Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher:Mark Driscoll
Jesus the Sabath Lord
Luther: "Religion is teh default mode of the human heart"
Luke 6:1-11
Main Issue Legalism (aka Religion)
Enemy of Jesus
Living by the letter of the law not the spirit of the law
Denile of Sola Scripture
Tend to Elevate other books/manuals to the levle of scripture
Denies "Do not add to His word" Flawness of Scripture
Obey the "paint by number" relationship with God instead of a dynamic and passionate
God want more than this
Can make a great thing and ruin it
Battlefield is the Sabath day and the true understanding of it
Exodus 20, 4th commandment - A gift to be enjoyed
Enjoying community, resting taking a day off
Get a day off doesn't matter which one, be hospitable
Legalism Makes You Bold
Pharisees would swarm around the
39 point list added (to define the hebrew word work) to God's "take a day off work"
Jesus broke 4 of their rules
They were follow Him around and confronted Him
They can over run/run over me because I haven't read much and am not bold
Legalism makes you Unbiblical
Confront the pharisees with the example of David
Reductio ad Absurdum argument, David was a righteous man who was granted to eat the show bread (only for the holy men of God) in the temple, either David sinned or your rule is retarded
Legalism Makes you Arrogant
He says "The Son of man is lord of the Sabath" and earlier "I am Lord of the Sabath"
Love to be in authority not under authority
But they still confront Him, thinking their rules are higher than God
Legalism makes you Unloving
They come as wolves who devour the sheep
They wanted to see if He would heal, to accuse Him
They attacked with an auudience conviction with my heritiical Aunt and Uncle, wanting to openly confront them with an audience
They came to church not to learn but to fight and to attack the teacher
They viewed the guys hand as not life threatening to heal, so it was a violation of their rules
It took more work to criticize Jesus than for God to heal and the one guy to raise his hand
Unloving to Jesus,the withered hand guy, and
Making Fun of Religion
The OT prophets used sarchasism and phrophetic irony against the religious people, just like Jesus
The "Shabbat" Elevator
Over water travel not metered, no travel more than
No meat on Friday
No marriage, but the founder Peter was married
No Shorts
No Picnic
National Drink of was hard alcohol (Roccky), that is distilled, Not Fermented (a sin)
No Sport No Fun on the Sabath, sin to play catch with
MHC's Legalism
Natural Birth, No Drugs
Bob Jones University (Christian Fundamentalism Mecca) Handbook 1994-5
No interracial Dating
Legalism Makes You Dangerous
"They were filled with fury"
A sin to heal on the sabath, but not to plot Jesus' Murder on the Sabath
How to become a Legalism
1 Makes Rules outside of the Bible
2 Push yourself to keep your rules
3 Castigate yourself when you don't keep your rules
4 Become proud whenyou do keep your rules
5 Appoint yourself as judge over other people
6 Get angry with people who break your rules or have different rules
7 "Beat" the losers
Another danger - Reverse Legalism
Over stepping freedom into being Libertine (licensciousness/lawlessness)
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