This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: salvation, religion
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
Luke 15:1-10
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
There is more joy in heaven over one repentant person than over 99 folks who don't need to repentant
The tax collectors were not allowed to testify in court because they were seen as completely dishoest
Their offering was rejeccted in the synagogue - You know your bad when even the church won't take your money
The religious people were not frustrated by the fact thay they ate food (sinners) and
God is our shepherd
I am a sheep (smelly, slow, awkwardly shapped, stupid, unable to fight, in danger all the time)
I am responsible for wandering off toward anything that isn't
A shepherd is a job that you don't aim for you fall into
They were seen as a peculiar - Jesus identifies himself with a lowly job
We don't find Jesus he finds us
We have a good shepherd
My Salvation is like my shepherd carrying my 100lb self back to the flock
Every sheep needs a good shepherd and a good flock
How is my relationship with my CG going
My shepherd is waiting for me to turn around in repentance to put
Confession - Mind and mouth
Contrition - Emotions and expressions, my wandering really burdens me, It shows
Change - will and works, I want to have a different life, leads to a walk with the flock
God's emotional state when I repetant is joy
The Parable's joy is talking about all of my daily repentance
By not repenting I with hold joy from others
Jesus Vs Religion
Jesus comes by and says that I'll come a pick you up - Good News
Religion says you are smelly, lost, and bleeding. You need to clean yourself up, find your way back to God, and sew up your wound, Do Better try harder
The Parable of the Lost Coin
Parable of the Lost Coin
I am like a lost coint
God looks for his people because thaty are prescious to him
Jesus says there is joy before the angles of God
Normally its the angels who are enthusiastically parising God but When I repent The angels watch God rejoices.
By not repenting I am denying God the right to rejoice
Stories of Found Sheep

Easter Party
March 13th and April 10th, 26,000 people
Mindy Williams
Serve,Pray, invite Everyone I know, Give
8am doors Open, 9:30 Service
How much bigger will the joy from God be compared to our

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