs. Satan
Crucial Questions by Prof at viola university
Jesus intros people lives who are affected by demonic oppresion chapter 4, Chapter8 (demoniac, martha), Chapter 9 little boy who is hurt by siezures caused by a demon, and chapter 11...
Two Problems
Attacks on our soul can cause physical problems
This man is attacked by a vocal suppression - As soon as the demon is removed he can speak
Demons are persons who are abusing and tormenting - using analogies where people hurt people
Abuse - The abuse comes to an end (the effects remain)
A woman who is raped after being drugged
Torment - Repeated abuse that does not end
A little girl who is continually abused by a male relative
Soft Rejection: We need more evidence, the miraculous stuff is insufficient
Hard Rejection: He is an evil high general who is casting out demons by demonic power
Pergamum - where satan had his throne during the writing of revelation
They had this Zeus temple overlooking the ancient city of pergamum
The altar @ the temple was taken by the Germans in WWII and a replica was constructed from which Adolph Hitler preached his kingdom of power over the whole earth to be worshipped
That altar was probably where Satan had his throne as talked about in Revelation
Jesus deconstructed their argument - you think I caste out demons by satan but it makes no sense for evil to rebuke evil, if I am evil then I would give accolades to evil
The finger of God - a metaphor for the work of the Holy Spirit against evil.
Two Armies
Satan and demons are stronger than a human, apart from Jesus we lose, we need someone bigger and stronger and more badass than Satan
Two Battlefields
The demons are caste out or is forced out via pride without the Holy Spirit it will return with 7 other worse than it is
Your home taken over by one soldier, kick him out and are free temporarily, then he comes backwith 7 worse soldiers who now oppress you and torment you because you left open the door, a window, etc.
Danger opening doors and windows to the enemy
A believer can only be oppressed and influenced
A non-believer can be tormented and possessed like the 7 more demons who crash in
Two Choices
Jesus says there are two ways to be more blessed than Mary
1 - Hear the word of God
2 - Doing what it says
Where are the evidences of the enemy's work in your life
How have I aided my enemy?
Will you command the Enemy to leave, repent of sin, and invite the Holy Spirit?
Stokholm Syndrome back in 1973
Captives who were taken prisoner and strapped by explosives and tormented for 5 days
The captors act like god - They decide life or death, sleep or awake, they give or take food
The captive then worship the captors,
Police - called to DV situation and are shot in the back bythe abused woman when they go to arrest the dude
Do I have some sins that I really don't want to give up? Because they are too fun
The Lord's Prayer
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Forgiveness, Father,
Luke 11:1-4
The Lord's Prayer
1 Luke wrote a more succinct version of the full Matthew Version
2 Prayer is verbal, thoughts, journaling, siinging, communication with God
3 Jesus Prayed, Prayer is trinitarian in nature, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to the Son for the Glory of the Father
The apostles were humble and even though they had been with Jesus for a while they knew they hade more to learn
Story: Fisrt time in prayer, asked to open in prayer, didn't know how asked to shut his eyes, not gonna happen grew up in Seatac
Only 14 references to God as the Nation's Dad, never personal
60 times Jesus called God Father
God please help me not judge you by my father
Story: The abused father who adopts the street kid, and through continual love the kid eventually opens up to Dad
Story: The Fair holding hands with Dad, casual relationship with our dad
Eastern Religion:
Prayer Labrynth, being all by yourself in the center of your spiritual fashion
Pan/panentheist - God is part of creation and we are all connected, prayer flows in the stream of creations, the force
We do not prayer with other religions, we are members of other families, we don't want to offend our Dad by talking to a different Dad
God's Answers to Prayer
No: not his plan, not in my pest interest
Story: Gideon - getting really good at the bike without training wheels, wants a motorcycle
God is Holy:
We should not take God's name in vain
He is perfectly Good, perfectly light
God is a King:
Huge benefits in being adopted by such a Dad
We want God to rule over all to bring his justice to help the hurting, we want grace and love to rule totally
Our privilege is to be part of making God's kingdom visible
God is Generous
Pray about my needs not my greeds
Dad is inviting us to be part of loving people: single mom's and all who are in need
Dad forgives Sins
Sin is the breaking of God's perfection in thought, word, deed, and motivation
Only in Christ are we forgiven of our debt, he is the only one with the ability to pay for my debt
Karma - Live a sinful life, die come back, sin some more....Retarded because the debt would just increase to infitity
Religiocity - The worst debt to pay to God, adding a zero to my statement of debt to God
What about the victim?
We need to forgive those who sin against us
Bitterness will lead to distance between to
Will cause me to be like the person I am bitter against.
Forgiveness is NOT:
1 Approving or diminishing the sin
2 Enabling Sin -
3 Denying a wrongdoing
4 Waiting for an apology
5 Forgetting - we can never forget the hard sins, God can't forget he is omnicient
6 Ceasing to feel the pain, allows us to feel mre deeply but now without bitterness
7 A one time event - We need to forgive everytime I feel the pain of the sin
8 Neglecting Justice, we can forgive and testify against someone in court
9 Trusting, reconciliation takes two plus a lot of time, trust is gained slowly but lost quickly
10 Reconciliation, takes two people
Forgiving someone is leaving their justice to Jesus, and if they do not repent, he will perfectly punnish them for their sin
Danger: a man who doesn't forgive his father will continue to pass the curse of unfrgiveness to his kids, will hurt the children's view of God, and will breed hatred and bitterness in his wife.
Dad leads well
God does not tempt us
The image is that of a child who is holding his Dad hand
Story: the Fair
Holding hands with Gideon and Allexi
Love letter of Father God
I remember my dad saying that finally I don't have to pay those payments to your mom.
The Cross: We cannot look at God as Father without the cross. The only way we can see mercy is with the cross. Otherwise there is only perfect justice and wrath poured out perfectly on this earth. Without the cross in God's mind, we ought to have all died at Noah.
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Forgiveness, Father,
Luke 11:1-4
The Lord's Prayer
1 Luke wrote a more succinct version of the full Matthew Version
2 Prayer is verbal, thoughts, journaling, siinging, communication with God
3 Jesus Prayed, Prayer is trinitarian in nature, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to the Son for the Glory of the Father
The apostles were humble and even though they had been with Jesus for a while they knew they hade more to learn
Story: Fisrt time in prayer, asked to open in prayer, didn't know how asked to shut his eyes, not gonna happen grew up in Seatac
Only 14 references to God as the Nation's Dad, never personal
60 times Jesus called God Father
God please help me not judge you by my father
Story: The abused father who adopts the street kid, and through continual love the kid eventually opens up to Dad
Story: The Fair holding hands with Dad, casual relationship with our dad
Eastern Religion:
Prayer Labrynth, being all by yourself in the center of your spiritual fashion
Pan/panentheist - God is part of creation and we are all connected, prayer flows in the stream of creations, the force
We do not prayer with other religions, we are members of other families, we don't want to offend our Dad by talking to a different Dad
God's Answers to Prayer
No: not his plan, not in my pest interest
Story: Gideon - getting really good at the bike without training wheels, wants a motorcycle
God is Holy:
We should not take God's name in vain
He is perfectly Good, perfectly light
God is a King:
Huge benefits in being adopted by such a Dad
We want God to rule over all to bring his justice to help the hurting, we want grace and love to rule totally
Our privilege is to be part of making God's kingdom visible
God is Generous
Pray about my needs not my greeds
Dad is inviting us to be part of loving people: single mom's and all who are in need
Dad forgives Sins
Sin is the breaking of God's perfection in thought, word, deed, and motivation
Only in Christ are we forgiven of our debt, he is the only one with the ability to pay for my debt
Karma - Live a sinful life, die come back, sin some more....Retarded because the debt would just increase to infitity
Religiocity - The worst debt to pay to God, adding a zero to my statement of debt to God
What about the victim?
We need to forgive those who sin against us
Bitterness will lead to distance between to
Will cause me to be like the person I am bitter against.
Forgiveness is NOT:
1 Approving or diminishing the sin
2 Enabling Sin -
3 Denying a wrongdoing
4 Waiting for an apology
5 Forgetting - we can never forget the hard sins, God can't forget he is omnicient
6 Ceasing to feel the pain, allows us to feel mre deeply but now without bitterness
7 A one time event - We need to forgive everytime I feel the pain of the sin
8 Neglecting Justice, we can forgive and testify against someone in court
9 Trusting, reconciliation takes two plus a lot of time, trust is gained slowly but lost quickly
10 Reconciliation, takes two people
Forgiving someone is leaving their justice to Jesus, and if they do not repent, he will perfectly punnish them for their sin
Danger: a man who doesn't forgive his father will continue to pass the curse of unfrgiveness to his kids, will hurt the children's view of God, and will breed hatred and bitterness in his wife.
Dad leads well
God does not tempt us
The image is that of a child who is holding his Dad hand
Story: the Fair
Holding hands with Gideon and Allexi
Love letter of Father God
I remember my dad saying that finally I don't have to pay those payments to your mom.
The Cross: We cannot look at God as Father without the cross. The only way we can see mercy is with the cross. Otherwise there is only perfect justice and wrath poured out perfectly on this earth. Without the cross in God's mind, we ought to have all died at Noah.
Asking for the Holy Spirit
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Date: 9/26/10
Tags: Masculinity, Parenting
Luke 11:5-
Asking for the Holy Spirit
Neighbor asking for food late at night, persistence gets you bread
Culturally it is expected for people to open their doors even late at night to avoid shame and lost face
The point is that even incoragable people will be granted what they need, God who is good and never tired will give even more graciously
Ask so you can get what you need
Story: Tinkerbell wants to watch Tinkerbell, P Mark wanted to watch College Football, but watched her movie instead - she used his theology on him
God our Father - loves us and he won't mind if we ask a few times
What kind of Dad does this? - No sane dad, God will never give bad gifts
What am I afraid to ask God for because I beleieve that he will hurt me or curse me?
My prayer - God change my heart to no longer believe the demonic lie that I should not ask for a wife because you will curse me, hurt me, bringing death and horror to my (future) wife, my (future) kids, and myself. Please help me.
Even the best earthly fathers are Evil
"Dad can I havea cupcake?" "No, but I will tazer you!"
Men - acknowledging my sin, repenting fully
Is a great way to exercise my biblical call to lead my family
Will breed repentance, humility, and joy
Good Gifts:
Not prosperity theology, Jesus was a homeless guy
God is encouraging fathers to give good gifts
It a great joy to give your kids good gifts "I love to give good gifts to my kids, but don't act spoiled"
Prayer is Trinitarian:
Jesus talks about God the Father Jesus is teachign about the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit:
He is God - Peter says that Anninias/Suf have grieved the Holy Spirit
He is a person, who can be grieved and made joyful
He is Present - he takes up residence in every Christian
He is helpful, God is imminant and distant simultaneously
Part of God's imminance is shown in the Holy Spirit
We should ask for the Holy Spirit because he loves to help us
Examples of the Ghost's interaction and ministry:
-He guides us to the truth, He opens up the Bible He authored - John
-He will convict the world of Sin - John
Parenting - the goal is to get their heart not to nag them
-He can save me from myself and give me the ability to have love joy peace patence
-The Holy Spirit will give me the words to speak - Luke
-He will help me for whay to pray for - Romans
-Worship by the Spirit, he helps us have the heart to worship - Phillipians
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Date: 9/26/10
Tags: Masculinity, Parenting
Luke 11:5-
Asking for the Holy Spirit
Neighbor asking for food late at night, persistence gets you bread
Culturally it is expected for people to open their doors even late at night to avoid shame and lost face
The point is that even incoragable people will be granted what they need, God who is good and never tired will give even more graciously
Ask so you can get what you need
Story: Tinkerbell wants to watch Tinkerbell, P Mark wanted to watch College Football, but watched her movie instead - she used his theology on him
God our Father - loves us and he won't mind if we ask a few times
What kind of Dad does this? - No sane dad, God will never give bad gifts
What am I afraid to ask God for because I beleieve that he will hurt me or curse me?
My prayer - God change my heart to no longer believe the demonic lie that I should not ask for a wife because you will curse me, hurt me, bringing death and horror to my (future) wife, my (future) kids, and myself. Please help me.
Even the best earthly fathers are Evil
"Dad can I havea cupcake?" "No, but I will tazer you!"
Men - acknowledging my sin, repenting fully
Is a great way to exercise my biblical call to lead my family
Will breed repentance, humility, and joy
Good Gifts:
Not prosperity theology, Jesus was a homeless guy
God is encouraging fathers to give good gifts
It a great joy to give your kids good gifts "I love to give good gifts to my kids, but don't act spoiled"
Prayer is Trinitarian:
Jesus talks about God the Father Jesus is teachign about the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit:
He is God - Peter says that Anninias/Suf have grieved the Holy Spirit
He is a person, who can be grieved and made joyful
He is Present - he takes up residence in every Christian
He is helpful, God is imminant and distant simultaneously
Part of God's imminance is shown in the Holy Spirit
We should ask for the Holy Spirit because he loves to help us
Examples of the Ghost's interaction and ministry:
-He guides us to the truth, He opens up the Bible He authored - John
-He will convict the world of Sin - John
Parenting - the goal is to get their heart not to nag them
-He can save me from myself and give me the ability to have love joy peace patence
-The Holy Spirit will give me the words to speak - Luke
-He will help me for whay to pray for - Romans
-Worship by the Spirit, he helps us have the heart to worship - Phillipians
Christ's Redemption Song 3
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Christ's Redemption Song - 3
God's Declaration of who he is
I AM the Lord
Christ as our Redemption
We are justified by his grace
Jesus dies to Sin
in Sin
Jesus dies for Sin
New Slavery
We start in slavery to Sin
We are now in slavery to God
Ransom - The payment in Jesus' blood for us
The price of redemption is the BLOOD
At the Cross, Jesus' last breath was my first breath of Life
I connot be shamed at the same time enemy is put to shame
So In Christ's putting the enemy to shame I cannot be put to shame
There is NO legal hold on me from Satan
Since I am under the blood of Christ there is NO seperation between God and Me
There is NO shame
There is NO condemnation
The Lie is that being God's childe also allows for anxiety in life
Peace in Christ =>> NO anxiety
Being anxious is my best shot at being/playing God
The darkness reveals that I need God, it is used of God to build intimacy if we only run to God not away
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Christ's Redemption Song - 3
God's Declaration of who he is
I AM the Lord
Christ as our Redemption
We are justified by his grace
Jesus dies to Sin
in Sin
Jesus dies for Sin
New Slavery
We start in slavery to Sin
We are now in slavery to God
Ransom - The payment in Jesus' blood for us
The price of redemption is the BLOOD
At the Cross, Jesus' last breath was my first breath of Life
I connot be shamed at the same time enemy is put to shame
So In Christ's putting the enemy to shame I cannot be put to shame
There is NO legal hold on me from Satan
Since I am under the blood of Christ there is NO seperation between God and Me
There is NO shame
There is NO condemnation
The Lie is that being God's childe also allows for anxiety in life
Peace in Christ =>> NO anxiety
Being anxious is my best shot at being/playing God
The darkness reveals that I need God, it is used of God to build intimacy if we only run to God not away
Christ's Redemption Song 2
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Christ's Redemption Song - 2
We stand right before God only by the rightness of the Son
The big obstacle - me trying to appear right in my own eyes
Corum Dei - Standing before God vs. How I stand before man (being good in m y own eyes)
What ceremonial Law are present in my life?
Jesus dies for God (his sufficient condition for his action) in my place, it was the Father's will to crush him!
Its focus is the key - Toward God? Toward folly?
Exodus - God wanted to have his kids worship him
God's Promise - I willlive in a fallen body, I will have a perfected identity, and suffer daily
God has made dirt holy like Moses at the burning bush where the very ground was made holy
In saying, "I am a bloody mess who needs a savior" is an act of God's grace and in his predestinating salvation i am made into the holyiest place on Earth
The lack of the physically miraculous allows us the grace to have faith in God
Our Worship is the place where we meet with the eternal God
Christ inthe Wild with lack did what Adam could not do with plenty
The temptation that Satan gave to Jesus was that he could avoid the cross
The Lie
That I can be God
Walking on water - same as worshipping Jesus as God in the midst of evil and failure
Out of my vertical relationship with God comes horizontal action
The whole point is to Worship God and everything else will come
We do not have aproblem loving ourselves
Worship starts in the heart - So does Sin, the act is just the manifestation of the heart
We need to worship our way out of Sin - not byactions
God will use it all for my good, Looking back God has used it all in the past for my good he won't stop now
Is God enougth inthe midst of my Pain?
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Christ's Redemption Song - 2
We stand right before God only by the rightness of the Son
The big obstacle - me trying to appear right in my own eyes
Corum Dei - Standing before God vs. How I stand before man (being good in m y own eyes)
What ceremonial Law are present in my life?
Jesus dies for God (his sufficient condition for his action) in my place, it was the Father's will to crush him!
Its focus is the key - Toward God? Toward folly?
Exodus - God wanted to have his kids worship him
God's Promise - I willlive in a fallen body, I will have a perfected identity, and suffer daily
God has made dirt holy like Moses at the burning bush where the very ground was made holy
In saying, "I am a bloody mess who needs a savior" is an act of God's grace and in his predestinating salvation i am made into the holyiest place on Earth
The lack of the physically miraculous allows us the grace to have faith in God
Our Worship is the place where we meet with the eternal God
Christ inthe Wild with lack did what Adam could not do with plenty
The temptation that Satan gave to Jesus was that he could avoid the cross
The Lie
That I can be God
Walking on water - same as worshipping Jesus as God in the midst of evil and failure
Out of my vertical relationship with God comes horizontal action
The whole point is to Worship God and everything else will come
We do not have aproblem loving ourselves
Worship starts in the heart - So does Sin, the act is just the manifestation of the heart
We need to worship our way out of Sin - not byactions
God will use it all for my good, Looking back God has used it all in the past for my good he won't stop now
Is God enougth inthe midst of my Pain?
Christ's Redemption Song
Location: West Seattle Campus
Preacher: James Noreiga
Christ's Redemption Song
Why am I here? What will God give me?
The Exodus Narrative;
God redeemed (to remove out of bandage) his kids
God planned from the beginning to work in the old and new testament to redeem and move us from death to life
Our position in history is so very privileged, we see the story almost completed
What we see and what we live are to discomnnected
What is God's Story and what is my story and how are they integrally connected
God has invited us into his story
He has created me to be part of his story, he is the architect NOT ME
How have I craeted a story where I am th hero and protagonist
God's story is never at risk
The Story of God is redmeption
Whare was God in the suffering? God still works in the midst of evil
Have I allowed the sin that has been commit against me and that I have committed DOES NOT DEFINE ME
There will be perfeced now creation
I am a story in God Story
God has changed the effect that sin has on me
I will find God in the darkest momnets of my life, I will have the comfort of God
God didn't creat evil but he works in the midst of it
There was going to be a famine and God wanted to use Joe to serve and save many, but he had to get Joe too egpyt and the power
Father please let me find you in the middle of the dark times of my life
The Climax
Jesus on the Cross
Sin is dealth with
I stand perfect before God
Jesus is the power of God who allows me to be part of God's Story
I get to be used of God to tell his story
How do I live in my own script
Is God's script enough for me
The enemoes Lies
God has made me one with himself
The lie told to me is an attack on God not on me
I don;t have permission do lsten to leis anymore
Preacher: James Noreiga
Christ's Redemption Song
Why am I here? What will God give me?
The Exodus Narrative;
God redeemed (to remove out of bandage) his kids
God planned from the beginning to work in the old and new testament to redeem and move us from death to life
Our position in history is so very privileged, we see the story almost completed
What we see and what we live are to discomnnected
What is God's Story and what is my story and how are they integrally connected
God has invited us into his story
He has created me to be part of his story, he is the architect NOT ME
How have I craeted a story where I am th hero and protagonist
God's story is never at risk
The Story of God is redmeption
Whare was God in the suffering? God still works in the midst of evil
Have I allowed the sin that has been commit against me and that I have committed DOES NOT DEFINE ME
There will be perfeced now creation
I am a story in God Story
God has changed the effect that sin has on me
I will find God in the darkest momnets of my life, I will have the comfort of God
God didn't creat evil but he works in the midst of it
There was going to be a famine and God wanted to use Joe to serve and save many, but he had to get Joe too egpyt and the power
Father please let me find you in the middle of the dark times of my life
The Climax
Jesus on the Cross
Sin is dealth with
I stand perfect before God
Jesus is the power of God who allows me to be part of God's Story
I get to be used of God to tell his story
How do I live in my own script
Is God's script enough for me
The enemoes Lies
God has made me one with himself
The lie told to me is an attack on God not on me
I don;t have permission do lsten to leis anymore
Mary and Martha
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Luke 10:38-42
Mary and Martha
New Book "Church Planter"
1 - Jesus had foes, fans, and friends:
Jesus chose his friends, there were only a few
2 - His friends ministered to him - Gift of Hospitality
3 - He has single lady friends, unusual for the day,
It was illegal to call anyone brother and sister without blood relationship, due to inheritance rights
4 - Jesus discipled women for ministry, Mary is sitting with men as an official student of Jesus
5 - Siblings in general, sisters specifically, are very different
6 - The church is a family where we annoy each other
Mary: Martha:
Contemplative Active
Word Work
Be-bee Do-bee
Type B Type A
Presence of God Presents for God
Relationship Responsible
Full Heart Full Schedule
Chose the best portion of the two sisters, everything that I will ever do won't equal spending time with Jesus
She is hospitable, had Martha not openned her house Mary couldn't enjoy Jesus
She is distracted by work
She is doing somethign that Jesus didn't ask her to do
She is nagging Jesus, maybe she is single for a reason
Marths wants Mary to be made into [Martha's] image
We ought to have Mary's heart with Martha's hands by God's grace
God created the world and called days a night/day cycle.
Our day is meant to start at evening and when we wake up the day is half done.
Do I have a plan for my sabath?
Which Marys do I need to appologise to for trying to make them into Marthas?
Jesus' Feelings
He misses her, He misses me when I don't spend time with him
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Luke 10:38-42
Mary and Martha
New Book "Church Planter"
1 - Jesus had foes, fans, and friends:
Jesus chose his friends, there were only a few
2 - His friends ministered to him - Gift of Hospitality
3 - He has single lady friends, unusual for the day,
It was illegal to call anyone brother and sister without blood relationship, due to inheritance rights
4 - Jesus discipled women for ministry, Mary is sitting with men as an official student of Jesus
5 - Siblings in general, sisters specifically, are very different
6 - The church is a family where we annoy each other
Mary: Martha:
Contemplative Active
Word Work
Be-bee Do-bee
Type B Type A
Presence of God Presents for God
Relationship Responsible
Full Heart Full Schedule
Chose the best portion of the two sisters, everything that I will ever do won't equal spending time with Jesus
She is hospitable, had Martha not openned her house Mary couldn't enjoy Jesus
She is distracted by work
She is doing somethign that Jesus didn't ask her to do
She is nagging Jesus, maybe she is single for a reason
Marths wants Mary to be made into [Martha's] image
We ought to have Mary's heart with Martha's hands by God's grace
God created the world and called days a night/day cycle.
Our day is meant to start at evening and when we wake up the day is half done.
Do I have a plan for my sabath?
Which Marys do I need to appologise to for trying to make them into Marthas?
Jesus' Feelings
He misses her, He misses me when I don't spend time with him
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Bill Clem
Tags: Compassion, Slavery
Luke 10:25-
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Lawyers are high on the food chain, expert in the Law - Trying to Test (provoke an argument to trap Jesus) Jesus, Asks a personal question
Jesus is not asking this man to do something He hasn't done
Jesus imaging the Father well:
Loving the Father with all his
Loving the Father with all his strength - he even
Jesus is telling him to be prefect by loving the father fully.
The man tries to shrink the world down by asking who his neighbor is
We all get a picture of who someone is by what they wear
Rich guys or Poor guys here there is no indication of the victim's social status
The Father sets a level field for all, so don't treat anyone different based on their garb
James says don't give the best seat to the dude based on wealth
The Priest, Levite, and Samaritan don't know if the guy is rick or not, he is only a beaten human
Priest - doesn't help he isn't at the temple so he doesn't act like a priest
Levite is an assistant to the priest
Mentored by a professional priest to be a professional Levite and not to care for a human
Samaritan - has Compassion (a life changing compulsion to do good and act selflessly)
Two week to a month paid for the man to be cared for
He even provided so that the man can heal uponly to become a slave to pay off the debt
Prefigures Jesus who became spiritually poor so that we could become spiritually rich
Jesus is the Samaritan - he has set us free to be free.
The neighbor turns out not to be the man by rather the Samaritan
Theme - It's not your hand or your desire to be a neighbor it's your heart He is after.
Changed lifes are used by God to Change lives
Preacher: Bill Clem
Tags: Compassion, Slavery
Luke 10:25-
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Lawyers are high on the food chain, expert in the Law - Trying to Test (provoke an argument to trap Jesus) Jesus, Asks a personal question
Jesus is not asking this man to do something He hasn't done
Jesus imaging the Father well:
Loving the Father with all his
Loving the Father with all his strength - he even
Jesus is telling him to be prefect by loving the father fully.
The man tries to shrink the world down by asking who his neighbor is
We all get a picture of who someone is by what they wear
Rich guys or Poor guys here there is no indication of the victim's social status
The Father sets a level field for all, so don't treat anyone different based on their garb
James says don't give the best seat to the dude based on wealth
The Priest, Levite, and Samaritan don't know if the guy is rick or not, he is only a beaten human
Priest - doesn't help he isn't at the temple so he doesn't act like a priest
Levite is an assistant to the priest
Mentored by a professional priest to be a professional Levite and not to care for a human
Samaritan - has Compassion (a life changing compulsion to do good and act selflessly)
Two week to a month paid for the man to be cared for
He even provided so that the man can heal uponly to become a slave to pay off the debt
Prefigures Jesus who became spiritually poor so that we could become spiritually rich
Jesus is the Samaritan - he has set us free to be free.
The neighbor turns out not to be the man by rather the Samaritan
Theme - It's not your hand or your desire to be a neighbor it's your heart He is after.
Changed lifes are used by God to Change lives
Internship Training
Skill set building will be the focus - Equipping
God's Word----->Convictions------->Values------->Priorities------>Living Life (Rythms)
Genesis One
Focus: "God Said" -----> Effect
The Cultural Mandate
Have Dominion over the World
Create Legacy
Have fruitful multiplication
Create Culture
Be a Steward
All of this is a blessing from God for my good
Breakout Discussion - How do I want to make an impact? DREAM BIG
Genesis Three
Two ways to see this temptation:
Tempted by Evil
Tempted by a godly motive (It is a good thing to be like God)
Godly motives can lead to wickedness and rebellion - Stealing food to feed starving family
Results of the Fall
Broken Legacy
Corrupted Culture
Distorted Dominion
What happens if we don't dream God's Dream?
I dream a perverted dream
In the struggle - Innovation occurs
Satan - seed of rebellion - the roten fruit in the fight against God - The tree of lying to the Man and Woman
Satan's Dream
I deserve More
God isn't enough
The nightmare leads to hell and is rooted in Pride
Taking a godly motive and twisting it into crap
God blesses us by convicting and systematicly opposing it
Defiles a person
Sin beneath the Sin
Leads to:
Self Deception - I know what is best
Rejecting of God's Word and Pastors/Shepherds
Rejecting God
Hopelessness - more hope for a fool than for a man who is wise in his own eyes
God Hates Pride
God Opposes the proud
God will destroy what I do in Pride
Drifting from God's Dream and Goal and Purpose
Evidences of Pride
Shame - disgrace and humiliation - God's Grace and Discipline
Distruction - God will tear you down to expose pride, he is not affraid to
What does PRIDE look like during an internship?
I am very important - Self Desception
Distorted idetity - Entitlement
Maybe some of you have been called by God to plant a church TO FAIL?
Selfishness - using the church as a stepping stone
Self-Centeredness - Distorted shepherding, playing politics
Secret Life - double standard when you are away from Mars
Practically how can the threat of Pride be handled?
The Holy Spirit
God's Word
Prayer - acknowledge that God is God and I am not
Genuine Community -
Skill set building will be the focus - Equipping
God's Word----->Convictions------->Values------->Priorities------>Living Life (Rythms)
Genesis One
Focus: "God Said" -----> Effect
The Cultural Mandate
Have Dominion over the World
Create Legacy
Have fruitful multiplication
Create Culture
Be a Steward
All of this is a blessing from God for my good
Breakout Discussion - How do I want to make an impact? DREAM BIG
Genesis Three
Two ways to see this temptation:
Tempted by Evil
Tempted by a godly motive (It is a good thing to be like God)
Godly motives can lead to wickedness and rebellion - Stealing food to feed starving family
Results of the Fall
Broken Legacy
Corrupted Culture
Distorted Dominion
What happens if we don't dream God's Dream?
I dream a perverted dream
In the struggle - Innovation occurs
Satan - seed of rebellion - the roten fruit in the fight against God - The tree of lying to the Man and Woman
Satan's Dream
I deserve More
God isn't enough
The nightmare leads to hell and is rooted in Pride
Taking a godly motive and twisting it into crap
God blesses us by convicting and systematicly opposing it
Defiles a person
Sin beneath the Sin
Leads to:
Self Deception - I know what is best
Rejecting of God's Word and Pastors/Shepherds
Rejecting God
Hopelessness - more hope for a fool than for a man who is wise in his own eyes
God Hates Pride
God Opposes the proud
God will destroy what I do in Pride
Drifting from God's Dream and Goal and Purpose
Evidences of Pride
Shame - disgrace and humiliation - God's Grace and Discipline
Distruction - God will tear you down to expose pride, he is not affraid to
What does PRIDE look like during an internship?
I am very important - Self Desception
Distorted idetity - Entitlement
Maybe some of you have been called by God to plant a church TO FAIL?
Selfishness - using the church as a stepping stone
Self-Centeredness - Distorted shepherding, playing politics
Secret Life - double standard when you are away from Mars
Practically how can the threat of Pride be handled?
The Holy Spirit
God's Word
Prayer - acknowledge that God is God and I am not
Genuine Community -
Jesus asks The Apostles Who am I?
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Bill Clem
Luke 9:18-24
Jesus asks The Apostles Who am I?
Jews had a categoy called Prophet - Too small a category for Jesus - He is Christ
Peter's category for Jesus as Christ was too small and inaccurate
It takes a lot of effort for me to turn down the noise of my existance and turn up the volue on God
Peter says you're the king of the universe, the Christ
Peter feels great about Jesus praising him and gets excited
The Kingdom:
No mroe sea, New city prepared for God's people
God's dwelling with his people as their God
Death is gone, Pain is gone, No more crying
The Kingdom is a now and Not yet:
We live in the kingdom now, but there is more to come when the God of the Multiverse comes and destroys all his enemies and is here with us
Peter's idea of the Christ is coming to kill romans is not correct, Jesus corrects him by telling him the future: rejection, suffering, murder, and raised
Jesus tells Peter that he will die, not kill the Romans
The implication is that since even the best man who has ever lived suffers, we will too
Peter REBUKES Jesus by saying "may it never be"
Jesus says "Get behind me satan" because Peter is standing in the way of the gospel
Peter is expecting to get stuff through the death of Rome and the elevation of the Jewish people, Using Jesus to get stuff
We don't follow Jesusto find comfort
Jesus did not come as a rebel but rather as a reformer in the Jewish faith who faithfully called the religious leaders to change
Peter's "Box" of KING didn't include rejection, suffering, and death so He rebukes Jesus for not submitting to his own conception of King
On the front end Jesus knew the cost and horror of his work and told his disciples yet he still was committed to serve
Jesus is saying to not tell people who I am otherwise they will try to use Jesus to get stuff instead of having Life
Lake City Campus decommissioned
They had to deal with diappointment, was it just a social club or rather where they on mission to serve Jesus regardless of what happens?
Jesus takes away my comfort and will never yield the position of God in my life, yet he will give me everything I need to follow him
Peter is like a kid sent to his room who fails to hear the part about cleaning his room, May os never be"
Jesus is saying "it's not worth it to not follow me"
Jesus' Painted Picture of His Glory
The Father an the holy angels
In Acts Jesus says that the kingdom has come, the Holy Spirit is it, He asks them to go out and live it, the gospel going out is part of experiencing the Kingdom
"Want me more that no pain, no death"
What does the kingdom look like?
People filled with the holy Spirit loving Jesus
Who is it who will not see death before the Kingom comes?
All the Apostles except Judas Iscariot get to see the Holy Spirit Come and thousands worshipping Jesus (Pentacosts - By the end of Acts there are 10,000 people worshipping Jesus
Distortion due to Sin
Change the tint of mour lives and what the World looks like - Then I ask Is the kingdom really here? - Jesus is the suthentication protocol that breaks through the tint of sin and hopelessness
Preacher: Bill Clem
Luke 9:18-24
Jesus asks The Apostles Who am I?
Jews had a categoy called Prophet - Too small a category for Jesus - He is Christ
Peter's category for Jesus as Christ was too small and inaccurate
It takes a lot of effort for me to turn down the noise of my existance and turn up the volue on God
Peter says you're the king of the universe, the Christ
Peter feels great about Jesus praising him and gets excited
The Kingdom:
No mroe sea, New city prepared for God's people
God's dwelling with his people as their God
Death is gone, Pain is gone, No more crying
The Kingdom is a now and Not yet:
We live in the kingdom now, but there is more to come when the God of the Multiverse comes and destroys all his enemies and is here with us
Peter's idea of the Christ is coming to kill romans is not correct, Jesus corrects him by telling him the future: rejection, suffering, murder, and raised
Jesus tells Peter that he will die, not kill the Romans
The implication is that since even the best man who has ever lived suffers, we will too
Peter REBUKES Jesus by saying "may it never be"
Jesus says "Get behind me satan" because Peter is standing in the way of the gospel
Peter is expecting to get stuff through the death of Rome and the elevation of the Jewish people, Using Jesus to get stuff
We don't follow Jesusto find comfort
Jesus did not come as a rebel but rather as a reformer in the Jewish faith who faithfully called the religious leaders to change
Peter's "Box" of KING didn't include rejection, suffering, and death so He rebukes Jesus for not submitting to his own conception of King
On the front end Jesus knew the cost and horror of his work and told his disciples yet he still was committed to serve
Jesus is saying to not tell people who I am otherwise they will try to use Jesus to get stuff instead of having Life
Lake City Campus decommissioned
They had to deal with diappointment, was it just a social club or rather where they on mission to serve Jesus regardless of what happens?
Jesus takes away my comfort and will never yield the position of God in my life, yet he will give me everything I need to follow him
Peter is like a kid sent to his room who fails to hear the part about cleaning his room, May os never be"
Jesus is saying "it's not worth it to not follow me"
Jesus' Painted Picture of His Glory
The Father an the holy angels
In Acts Jesus says that the kingdom has come, the Holy Spirit is it, He asks them to go out and live it, the gospel going out is part of experiencing the Kingdom
"Want me more that no pain, no death"
What does the kingdom look like?
People filled with the holy Spirit loving Jesus
Who is it who will not see death before the Kingom comes?
All the Apostles except Judas Iscariot get to see the Holy Spirit Come and thousands worshipping Jesus (Pentacosts - By the end of Acts there are 10,000 people worshipping Jesus
Distortion due to Sin
Change the tint of mour lives and what the World looks like - Then I ask Is the kingdom really here? - Jesus is the suthentication protocol that breaks through the tint of sin and hopelessness
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Parenting, Silence and Solitude
Luke 9:51
Setting his face toward Jerusalem
Day of resolution to beat satan
Day of reconing, day that hinges his or my life
From Chapter 9 to 19 Jesus gets closer
Isaac and Abraham
Prefiguring the sacarifice of Jesus
Reactions to Jesus
#1 Samaritans - Wanted Jesus to be in second place to their tribe
They reject Jesus and the diciples ask if they get to nuke the Samaritans
The entourage of Jesus 100ish people send messengers ahead to see if they are able to stay in the villages that the group is passing thru
What is your tribe?
They didn't want jesus B/c he will not affirm their tribe, their religion, their system to belief
James and John - They want Fire to come back - Like the guy with the sign "Turn or Burn"
Jesus calls for change, but still is patient with the Samaritans, the disciples, and us
#2 Zealous guy "Jesus before Comfort"
Jesus says Are you gonna be ok with being homeless and broke with me?
He is like a bird without a nest, fox without a hole
Jesus is not trying to lie to get followers, he is honest upfront about how much this life is gonna suck
#3 Guy who wants to bury his father - Placing Security Before Jesus
Lack of compassion?? - A little mean
Is Jesus asking young people to disown their parents and break all ties, join his cult?
His parents are not likely dead - otherwise he would not be with Jesus - He is waiting for his parents to die
As soon as I reach a certain point in Life I will serve Jesus
Jesus knows this guy's heart and wants a sense of urgency
#4Guy who want to say goodbye to his household - Placing the Past before Jesus
Elijah and Elisha, burns his plow to say that his is in it
Jesus know this man's heart, who will not return if he goes back
"Oh I'll just talk to my non-Christian boyfriend before I commit to Jesus" NO!
Looking back regretfully - Double minded - conflicted - Romanticised the past
Still looking back to the sin of the past, Just like
You can't plow a straight row while looking back to the evil of the past
This is me I look back often
Those who look back want to go back - Bishop Reily
Jesus wants us to plow a good row so we can see a great harvest and have Joy
Back at 19 he had that day
Never back slidden toward to sin
Community Group Ibid:
how do i harbor bitteness against my father?
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Parenting, Silence and Solitude
Luke 9:51
Setting his face toward Jerusalem
Day of resolution to beat satan
Day of reconing, day that hinges his or my life
From Chapter 9 to 19 Jesus gets closer
Isaac and Abraham
Prefiguring the sacarifice of Jesus
Reactions to Jesus
#1 Samaritans - Wanted Jesus to be in second place to their tribe
They reject Jesus and the diciples ask if they get to nuke the Samaritans
The entourage of Jesus 100ish people send messengers ahead to see if they are able to stay in the villages that the group is passing thru
What is your tribe?
They didn't want jesus B/c he will not affirm their tribe, their religion, their system to belief
James and John - They want Fire to come back - Like the guy with the sign "Turn or Burn"
Jesus calls for change, but still is patient with the Samaritans, the disciples, and us
#2 Zealous guy "Jesus before Comfort"
Jesus says Are you gonna be ok with being homeless and broke with me?
He is like a bird without a nest, fox without a hole
Jesus is not trying to lie to get followers, he is honest upfront about how much this life is gonna suck
#3 Guy who wants to bury his father - Placing Security Before Jesus
Lack of compassion?? - A little mean
Is Jesus asking young people to disown their parents and break all ties, join his cult?
His parents are not likely dead - otherwise he would not be with Jesus - He is waiting for his parents to die
As soon as I reach a certain point in Life I will serve Jesus
Jesus knows this guy's heart and wants a sense of urgency
#4Guy who want to say goodbye to his household - Placing the Past before Jesus
Elijah and Elisha, burns his plow to say that his is in it
Jesus know this man's heart, who will not return if he goes back
"Oh I'll just talk to my non-Christian boyfriend before I commit to Jesus" NO!
Looking back regretfully - Double minded - conflicted - Romanticised the past
Still looking back to the sin of the past, Just like
You can't plow a straight row while looking back to the evil of the past
This is me I look back often
Those who look back want to go back - Bishop Reily
Jesus wants us to plow a good row so we can see a great harvest and have Joy
Back at 19 he had that day
Never back slidden toward to sin
Community Group Ibid:
how do i harbor bitteness against my father?
The Harvest is Plentiful
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Luke 10:1-16
The Harvest is plentiful
This section is perfect for the prep for the big push in the fall
There are many predestined/pre-christians ready to hear and believe Jesus
God has been working in their hearts before
*Is my disposition selfish with low expectations for non-christians to christians?
Jesus' Strategy for Spreading the Love and truth of Himself to as many and possible
He is a sending and sent God
Sends out his people to reach other people
Sent in teams
12 Apostles and 70 others who are called
There is a bigger picture where many are continued to be reached for Jesus
*Are my expectations low?
The Past year has seen our biggest harvest yet as a Church
The future will be better by God's grace
Jesus asks us to pray to send out more laborers
Goal is 100 more community groups - 300 hosts, apprentices, leaders
Ballard is doing well and growing
West Seattle needs the right campus pastors
Shoreline is maxed out facility wise, bigger locations and replicating the campus twice
Bellvue is packed out, need a bigger location, creating new campuses on the 405 corridor
communityu groups are clustering by location and becoming a new campus
Dawntown is growing hugely, wants to plant a campus in the Rainier Valley usingt the same community group model
University of Washington have grow from a few volunteer to a few community groups, to about 400 hundred, now have a campus
Supreme Court says that a school group cannot discriminate based on sexual orientation there is an opportunity for the new building
Olympia Campus is now the fastest growing campus, new opportunity for more capacity
Every single campus has grown in the last year
Federal Way is doing well
Tacoma Campus? great unifying position for
**Olympia, federal Way, and UW campuses only have 1 elder each
Albuquerque Campus has grown during the summer never before! Bilingual services, need more seats, needs for space, huge CGs, replications
Jesus' method actually works
Acts 29 has planted 300 churches in the US, and more in 13 nations
250,000 people 1000 churches in 6 years
The Bible is right
Follow Your Calling
go out as sheep amoung wolves
Jesus says:
1 Watch out for Wolves
They are about taking people without the accent of the leadership of the Church
Try to manipulate and lie to divide the flock and pick off sheep to use them and abuse them (Doctrinal wolves, Power Hungry wolves, Moral Wolves)
In Pakistan, it is a very offensive to call someone a wolf, the highest insult
Also in Pakistan, a pastor who plants churches, was falsely accused of dissing Mohammed the false prophet, and after being exonotrated was shot to death and so was his brother
2 Seek the Peace and salvatio of Everyone
Sharing the gospel and ending the wrath currently leveled at them
3 Recieve whatever income is given
Strike up conversations with people and love on them
4 Heal the Sick and make the invisble kingdom visble
Casting out demonic oppression, praying that God will heal the sick to show God's Power
Jesus Says don't:
1 Bring money supplies, or food
2 Get distracted in long conversations, talk to people who may have interest in Jesus, look for the low hanging fruit
God my have already been working in their hearts and they would be willing to come to church or CG if only I ask
4 Move around and be hard to find - have a CG in a house and make it easy to find the outpost of that house - as the house fills up, replicate, have a willingness to split
Church Setup
Large gatherings and smaller home groups
There are two kinds of change: (No such thing as stasis)
Growth and harvest
Death and decline
Jesus Looking back on his sending of the 70
Some months later....
God provided didn't He? God is good for it
Taught the new Christians to serve and give
Now take money, pack some clothes, get a weapon
New method: Now Jesus sends them as warriors among wolves
God sends people out in two ways: (1) without supplies and on faith or (2) with backing and resources
*Where Do I serve How do is Give?
It all depends on the mission
Jesus the Strong Prophet
He calls people to repent of sin and then called down judgements on the unrepentent
Today wehave the best opportunity to see him and repent, but how bad will the eternal consequence be for those who don't repent?
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Luke 10:1-16
The Harvest is plentiful
This section is perfect for the prep for the big push in the fall
There are many predestined/pre-christians ready to hear and believe Jesus
God has been working in their hearts before
*Is my disposition selfish with low expectations for non-christians to christians?
Jesus' Strategy for Spreading the Love and truth of Himself to as many and possible
He is a sending and sent God
Sends out his people to reach other people
Sent in teams
12 Apostles and 70 others who are called
There is a bigger picture where many are continued to be reached for Jesus
*Are my expectations low?
The Past year has seen our biggest harvest yet as a Church
The future will be better by God's grace
Jesus asks us to pray to send out more laborers
Goal is 100 more community groups - 300 hosts, apprentices, leaders
Ballard is doing well and growing
West Seattle needs the right campus pastors
Shoreline is maxed out facility wise, bigger locations and replicating the campus twice
Bellvue is packed out, need a bigger location, creating new campuses on the 405 corridor
communityu groups are clustering by location and becoming a new campus
Dawntown is growing hugely, wants to plant a campus in the Rainier Valley usingt the same community group model
University of Washington have grow from a few volunteer to a few community groups, to about 400 hundred, now have a campus
Supreme Court says that a school group cannot discriminate based on sexual orientation there is an opportunity for the new building
Olympia Campus is now the fastest growing campus, new opportunity for more capacity
Every single campus has grown in the last year
Federal Way is doing well
Tacoma Campus? great unifying position for
**Olympia, federal Way, and UW campuses only have 1 elder each
Albuquerque Campus has grown during the summer never before! Bilingual services, need more seats, needs for space, huge CGs, replications
Jesus' method actually works
Acts 29 has planted 300 churches in the US, and more in 13 nations
250,000 people 1000 churches in 6 years
The Bible is right
Follow Your Calling
go out as sheep amoung wolves
Jesus says:
1 Watch out for Wolves
They are about taking people without the accent of the leadership of the Church
Try to manipulate and lie to divide the flock and pick off sheep to use them and abuse them (Doctrinal wolves, Power Hungry wolves, Moral Wolves)
In Pakistan, it is a very offensive to call someone a wolf, the highest insult
Also in Pakistan, a pastor who plants churches, was falsely accused of dissing Mohammed the false prophet, and after being exonotrated was shot to death and so was his brother
2 Seek the Peace and salvatio of Everyone
Sharing the gospel and ending the wrath currently leveled at them
3 Recieve whatever income is given
Strike up conversations with people and love on them
4 Heal the Sick and make the invisble kingdom visble
Casting out demonic oppression, praying that God will heal the sick to show God's Power
Jesus Says don't:
1 Bring money supplies, or food
2 Get distracted in long conversations, talk to people who may have interest in Jesus, look for the low hanging fruit
God my have already been working in their hearts and they would be willing to come to church or CG if only I ask
4 Move around and be hard to find - have a CG in a house and make it easy to find the outpost of that house - as the house fills up, replicate, have a willingness to split
Church Setup
Large gatherings and smaller home groups
There are two kinds of change: (No such thing as stasis)
Growth and harvest
Death and decline
Jesus Looking back on his sending of the 70
Some months later....
God provided didn't He? God is good for it
Taught the new Christians to serve and give
Now take money, pack some clothes, get a weapon
New method: Now Jesus sends them as warriors among wolves
God sends people out in two ways: (1) without supplies and on faith or (2) with backing and resources
*Where Do I serve How do is Give?
It all depends on the mission
Jesus the Strong Prophet
He calls people to repent of sin and then called down judgements on the unrepentent
Today wehave the best opportunity to see him and repent, but how bad will the eternal consequence be for those who don't repent?
True Greatness
Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Parenting, Silence and Solitude
Luke 9:46-50
True Greatness
The disciples are having a conversation about who is the most awesome, while with Jesus
Jesus sees the inspiration (that came from him and hanging out with him) for greatness in his men and directs it toward a noble means to that end
Responding to Culture:
Common grace
Christian Crack, etc lol
Sex, Arts, Technology
Options for Responding to the world's Defn of Greatness - Rejection
#1 Receive Greatness
Being famous is being great, narcissism - I am the center of the universe, my appearence, my self esteem, me me me
We are created to be mirrors not to look at a mirror
How many people view my Blog? My channel on You Tube?
How many people seek their own glory? How do I do this?
2 Extreme, self destructive, behavior gets you famous - Body image, anorexity,
Cutting, reality TV pushing the limits 320 today
3 People adopting celebrity behavior
4 Social Media promotes this
Dr Drew - Celebrities rely on the mirror
Pew Research Center 51% of 18-25yrolds saying being famous is the most important life pursuit
Lawrence Fishburne's Kid has her own porn film - Her goal is to be fammous
The Christian version of this is to believe that God is only there to bless me and make me into a winner, to be famous, to be really great
#2 Reject Greatness
I don't want to be great - in the name of false humility some pursue
No plan , no aggressiveness, living in the past,
The end is failure - The decision to not try
For Me I don't even look for the lady who could be my wife in the name of false humility and comfort.
Do I really not want to be a good man, good friend, good student?
I just figure that will be my end result so I fail to put in my best effort in my pursuit of my personal career
#3 Redeem Greatness
Jesus said to the disciples that they should pursue greatness by being llike a little kid
Kids were not highly valued in that day, couldn't be taught the holy scriptures - Just like our day, we abort the kids who get in the way of our greatness
Jesus' advice
Redeeming Greatness
G - Glorifying God alone
We are joyful, others are loved, God is glorified - Everyone Wins
Now people aren't used, they are loved
R - Reject unhealthy comparisons to others
Learn from wise people without unhealthily comparing myself to them
Comparing leads to depression and the breakdown of community
E - Enjoy Serving the Outcaste
A - Accept my life and Do my Best - Have aspirations and dreams, but accept what God gives and run as hard as possible with his blessings
T - Take Opportunities to Redeem my Ambitions
Why am I pouring myself into what I pursue?
Rejoicing in others Greatness
Jesus tells the disciples to not fight those who are opposing satan and casting our demons
Be glad that God is getting glory even if they are on a different team/denomination/church
Transition toward Jesus settig his face toward the cross
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Parenting, Silence and Solitude
Luke 9:46-50
True Greatness
The disciples are having a conversation about who is the most awesome, while with Jesus
Jesus sees the inspiration (that came from him and hanging out with him) for greatness in his men and directs it toward a noble means to that end
Responding to Culture:
Common grace
Christian Crack, etc lol
Sex, Arts, Technology
Options for Responding to the world's Defn of Greatness - Rejection
#1 Receive Greatness
Being famous is being great, narcissism - I am the center of the universe, my appearence, my self esteem, me me me
We are created to be mirrors not to look at a mirror
How many people view my Blog? My channel on You Tube?
How many people seek their own glory? How do I do this?
2 Extreme, self destructive, behavior gets you famous - Body image, anorexity,
Cutting, reality TV pushing the limits 320 today
3 People adopting celebrity behavior
4 Social Media promotes this
Dr Drew - Celebrities rely on the mirror
Pew Research Center 51% of 18-25yrolds saying being famous is the most important life pursuit
Lawrence Fishburne's Kid has her own porn film - Her goal is to be fammous
The Christian version of this is to believe that God is only there to bless me and make me into a winner, to be famous, to be really great
#2 Reject Greatness
I don't want to be great - in the name of false humility some pursue
No plan , no aggressiveness, living in the past,
The end is failure - The decision to not try
For Me I don't even look for the lady who could be my wife in the name of false humility and comfort.
Do I really not want to be a good man, good friend, good student?
I just figure that will be my end result so I fail to put in my best effort in my pursuit of my personal career
#3 Redeem Greatness
Jesus said to the disciples that they should pursue greatness by being llike a little kid
Kids were not highly valued in that day, couldn't be taught the holy scriptures - Just like our day, we abort the kids who get in the way of our greatness
Jesus' advice
Redeeming Greatness
G - Glorifying God alone
We are joyful, others are loved, God is glorified - Everyone Wins
Now people aren't used, they are loved
R - Reject unhealthy comparisons to others
Learn from wise people without unhealthily comparing myself to them
Comparing leads to depression and the breakdown of community
E - Enjoy Serving the Outcaste
A - Accept my life and Do my Best - Have aspirations and dreams, but accept what God gives and run as hard as possible with his blessings
T - Take Opportunities to Redeem my Ambitions
Why am I pouring myself into what I pursue?
Rejoicing in others Greatness
Jesus tells the disciples to not fight those who are opposing satan and casting our demons
Be glad that God is getting glory even if they are on a different team/denomination/church
Transition toward Jesus settig his face toward the cross
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