This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jesus Feeds the 5,000 Men

Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Bill Clem
Tags: God Testing
Luke 9:11-17
Jesus Feeds the 5,000 Men
Jesus' heart contrasted with the disciples
mentioned in all 4 gospels
Jesus is on his day off and 20,000 people show up and he is not bitter or frustrated, he welcomes all the people
Jesus doesn't have the job of welcomeing and being nice to us, he wants us to be with him, he loves and loves to love
Jesus looks out at his people and say they are as sheep without a shepherd, His heart is one of care and love and compassion
He doesn't want me to be adrift and unloved, he desires what the Father wants - "I will be your God and you will be my people"
This event comes on the heel of the disciples healing, casting out demons, and spreading the message
Apostles act like they need to protect Jesus
The little children
God Testing Philip:
Philip is tested by Jesus' question, fails to point to Faith and trust in God's miraculious power
He defaults to a natural way of viewing life: let them provide for themselves, cynically he says even with ~$26k we couldn't even give everyone a morsel, he tries to manage the situation
The commentators make cynical excuses to avoid a supernatural explanantion
1 - He modled sharing to the people and then others shared too - But they wanted Jesus to be king right after this
2 - Rich women bought the food and gave it
3 - Jesus ripped up 2 fishes and 5 loaves into 20,000 pieces
4 - Alagorical
5 - Jesus hypnotized the crowd and tricked them into believing a lie
Cynical - bitterness and withdrawal from community, defense against the pain of a loss
Danger: My natural default is cynicism and disbelief, I love to self sabotage so my hopes are not dashed by future failure or disappointment
God gives us tests so we can pass them not to be cruel and crush me
He wants us to grow in our faith through the test
Managing the situation - God is Wild we can't control him or manage him
Bear story in Canada on the Elder's Retreat
What happens when we are Saved (11 things)
1 Redeemed from the sin
2 Reconciled with God
3 All my sins are Forgiven by God
4 Adopted by God
5 Accepted by God
6 Justified by Jesus
7 Delivered from the power of darkness, we forget this when we believe lies
8 Granted access to God
9 We recieve an inheritance
10 We have been invited to come with confidence to enter the throne roomof God
11 We become the light of the World
What if that were the story of everyone here, outside
How quickly we drift to a manageable target
Luke 11 - Ask and it will be given, kock and it will be open, ask for the holy spirit and the Father will give him
Soren Kirkegard's Parable
Duck congregation waddled into duck church
Pastor duck shares what he has learned in his duck bible
Ducks can fly and the pastor flies arouind
How tragic that they could be inspired but not changed and transformed by the truth they have heard - They left skeptics with managable lives

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