Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Money, Stewardship, Worship
Luke 12:13-21
The Parable of the Rich Fool
People are struggling because of bad times, others are struggling due to folly
Maybe we need more wisdom
That way we will be prepared to steward well when/if things turn around
800 passages on wealth in the Bible
25% of the time Jesus talks about money
Focus is personal responsiblity (where is my sin folly and rebellion) and worship
Danger is prosperity theology or poverty theology - both think in a worldly way not as God thinks
Righteous and unrighteous people is the emphasis of God not rich and poor
Which more accurately depicts me: Coveting or Contented?
Contentedness or Contetment
The questioner's heart is to use Jesus to get money
Money matters to me more than it does to Jesus
During estate settlements people's hearts are exposed and their coveting hearts are exposed
Advertizing and Economics
Advertising is designed to upset my contentment
Newer better versions continually to breed discontentment
The solution to Coveting is worshipping God as God
Idol Worship
Coveting ends in Slavery, the borrower is slave to the lender
Tim Keller: Concept of the surface idols vs. the deeper idol
Below the surface idol is the deeper idol
Deeper Idols:
Status - surface idol is wealth
Security - surface idol is hoarding - the misers who dies alone living in poverty but leaves a lot of cash
Control - Money is the surface idol
Comfort - Toys (boats, electronics, etc) are the surface idol
Guard your heart against money (Mammon)
The solution to coverting is worship directed to God (Commandments 1 and 2 together)
Parable - of the American
He has a lot of grain gathered, way more than he needed
Then we upgraded to have bigger barns, retirement barns, second barns
Then the real estate market crashed
In the last 30 years family size is down 25% and the average house size is up 50%
The US has 5 times more storage facilities than starbucks
The American dream is God's nightmare - a wasted life, wasted resources, wasted service, WASTE
He worshipped his wealth not with his wealth
Here Jesus is ripping on retiring from life - this is the evil American Goal
The older folks are meant to invest in their kids, their grandkids, lead community groups,
God or Gift
The foolish rich guy is storing up treasure for himself
Rick Warren - Wrote the best selling english book outside of the Bible
Reverse tithes, works for free, paid back 25 years of salary to his church
His heart is in the right place - a good example
What if every month God sent me a bill all my thoughts, my deeds, my motives
Late notice, accrued interest
Then one day the bill comes saying all debt paid (future too) ~ Love Jesus
is the one who gave the most
Generosity Theology: take care of my family, love my church, leave a legacy, serve others, and give away as much as I can
Old testament tithing
25%+ given away
Generous Campaign
Pay down debt
Bellevue, Shoreline, Everett, Portland, California
Developing bands, upgrading children ministy (ciriculum and the facilities)
50% equity on all buildings great position financially
Now is a great time to pick up cheap real-estate
I AM SELFISH - Singleness breeds selfishness
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