This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jesus is Greater than Jonah

Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Luke 11:29-32
Jesus is Greater than Jonah
"you evil generation"
There will be crowds who will rise up and testify against you
Story: Ticket and the adjudication proceedings
Innocent by lack of an accuser, Cop didn't show up
"only the sign of Jonah will be given to this generation"
Do I ask God for a sign to show me when to share my faith?
Rebuke of Unbelief in Jesus
A jewish prophet during assirian ascendency
God tells him to preach to the Nineveh to preach
Am I like Jonah running from God in the area of marriage, because I believe that God will provide a wife, much like Jonah's knowledge that they would repent if he preached becasue God is merciful and Good?
Jesus is greater than Jonah because he preaches the good news in love (unlike Jonah's unloving message)
Queen of the south (Sheba) - she recognized God's fingerprint as her sign
She blesses God after seeing the wisdom of Solomon - God really loves Israel to place you in charge, she sees Solomon as a delivery system of God
The Queen of the south had a huge responce to Solomon, so how come you guys, who are addressing one greater than Solomon, aren't giving me at least as genuine a responce
The men of Nineveh - will rise up to testify against that generation
They heard a simple word and by God's grace they responded, yet this evil generation doesn't

How freckened I really am:
I like to be God in seeing the solutions to problems and then pushing people to fix them, but not be seen as the person who has fixed it. I want to be God as God (hidden yet active moving the world toward perfection).
Exodus 14:14 - The Lord will fight for you and you have only to be silent

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