Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
The Cost of Discipleship
Salvation: costless,
Discipleship: cost me everything, what I do with God,
Jesus is being brutallly honest with me about the high cost of discipleship (lives a life in light of my belief about/in Jesus)
Jesus says the same thing fours ways:
Hate your father, mother, brothers, sisters and my life
My relationship with him needs to be in a far different category from everyone else
A call to love everything less than Jesus, everything else is second,
I will face relational pressure from everyone regarrding my relationship with Jesus, Which is more important?
Jesus or approval from my family
((When God says I hate sinners in OT, does it mean he hates them or that he loves them less that hte followers of jesus? (PM said that this word "hate" means to love less than God) ))
"Carrying my cross" means convicted condemned, I am a dead man walking to the place where I would hang for days utterly dishonored
If you want to follow me people will hate you, and you might die
I will end up in a box, God help me make my life count. There is something worst than dying, a wasted life.
(2) DO NOT QUIT - before you commit look down the road and make a plan so you can make a plan
There is a cost to desiding to follow Christ, make sure that I am willing to pay
(3) DO NOT QUIT - the king who counts the cost of war and sues for peace
A good testimony, My life sucked, then I met Jesus and then it got worst, someday I will see him and it'll be cool
Men of Galatia - open indefensible terrain, they didn't lose for hundreds of years, they took their wives and children to battle, they would kiss them good by with the knowledge that their wives would be raped and kids murdered
You fight different when you are fighting for a family and kingdom that you really believe in
Video Games - young people desire to be part of an Epic battle to win and fight...for something that does't matter...at all
(4) DO NOT QUIT - Salt that has lost its flavor
Remain relevant in this world as we live IN on community
Am I living a worth-while life?
Giving, Bible Reading? What am I completing? Where am I serving? Where is my dead wood
Jesus know the price he will pay, he is sweating drops of blood in Gethsemine he is bleeding out in full knowledge of the price he will pay
God gives this hard word at this time (a great time in MH)
Christian Consumers:
They kill Jesus-loving churches
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