This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Asking for the Holy Spirit

Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Date: 9/26/10
Tags: Masculinity, Parenting
Luke 11:5-
Asking for the Holy Spirit
Neighbor asking for food late at night, persistence gets you bread
Culturally it is expected for people to open their doors even late at night to avoid shame and lost face
The point is that even incoragable people will be granted what they need, God who is good and never tired will give even more graciously
Ask so you can get what you need
Story: Tinkerbell wants to watch Tinkerbell, P Mark wanted to watch College Football, but watched her movie instead - she used his theology on him
God our Father - loves us and he won't mind if we ask a few times
What kind of Dad does this? - No sane dad, God will never give bad gifts
What am I afraid to ask God for because I beleieve that he will hurt me or curse me?
My prayer - God change my heart to no longer believe the demonic lie that I should not ask for a wife because you will curse me, hurt me, bringing death and horror to my (future) wife, my (future) kids, and myself. Please help me.
Even the best earthly fathers are Evil
"Dad can I havea cupcake?" "No, but I will tazer you!"
Men - acknowledging my sin, repenting fully
Is a great way to exercise my biblical call to lead my family
Will breed repentance, humility, and joy
Good Gifts:
Not prosperity theology, Jesus was a homeless guy
God is encouraging fathers to give good gifts
It a great joy to give your kids good gifts "I love to give good gifts to my kids, but don't act spoiled"
Prayer is Trinitarian:
Jesus talks about God the Father Jesus is teachign about the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit:
He is God - Peter says that Anninias/Suf have grieved the Holy Spirit
He is a person, who can be grieved and made joyful
He is Present - he takes up residence in every Christian
He is helpful, God is imminant and distant simultaneously
Part of God's imminance is shown in the Holy Spirit
We should ask for the Holy Spirit because he loves to help us
Examples of the Ghost's interaction and ministry:
-He guides us to the truth, He opens up the Bible He authored - John
-He will convict the world of Sin - John
Parenting - the goal is to get their heart not to nag them
-He can save me from myself and give me the ability to have love joy peace patence
-The Holy Spirit will give me the words to speak - Luke
-He will help me for whay to pray for - Romans
-Worship by the Spirit, he helps us have the heart to worship - Phillipians

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