This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jesus Sends Out the Apostles

Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Justin Holcomb
Tags: Parenting
Luke 9:1-9
Jesus Sends Out the Apostles
Pastor dad with 2 kids (one in vitro) - Baby sign language?
More (two hands together), All done (shaking two hands), animal creatures signs, stop
Theme: Power and Authority - delegated (bestowed) to the disciples
This comes after a comprehensive list of examples of Jesus' Power and Authority
Jesus Calls Gives and Sends
Jesus' pattern is similar to a spiral that continually gains momentum, think of a limiting argument in a log normal scale free system
Image: God is prying evil's grip on creation in Luke 8
The commissioning makes us objects of mercy and then an agent in the undoing of evil
The Sending comes with a message and the authority shown through the miracles
Forgiveness and love, counter to the perfection only message of condemnation from the religious leaders of their day
Good news image: The king on a battlefield who sends back a messenger:
1 - Sends back a man who says that we lost, here is some advice on how to fight for your life - self righteous religion
2 - Sends back a gospel-er who says live your life and be joyful that someone else died fro your freedom and life - Jesus
Disciples dependence on Jesus as they went
This allows us (them) to see all the grace that God showers
They were told to make no provision for their lives, the result was great success and healing and impacted Herod
Herod's Reaction to all the News
He pointed to his own power and authority in John's death
He ended up moking the man with all the real power and authority
I believe Law 5 of the Authoruty list, I guard my reputation closely, I am aftraid to be open in community
The Cross:
Gods power to share in my suffering
Power of God to take away any condemnation
" To clear your conscience
" To give you eternal life
" reconcil me on my right;y wrathful against me
" to free us from slavery of sin
" to give you hope, he will complete his good work
" to show you that what others mean for evil God will use for good
We have no power outside of the cross to help ourselves

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