Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Brian Chapel
Gal 2:20
Brian Chapel - The Doctrine of the Union with Christ
I am like Pastor Walter Marshall's people who
"I have been crucified with Christ it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me...Christ gave himself for me"
Foundational Verse for the doctrine Union of Christ
I am united to the death of Christ, I have been crucified with Jesus
I died to the law so that I may live with Jesus
The path (following the law) of holiness is too perfect to keep => CONDEMNATION
I am not justified by works of the law, only in Christ
Just as Jesus was abused, humiliated, reviled, my nakedness is revealed and my blood is pooling at my feet - I am that before God.
My accomplishments and failures are irrelevant, I have no basis for pride I'm dead
This doctrine murders all spiritual pride in the church, It murders all spiritual despair
Dead people don't get merit for being "better" that others, they are dead
Dead people don't get demerit for being a retarded fauilres and horrible evil vile little bastards, They are dead
The DEAD KIDS return
If I am dead and Jesus is alive, then my identity is in Christ. If I am dead with Christ, then I am alive in his resurrection
God the Father no longer looks at my evil, he only looks at Christ's perfection
It changes me when I realize my true identity, then I can acknowledge my sin and repent publicly of my weakness and failure
"Because they think they are worthless( they despair, they believe that they are not worthy of God's help) they become helpless"
Danger: basing my justification on my sactification, circumstances determine hope => despair or Pride are the necessary consequences
GOD"S LOVE FOR ME DOES NOT CHANGE, it is based upon what Jesus has already done
I will never be loved more than I am right now
I will never be loved less than I am right now
My ability changes?
Christ now lives in me, he gave himself for me. He died but now he lives in me
The same power that raised Jesus from death
If I denied the lie that I am hopeless and choose to believe that the gospel is real, then I know that tomorrow doesn't need to be like today. - Real Change is possible
Fear of Man
the doctrine of the Union with Christ tells us that if God loves us than what differenec does it make if other's disapprove
Am I living in the security of God's Opinion of me?
Question 2
Love from God is unwilling to take advantage of God's unwavering love. The desire not to grieve the Holy Spirit is enough to keep me from sin.
The most powerful motivation for holiness is love for God. We love God because he first loved us.
Question 3
Sin hurts the goodness of my life, it grieves my father, but our relationship is unbroken
Question 4
Not feeling the power of the gospel on the bad days, doesn't affect the realness of the gospel
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