Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Bill Clem
Luke 9:18-24
Jesus asks The Apostles Who am I?
Jews had a categoy called Prophet - Too small a category for Jesus - He is Christ
Peter's category for Jesus as Christ was too small and inaccurate
It takes a lot of effort for me to turn down the noise of my existance and turn up the volue on God
Peter says you're the king of the universe, the Christ
Peter feels great about Jesus praising him and gets excited
The Kingdom:
No mroe sea, New city prepared for God's people
God's dwelling with his people as their God
Death is gone, Pain is gone, No more crying
The Kingdom is a now and Not yet:
We live in the kingdom now, but there is more to come when the God of the Multiverse comes and destroys all his enemies and is here with us
Peter's idea of the Christ is coming to kill romans is not correct, Jesus corrects him by telling him the future: rejection, suffering, murder, and raised
Jesus tells Peter that he will die, not kill the Romans
The implication is that since even the best man who has ever lived suffers, we will too
Peter REBUKES Jesus by saying "may it never be"
Jesus says "Get behind me satan" because Peter is standing in the way of the gospel
Peter is expecting to get stuff through the death of Rome and the elevation of the Jewish people, Using Jesus to get stuff
We don't follow Jesusto find comfort
Jesus did not come as a rebel but rather as a reformer in the Jewish faith who faithfully called the religious leaders to change
Peter's "Box" of KING didn't include rejection, suffering, and death so He rebukes Jesus for not submitting to his own conception of King
On the front end Jesus knew the cost and horror of his work and told his disciples yet he still was committed to serve
Jesus is saying to not tell people who I am otherwise they will try to use Jesus to get stuff instead of having Life
Lake City Campus decommissioned
They had to deal with diappointment, was it just a social club or rather where they on mission to serve Jesus regardless of what happens?
Jesus takes away my comfort and will never yield the position of God in my life, yet he will give me everything I need to follow him
Peter is like a kid sent to his room who fails to hear the part about cleaning his room, May os never be"
Jesus is saying "it's not worth it to not follow me"
Jesus' Painted Picture of His Glory
The Father an the holy angels
In Acts Jesus says that the kingdom has come, the Holy Spirit is it, He asks them to go out and live it, the gospel going out is part of experiencing the Kingdom
"Want me more that no pain, no death"
What does the kingdom look like?
People filled with the holy Spirit loving Jesus
Who is it who will not see death before the Kingom comes?
All the Apostles except Judas Iscariot get to see the Holy Spirit Come and thousands worshipping Jesus (Pentacosts - By the end of Acts there are 10,000 people worshipping Jesus
Distortion due to Sin
Change the tint of mour lives and what the World looks like - Then I ask Is the kingdom really here? - Jesus is the suthentication protocol that breaks through the tint of sin and hopelessness
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