This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jesus Cleanses a Woman

Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Bubba Jennings
Tags: Parenting, Faith, Expiation
Luke 8:40-56
Jesus Cleanses....
This day comes on the back of the storm and the naked demon-possessed guy
The Crowd is waiting on the shore for Jesus
Jairus (a pastor) falls at Jesus' feet - desperately begging for help for his only daughter
Parenting: A daughter is a great and awesom treasure from God
Schedule out time and let her know that I really want to spend time with her even when she is old
Try to be attentive as much as possible
Ministry is just like this - all these people with needs, but there is a dying girl, Jesus has to decide who to help and who to spend time with
The Bleeding Woman
Then there is a woman who has been bleeding for 12 years, spent all her money on cures that have failed - Jesus wants to help the little girl but there so many needs
She was declared to be ceremonially unclean - no human contact for 12 years, no hugs, no hands laid on for prayer, nothing - she is suffering in isolation
She was forbidden to attend Yom Kippur and the Expiation Ceremony
She is like shut-ins today who are isolated and suffer alone
She breaks the ceremonial law by being near a crowd and by touching someone
She touches Jesus demonstrating her faith
Faith is reaching out to Jesus
When she touches Jesus, she doesn't make Him unclean - He makes her clean
He has Foot-in-mouth disease, saying stupid stuff like I do
Bleeding Woman
She is scared when she is called out, will God reject her, will punishment ensue
She is the only woman who is called "daughter" by Jesus
She might not have a father who loves her and is there for her
Jesus fills the role of father, he showers her with dignity and love
She gets her life back, she is no longer unclean
She is Forgiven and Cleansed
Expiation - God the Father through God the Son takes away our sin
Rape victims seek a shower to take away the defilement but the water doesn't go deep enough
Yom Kippur
Scape Goat takes away the Sin and maybe chased out of town to make sure it leaves forever
Dead Sheep is slaughtered showing that atonment for our sin is made, sin requires death to repay
Jesus is that Yom Kippur for all people
By reaching out to Jesus in Faith and having Him take my sins and having him take away my sin
The Dying Daughter
She Dies
Her father could even be there, He must have experienced (from Ashley)
Never Stop Crying
Will fear dictate your future Jairus?
Jesus clears out the room, brings in the 3 disciples
Jesus says she is "Sleeping" - Biblical euphamism for the death of a believer
It is as easy for God to raise a believer physically from death as it is for a father to wake up a child from a nap
The first touch she feels is Jesus and the first face she sees - The same is true for all believers who will be raised in the end
After Resurrection there is feasting - just like on that day
Jesus asks them not to speak of this, so he might not be swamped with requests for resurrections, his primary ministry was preching and teaching
God let me live out of Fairht Not Fear

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