Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Bill Clem
Luke 9:1-9
Jesus Sends Out the Apostles
Cults/Foolish Ideas that have duped people:
Marshall Applewhite the Heaven's Gate Suicides
Jim Jones and his 8,000 person church
Prominent figure, took 1,000 people to British Ghana by force
He attacked the fact finding team and took out their plane
1,000 people commmitted a mass suicide (250 kids)
Parenting tips from expesive plan: foolish crap
All seem to market toward peoples' fears
In Chapter 8, Luke focuses on Jesus' power over death and nature and the human body and disease and demons
Jesus is saying that don't be held captive by fear and instead trust in his power and his authority
Jesus commissions each of the 12 with power and authority to preach and heal
Power over demons and disease
Don't bring anything that you could lean on instead of Jesus
Much like the Israelites out of Egypt, God fully cared for them not to just be a redeemed people but a deployed people - They built an idol to replace the God who was caring for them
God then took their surplus in gold for his tabernacle (God removes their self-reliant ability of the people)
God made their clothes and shoes all last and give them all the sustainence they needed (they couldn't make it on their own and God made it obvious)
The Apostles are prepared for rejection and told of the upcoming hardships
The Reaction to Jesus:
People are Perplexed
Jesus is never quite who I think he is, he is always better
1) Combative - too costly to sacrifice control and authority of one's like
3) Consumerism - pick and choose who we want God to be, inflating ourselves
2) Surrender, take Jesus as who he said he is
Story of the 87yr old lady who lived 87 years in the combative category whose daughter and P. Bill trusted in him to change them, all we can do is bear witness, she is now a Christian
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