Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Parenting, Silence and Solitude
Luke 9:25-36
Jesus' Transfiguration
Video at Golan Heights
Jesus in Glory, the third most emphasized attribute of God
The Splendor, radiance, weightiness, prominence, majesty, purity, worthiness, superioity of God
Every once in a while God reveals his golry in majesty
Fire, Cloud, Revelation, Jesus' Assention, Miriacles
Shakina Glory - Jewish Rabi(s) used this language to describe God to the people
Exodus - God Shows up in the form of the Cloud and the pillar of Fire - examples og God's glory
Moses - saw God's Glry
He radiated the Glory of God just from being in the prescence of God
Fire as the
Parenting: Use campfires as a great example of God's Glory - Let my kid burn stuff, in a safe way
We are called to be sticks for God's Fire to radiate God's Glory to the world
The Tabernacle and the Temple:
God Dwelling with his people so he can be with them
Ezeikiel# God withdrew - Ichabod "the glory og God has departed" - floowing the idolatry f his people
In Luke when the angels reveal that The Chrits has come, this is first time that God has returned his Glory to Israel in 600 years
Jesus is the godman who has come not only to be glory but the reveal glory
The Mount
Jesus takes his three senior leader to go with him
Jesus is taking time of silence and solitude to be refreshed and to be connected to his father
After a 600 year break here comes God's Glory
Perfect community in perfect glory
He saw the Lord in Glory exalted and his massive robe, with all the angels worshipping
Who did see? - John said that Isaiah saw Jesus ruling a reigning before he come to be with us
Jesus tranfiguration is a foretelling of his resurrection Glory and even his sick return to Earth with his tatoo and Blood dipped robe and his army - Freakin sweet
Moses and Elijah show how we will reflect the radiance of God
LAW Moses' work
Show how much we need Jesus because of our total depravity
He was burried by God lovingly
PROPHETS Elijah's awesomeness
All about how Jesus is coming and will bring the kingdom
He was carried up to heaven in a chariot
May be making a reference to the feast of Tabernacle
He is trying to maintain a mountain top experience with God, never move on to what god would have for you next
Danger - It is a sin for me to continue to pursue the same gloryious experiences instead of rejoicing and continuing to follow him
Methodologies become Methodolatries
Here is my chosen one, this God man, My Son
The disciples keep quiet about it and not tell about this event
Echoing the baptism declaration - The most authoratative statement of Jesus and who is is and what is he here for
Jesus is the image of the invisible God
Peter says for we didn't follow some myths, we just are saying what we saw and heard
the mountain was made holy because Jesus was on it
We have an even more sure thing than even seeing it and being there at that mountain
BIBLE - the only perfect thing, the Most glorious thing on the planet
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