This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

True Greatness

Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Parenting, Silence and Solitude
Luke 9:46-50
True Greatness
The disciples are having a conversation about who is the most awesome, while with Jesus
Jesus sees the inspiration (that came from him and hanging out with him) for greatness in his men and directs it toward a noble means to that end
Responding to Culture:
Common grace
Christian Crack, etc lol
Sex, Arts, Technology
Options for Responding to the world's Defn of Greatness - Rejection
#1 Receive Greatness
Being famous is being great, narcissism - I am the center of the universe, my appearence, my self esteem, me me me
We are created to be mirrors not to look at a mirror
How many people view my Blog? My channel on You Tube?
How many people seek their own glory? How do I do this?
2 Extreme, self destructive, behavior gets you famous - Body image, anorexity,
Cutting, reality TV pushing the limits 320 today
3 People adopting celebrity behavior
4 Social Media promotes this
Dr Drew - Celebrities rely on the mirror
Pew Research Center 51% of 18-25yrolds saying being famous is the most important life pursuit
Lawrence Fishburne's Kid has her own porn film - Her goal is to be fammous
The Christian version of this is to believe that God is only there to bless me and make me into a winner, to be famous, to be really great
#2 Reject Greatness
I don't want to be great - in the name of false humility some pursue
No plan , no aggressiveness, living in the past,
The end is failure - The decision to not try
For Me I don't even look for the lady who could be my wife in the name of false humility and comfort.
Do I really not want to be a good man, good friend, good student?
I just figure that will be my end result so I fail to put in my best effort in my pursuit of my personal career
#3 Redeem Greatness
Jesus said to the disciples that they should pursue greatness by being llike a little kid
Kids were not highly valued in that day, couldn't be taught the holy scriptures - Just like our day, we abort the kids who get in the way of our greatness
Jesus' advice
Redeeming Greatness
G - Glorifying God alone
We are joyful, others are loved, God is glorified - Everyone Wins
Now people aren't used, they are loved
R - Reject unhealthy comparisons to others
Learn from wise people without unhealthily comparing myself to them
Comparing leads to depression and the breakdown of community
E - Enjoy Serving the Outcaste

A - Accept my life and Do my Best - Have aspirations and dreams, but accept what God gives and run as hard as possible with his blessings
T - Take Opportunities to Redeem my Ambitions
Why am I pouring myself into what I pursue?
Rejoicing in others Greatness
Jesus tells the disciples to not fight those who are opposing satan and casting our demons
Be glad that God is getting glory even if they are on a different team/denomination/church
Transition toward Jesus settig his face toward the cross

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