This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

RT - Lecture#3

Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Brian Chapel
Notes 2/11/11 – Lecture #3
John Brotis the father of expository preaching
The pieces of a sermon
Exposition, Illustration,
Exposition – Shedding light on a path that leads to god’s word
The best preaching show people that the Bible is open and understandable to anyone
Presenting the meaning of scripture so it can be understood and applied
Jesus expounded all the scriptures all the stuff about him
Openning a door so people can see the truth
Ezra explained to the people what the text means so people could see truth, he literally translated it from Hebrew to the people who had lost their language
A right biblical understanding of the ancient practice of God’s communication with his people

In an oral medium the best is saved for last, in a written medium the best is served first, thus the order of the verses in a passage are not binding, but truth is key
Exposition is more than explanation – you must show what it looks like to apply the concept in the text: Explanation, Illustration, and application
This is what is means, this is an example of how it has worked in my or this other person, this is what it means in your life
Deductive Method - …

Illustrative material – Stats can be used, Quotations also (the shorter the better), Imagistic language (picture images), and of course small stories (not a reference to a story) the full story.
All of life is material for illustrations, looking for material in advance
Contemporary accounts, Historical accounts and Biblical accounts – All forms of illustrations
Illustrations connect principles to concrete reality, even simple principle, Illustrations are not principly to clarify they are to motivate people to action
The Bible’s genius is that God gives principles and then teases them out in real people’s lives over centuries
Danger – lack or excess of illustrations

Application – putting truth into life, the goal is to see life transformation, pastor must know his people so the application is specific and helpful
Standard categories
1 - Instructional specificity – what to do
2 – Situational Specificity – where would this make a difference, I love you enough to know you
3 – Enablement – How to apply the application
4 – Providing proper motivation – the right things for the wrong reason are wrong
Application is the culmination of the explanation and illustration in a sermon
Hugenots denied Explanation
Reformed folks tend to dislike illustration, don’t confuse my preaching with entertainment

All sermons needs to contain all three: Explanation, Illustration, and application
Modern integration in sermons:
Main point
Main point 2
The last point would then be the most powerful

The Holy Spirit is actively transforming people during the sermon
Starting with a joke bleeds trust unless there was a connection to a main point. Raise the emotional hammer to drive a good point hard builds interest and trust
The specific an illustration the more powerful the impact, connecting the listener to the event.
A grouping statement – right after the story, reaching into the illustration to get the truth out of it
Ebenezer – stone of help

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