Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Luke 10:38-42
Mary and Martha
New Book "Church Planter"
1 - Jesus had foes, fans, and friends:
Jesus chose his friends, there were only a few
2 - His friends ministered to him - Gift of Hospitality
3 - He has single lady friends, unusual for the day,
It was illegal to call anyone brother and sister without blood relationship, due to inheritance rights
4 - Jesus discipled women for ministry, Mary is sitting with men as an official student of Jesus
5 - Siblings in general, sisters specifically, are very different
6 - The church is a family where we annoy each other
Mary: Martha:
Contemplative Active
Word Work
Be-bee Do-bee
Type B Type A
Presence of God Presents for God
Relationship Responsible
Full Heart Full Schedule
Chose the best portion of the two sisters, everything that I will ever do won't equal spending time with Jesus
She is hospitable, had Martha not openned her house Mary couldn't enjoy Jesus
She is distracted by work
She is doing somethign that Jesus didn't ask her to do
She is nagging Jesus, maybe she is single for a reason
Marths wants Mary to be made into [Martha's] image
We ought to have Mary's heart with Martha's hands by God's grace
God created the world and called days a night/day cycle.
Our day is meant to start at evening and when we wake up the day is half done.
Do I have a plan for my sabath?
Which Marys do I need to appologise to for trying to make them into Marthas?
Jesus' Feelings
He misses her, He misses me when I don't spend time with him
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