This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Parable Of The Sower

Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher:Jamie Munson
"I'm more than that avatar on the City"
"This is the last place I would have expected to be, as a pastor standing here preaching a sermon"
Back from Haiti, training pastors to plant and disciple people, gospel-centered counciling for people dealing with PTSD
Making Disciples planting churches
Luke 8:4-15
"Parable of the soil"
Four types of Soil:
1: Hard packed path
2: Rocky Soil
3: Thorny Soil
4: Good Soil

Seed is God's Word
Jesus is the Word (John 1), in the flesh to dwell among us
The scriptues are also the word
"Everything god wanted to say to the world in a person"
The doubled edged sword that either cuts deep to the heart or cuts us off to hell
The Soil is our hearts condition
Responses to God's Word:
1 Hard Soil - an unresponsive heart, heard the gospel, but the devil twists them and rips the seed out and devours it
2 Rocky soil - and impulsive heart, during a trial they fall from him, they look for their identity in something else
Water is needed, being in commuity, being on mission with others, in the Word, serving, giving
3 Thorny Soil - Preoccupied Heart,
Cares that get in the way: Fear of man - others become bigger in my view than God, Riches - Either God or Money will rule, Pleasure - Sex, alcohol ---NO MATURITY
4 Good Soil - Responsive Heart

Fruits of the Spirit -
Good Works - (they don't earn our salvation, but since Christ has done so much good, we get to respond) Loving and caring for the poor,
Stewardship -

How We Bear Fruit (steps?)
1 Livning in the Holy Spirit, Danger: getting out in front of Him
2 Hear and Hold Fast to the word
3 Have an honest repentant heart
4 Through perseverance and paitience - "Long obedience in the same direction"

Where are the rocks in my heart?
Fear of not having enough money (destitution), I don't trust God that he will really take care of me, I need to fix it all - A LIE

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