Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher:Mark Driscoll
Tags: Forgiveness, Parable, Pride
Financial Report, Church Planting Report
Bellevue: New Church location Open House June 13th
U Campus: Old Baptist Church new location, good terms
Luke 7:36 - 8:3
Jesus Forgives a Sinful Woman "Jesus rebukes the religious guy and loves the needy sinner"
A nortious sinner in the community, living in a very religious community where she is an outcast, everyone kows her, being seen with her is shameful in everyone's eyes
Meal at a pharisee's (like a community group leader) house:
Men's only meal with everyone reclined, feet outward, prolonged dialogue, pillows arround the table to recline on
Two people's Reactions to Jesus
1. Sinful Woman gets an alabaster flask of perfune and walks to the religious meal, uninvited
She is fearless, over comes fear of man, the men would have been shocked at her presense (sp?)
She is generous and thoughtful, considerate of others' needs, she notices jesus' feet and dirty
She was overcome with her sin and started to weep, it was not intentional cry,
She didn't plan on this happening (didn't bring a towel) so she used her hair (Paul says this is her glory)
Talmud equates letting her hair down with taking off her shirt (the religious rules of propriety of the day, justification for divorce)
She is passionate but not erotic
She is lavishly generous, using expensive oil (used for the head) on his feet
Her tears (Luther calls them heart water) are an outward indication of her hearts brokeness
She is repenting of her sins
Her kissing his feet is deep meaningful worship (one example of worship is falling to her knees)
Why if Jesus loves us should we give anything, serve in anyway?
this questions is the same as a wife on her wedding day who says "oh so I can commit adultery now" right after her husband just swore to love her no mater what and will never divorce her.
2. Religious guy says in his heart that Jesus is not a prophet
Rebuked publicly in a parable
His sin is:
Judging her as bad and himself as good, Jesus says actually your bad too
Condeming the obviously sinful woman who wants help not more vemon
Parable (Super simple, taking simon back to Kindergarten):
The religious guy is the man who is 50 common days wages in debt
The sinful woman is the one who is indebted 500 common days wages and she is more excited by her forgiveness
Jesus says "DUH" to Simon's right answer
How in debt am I? Either I pay it back to God forever or Jesus pays it all, Death
No one would make this up = the distance between us and God is repentance
Relgious guys say, "Lets write this story: we get shown up but a stripper and we murder God"
Jesus looks right at her but speaks to Simon (defends her honor and integrity, she gets strength from his gaze), Do you see her? Really, she is a broken image bearer of God, you just see a whore
Do I condemn the religious guy, only to be the hypocritical judgemental religious guy?
Jesus doesn't say oh she had a bad life, molested, raped, No, he says her sins are many.
He gives her dignity back by forgiving her and loving her so she can go live a new life
She probably expected to hear a religious guy judge her and rebuke her
Religious guys ask a theological question instead of rejoicing in her freedom and forgiveness
They are living in their heads
Women and Jesus:
They paid the bills, they were apointed to leadership (not senior leadership), these women didn't have the best past (demons, injured, non-jews)
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