This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Gospel Mission Lecture Acts 17

Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Bubba Jennings
Gospel Mission Acts 17
Goal is to apply these truths this week to our teams
Because of your life others would ask hey what causes that: Jesus
If the beauty of the gospel is not seen then the end goal is not fulfilled - we don't want to convert them to religion we want to convert them to Jesus
Good news of Jesus
There is no good news in a jacked up world, only the supernatural power of God can share the gospel
In Jesus the gospel breaks through into the fallen world
The cross is at the center of the gospel - he must die before the kingdom comes (otherwise there is only justice and judgement) - and he must rise from death (otherwise there is no victory over satan sin and death)
The facts of the Godpel:
There really was a savior who lived perfectly
He died as a substitute for our sins
A real death and resurrection
This is historically true and accurate
Not taking the gospel fully and completely with high value on each piece of the gospel
"If Christ has not been raised , we are still in our sins"
Acts 17
He observed - and saw the culture and how the Atheians did life
He Found a Bridge - Ther literature and the Altar to the unknown God
He didn't shrink back from the Barrier - the Gospel
Bridges - deal with those aspects of culture, religion that could connect someone to the gospel
Brokenness due to physical, social, or spiritual causes
Cultural stories that parallel the Bible
Moral or spiritual desire fora better world

How can I be a bridge-builder?
Barriers - personal experiences, filters that taint info they hear
Info->Filter- >Convictions->Values->Priorities->Life Rhythms
Religious - false doctrines - bad experience with church
Mind - philosophies, and logic
Heart barriers - lust, worldly concerns
Social - family and gangs
Psychological - shame
Believers - irresponsible Christians
Language - misunderstands having to do wth

Who are we shepherding/ministering to?
Who are we yet to minister to? - god placed anyone on your heart?
How to we help creat a bridge with the people who come with to church on Sunday?

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