This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Jesus' True Family

Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher:Mark Driscoll
Least Churched to 5th least churched city in America
New campuses:
UW campus is going to meet at a perminent facility, 2 appartment, kitchen, 2.5 million
Bellevue, outgrown the space, new digs seats 800-1000, next Sunday Feb 2011 opening
Congregation next to Woodland Park Zoo, 70-80 yr old church (Mars Hill Phinney) Great elder on site, Trainning center for Seattle Redemption, childrens, etc. they will vote next Sunday
Luke 8:16-21
Jesus' True Family
Identity results in activity NOT activity results in identity
Our identity is determined by what Jesus has done
Then our desicions and life reflect Jesus' work and power being shown through us for our joy
In the World, Be Light
The Power and Precense of God takes up residence in us, light comes from Jesus and is shown through us
Our identity is Light, our activity is Shine, our Proclivity is to hide (fear of the darkness' responce)
LIE: faith is personal and private it should not be shared with anyone
TRUTH: God's love makes all human life sacred, the environment should be stewarded well
HYPOCRACY: Concealing my light from certain people out of fear of retaliation, fear of man, fear of offending
Who am I concealing my light from?
Throwing logs on my light:
The skill of listening carefully (also an act of worship)
Reading Bible
Preaching MP3
Dialoguing in CG
Sermons: George Whitfield Scott's tips on how to listen to a sermon in the right way:
1 Come with the sincere desire to learn and to obey
2 Don't get distracted, with tech or others
3 Don't get offended by the preacher (don't obssessed with what the preacher says and
4 Don't depend too much on one preacher danger of a heretic, take the good from many preachers and teachers, all for the sake of transformation
5 Make particular applications to your heart of the word being preached (Danger of repenting of other people's sin) (religious repentance)
6 Pray before during and after every sermon (prepare our hearts, for the preacher, for the other's who will download later)
Sin in my life will block my light, all my sin will be fully revealed, so why not get it all out in the open,
In the Church Serve like family
Catholic observation about Mary's eternal virginity is wrong
Jesus was really hard to get to him
Jesus' mom and bros couldn't get close to him
Mark reports that Mary and Jesus' Brothers came to him to stop preaching and come home
Jesus maybe exhorting his earthly family to join his spiritual family
Identity: is family with God as father
Look to the Bible for the perfectly loving father and judge my own father by that standard and my own eventual fatherhood
Others in the church are brothers and sisters, under Roman rule it was illegal to call someone 'brother' who was not, Christians said screw that
Identity is Familty
Activity is service
Church doesn't feel like family until you get to serving

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