This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Repent or Perish

Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Blood
Luke 12:49-13:5
Repent or Perish
FIRE - the zeal given by God, Jesus'
His passion was to complete his mission so glory would be brought to the Father and hope could be brought to us
The Holy Spirit burns within us causing excitment and endurance
Division is the outworking of Jesus' fire
Within families (brutal conflicts because of Jesus)
Difficult Holidays, why Thanks giving is the biggest alcohol day of the year
Jesus spoke of Hell and his told of a narrow gospel, exclusivity
Jesus rebuked everyone for sin and folly
Jesus wants to encourage us and be honest about the cost
Non-Christians, Religious people, and Tollerance as God folks
How to Kindle Spirit-Filled Passion
Spiritual disciples are like kindling that heat up the logs and builds a good fire
Logs stacked together - Living in Community
Without Kindling (disciplines) and Stacked logs (Community) a Christian (lone log) will burn out soon
1 Commuunity
2 Scripture
3 Prayer
4 Worship
5 Giving
6 Serving, who can I help because Jesus Served us
7 Obedience - Even when I don't feel like it
8 Evangelism - Loving and serving non-Christians

A rebuke is an invitation for a Christian (not a condemnation)
Bucket of water
Some will always try to extinguish my fire
Urgency - We waste time on stupid conversations rather than on meaningful relationship
Everyone cares about it, b/c we want to be prepared for the future
People don't know (or sometimes don't care) about their eternity, but we all know what the weather will be
90% of My conversations are about inanities like the weather
We all die, we all sin, the wage for my sin is death and hell...Oh Shit
Suppose I commit a horible crime and its self evident, everyone knows
My attorney will say get ready to go away for a long time, there is no way out
What if a letter comes from the one I criminally injured
"I love you... i'm worried about you... Your family has disowned you but I would like to be your family...let me bless youa dn seve you...I would love to meet you whennever you have time..."
The Bible is that letter
Grace - the Bibles explanation of this to-good -to-be true
Jesus invties us to URGENCY
Jesus' reason for the Passion and Urgency
Story of the Galileans, story of the Tower that Fell - Everyone will die lie those guys if you don't repent and yield to Jesus
Repent or perish
To change life-directions
It what I am called to do to become a Christians, and wht I am called to do to to Mature as a Christians "ALL OF A CHRISTIANS LIFE IS ONE OF REPETANCE"
Acknowledging all of the ways I have fallen short of being a Christian
When we are often distracted by the weather and news so Jesus comments on some notable news stories
1 - The massacred worshippers' blood was mixed with the sacrifices
2 - Construction accident killing 18
All these people died tragically - people try to ignore death, make death sterile, but then tragedy strikes and we can't ignore it anymore
Karma is Dumb
Good things happens to good people and bad things happen to bad people
Karma leads to cruelty in times of tragedy
Jesus' fate disproves Karma, the best person suffered the worst fate
We only see in part - we don't know why things happen to people, we will never know in this life - An answer will not comfot me in these times, but my friend Jesus will help me
Questions in terrible times:
Bad - Why? God Why?
Good - Am I ready to die?
I am called to put my sin to death
Confession - My mind and mouth admit my folly openly
No conditions, no blame shifting, no excuses
Contrition - My emotions reflect my remorse and I express these
Am I disturbed by my sin? Does it bother me?
Change - My will and my works change

Appart from Jesus there is no repentance -

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