This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Jesus And Fasting

Location: West Seattle Campus
Preacher:Adam Sinnett
The Blame for Crucifixion:
Romans Executed Him
Jews had Him Killled
Judas betrayed Him to Death
We killed Him with my sin
He killed Himself - He layed down his life, no one could take it from Him
God killed Jesus - Ish. God's will to cruch Him

We are so bad that God had to die for us

Good Friday - April 2nd, become all things to all men so that by all means as many and possible may meet Jesus

Luke 5:33-39
Christianity believed to be boring and unimportant story
If this story is dull and irrelevant what is appropriate to be called exciting?

Dorthy Sayers "The people who killed Jesus did not call him boring but rather a dangerous firebrand" "pairing the Lion of Judah's claws" "Jesus throwing furniture" "Emphatically not a dull man, God mustn't be dull eitther" "They did away with God in teh name od peace and quietness"
Any culpability for making Christianity Boring lies with US His followers not with Jesus

Fasting - wasseen as a central act that must be partaken by serious religious people
Jesus disciples are accused of being not serious religious people
The pharisees would make themself look bad, pale, and as unhappy as possible
Bridegroom's Presence and Absence:
Why talk about a wedding when the question is about fasting
1 Calling himself the Bridegroom
Isaiah 54:5, 62:5, Jeremiah 31:31-32
God as Israel's husband, Jesus references these passages
2 Extends relationship to his people
Marriage created to reflect God's relationship with his people
a Permanent love committment to his people, Never ends, unndying
Hard for me to feel/trust this
b Exclusive Love commmittment
God's Jealous Love for his people, He wants our safety
c Completeing Love, I need Him and he alone can fill my deep est needs
Result: We are transformed by these things to Joy
Luther: "If a Christian is not cheerful then He being tempted by the devil"
Paul: speaks for joy and being known by God despite being almost totally destroyed
Do I let my life determine my Joy? Or do I get my Joy from Christ's Conquest/Committment?
Cloth Parable:
The New one is ruined (by taking the cut from it) and so is the old one (when the cloth contracts it is torn"
Wine Skin Parable;
New wine is ruined when the Old wine skin breaks
Old: Self Righteous Religion
People on the Street's view of Christian Priciples/Beliefs
c Trinity, an incomprehensible
d God's view of Sex, boring and unpleasant
e Church's view of Sin, barring anything fun
f Faith, shutting your eyes to scientific fact
g 7 Christianty Virtues, being boring and sad
New: Christ centered grace-based life
Luke 4:18-21, 31...
Quote from Isaiah, fullfilled, set captive free, liberty freely given
Freedom granted, healing given, demonic bondage broken
Shows: God has come to make all things new (New Cloth, New Wine)
Isaiah 43:18-19
God bringing newness, old passes away
Isaiah 42:9
New things have come
It is not possible to blend the NEW with the OLD
People Prefer the taste of the OLD to the taste of the NEW
Jesus' warning: Beware of trusting in the OLD for the sake of tradition, Trust in Me the NEW

We are to be agents of Chirst's Renewal
Revelation 19
Great Multitude, marriage of the lamb has come, New Garments, All things made New
What is my first step towards a joyous life? Where do I need to Repent?

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