This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jesus Ministers to the Demon Possesed Man

Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher:Mark Driscoll
Tags: Dissociation, Demon, Satan, Multiple Personality Disorder,
Luke 8:26-39
Jesus Ministers to the Demon Possesed Man
Video: Mark in Kerse a small town where the demoniac founded his church
The church grew in that region ultimately requiring a bigger building
Jesus is tired and is greeted by a deomn-possesed man after his storm and brief nap
No rest for him, even after ministering to thousands and trying to get away from minsitry obligations for a little break
The war was led by Lucifer
2 Cor 2:11 we will not be outwitted....

What is a demon Possesed man?
Angel desired to be equal with god and he took 1/3 of his fellow angels against god and was cast down to earth
Demons are not equal with God (not all-knowing, or all-powerful)
They can take over the personality of those humans whoare not under the blood of Jesus
Resource: spiritual Warfare
Satan's Names
1 The Accuser (day and night) - Rev 12:10 "You will never change, you should die, you are evil, you are never going to be good enough"
2 Our Adversatry - 1Pet 5:8 May give "gifts" but they will lead to pride and distance from God
3 Appollyon - The destroyer Rev 9:11 - comes to steal kill and destroy, bringer of conflict, relationship ender, legacy destroyer
4 The Deceiver - Rev 12:9 - Spiritual dark gifts, used to decieve people of satan's good, test the spirits
5 Father of Lies - John 8:44 When I lie I am speaking a deomnic language, Jesus always says I tell you the truth - God's language, Believing a lie can destroy you and destroy relationships and hope, Lying is satan's native language
6 The tempter - 1 Thess 3:5 - encourages the seed of rebellion, Gives opportunity for me to sin, all temptation is a demonic battle between God and satan,
7 The Murderer - John 8:44 He wants death to families, to me, to my hope, He hates life, He is Ender
8 The evil One - Matt 13:28 - All of our human initiaves have not made a dent in the horrors of this world, b/c behind the world's system is Satan, The embodiement of evil, "The greatest lie the devil ever told, is that he ever told is that he doesn't Exist
9 Our Enemy - 13:28 - Not every spirit comes from God, Jesus says you're for me or against me, We are responsible regardless of what Satan does and tempts us with, we believe his lies, we sin, we are complicit - Leads to our captivity in this war
Satan tempts, lies, and tries to kill - BUT We are responsible, we open the door to let him in
The Demoniac
Lives in a place where there is no synagogue, not truth, they believe demonic religion
Jesus is coming to Garesenese as a missionary to
The Demoniac was damaged physically, mentally, and Spiritually because of a door he openned the door to satan
He wasn't always this way, at some point he openned his mind and life to these demons
Non-Christians' personality can be suppressed and controlled by demons
Gaderenes - Pagan town, they are spiritual but don't know God,
Psycology - Multiple personality Disorder is the category for possesion, Shrinks don't know what to do with people like this
Peter's Complicitity with Satan - participated with satan when he rebuked Jesus, Jesus says, "Get behind me Satan" to Peter
The Deomoniac - he acts like an animal (may be one reason why evolutionary theory - man evol from animals)
All hope for his help was abandoned by hie friends and family - he was exiled from town
The demon manifests and says that Jesus is the most high God - Demons seem to have the best Christology - LIke father like son, Jesus is made of the same stuff as God
Most High God - Above all demon gods is Jesus
Demons know Jesus as God but do't love him - He knows where he is going, better than some Christian Theologians - NO hope for salvation
Peter says in his letter: Salvation is only for humans, not for Spirit beings
Demons know that hell awaits them, and they want as many others to follow them there too
In the end we will judge the angels - The demons too
Jesus just casts out the demons - no fanfare or magic, just Jesus
Jesus asks for "Tom's" name - Legion is the answer
Mult. Per. Disorder - a spiritual attack
Trauma can lead to disassociation, checking out - Not necessarily a demon, could be a coping mechanism, discernment is required for good biblical counciling
Legion - military term for 6,000 man unit - could be a lie maybe just a lot of demons
Pigs are possesed and drown - Demons know they will lose but they want to take as many to hell
Think of my parent's divorce - spite for revenge's sake
Mark 5 - 2,000 pigs drown - a lot of property is destroyed and someone's business is gone
Jesus is pronouncing an end to the owner's sinful, godless business
Jesus' crushing of the worship of evil in this town
The town loves these pigs more than the demonized man (Tom)
People came to Jesus, this is THE event everyone is talking about
They see the demoniac in his right mind - they are terrified, afraid and want Jesus to leave
When people meet Jesus anythign can happen, the worst people can change, never lose hope for the most twisted people
The shepard witness testify about what Jesus did
Jesus left and told the demoniac to go home and bear witness
Tom wants to leave and start over where no one knows who he was and all the shame in his past, he has a powerful testimony
War: we are in a spiritual war, when I sin I am betraying my king and fighting to oppress people, I should be fighting for people not wounding them
Your story is the foundation of your ministry, don't live a fake life not acknowledging how you have lived a shame filled life before Jesus
Living in the light, allows credibility with other people, this canbe a great weapon in this war
Sharing my story shows how jacked up I am, and how good Jesus is
This man was the first Christian and he founded a great legacy of faith

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