This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Jesus Calls the Twelve

Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher:Mark Driscoll
Video of Fishers
Jesus calls the Twelve
Luke 6:12-16
"Transition from come and see to Go and Die"
Leadership lessons from the 12 Disciples
1 Pray Humbly and then Proceed boldly
Silence and solitude, deep time in prayer
Turn off the Electric-Life
Look hard into the call for leadership, serving in the particular ministry, buying this house
2 Get the Men
60% of Christianity is female
Where are the Men?
Qualiried men 1Tim 2&3, Titus 3
3 Past Results Often Reveal Future Performance
Eugene Peterson: "Long Obedience in?????"
4 Train the called; do not call the Trained
God makes leaders then we train them
Deep sense of duty
Scripture that leaps off teh page
Trial and Error until something stands out and brings peace
What is the consistent thing in my life?
Worry about God first and he will show me where I need to go
God will give the desires that he wants me to pursue
My heart enjoying the Lord
75% of Bible College/Seminary leave ministry within 5 years never to return
5 Wierd teams are the best
They are Fun
Your weakness are augmented by other's strength
Matt, the Tax Collector and the Anti-Gov Zealot Simon
Community instead of Affinity, (Different people getting together around Jesus)
6 Under Authority instead before in Authority
Picks a few into authority who are under authority
A king who "sends" out his 12 chosen men as Ambassadors
7 Every Team Needs a Leader
Doctrine, Discipline, ????
We recognize the leaders that the HS has chosen
There is subordination in the trinity
Father=Son=Ghost, Son and Father sends the Ghost, Son says "[the father's] whill be done"
8 Big Teams need a smaller teams within the Team
70, the 12, and the 3 (Peter, James, and John)
9 Hurt Before the Fruit
Judas: years of nurture, then betrayal for money
10 Don't go Diotrephes
Dio always wanted to be first, His sin was to want people to talk about him
11 Die with your boots on
Go out Like: Jesus or Judas
Fox's Book of martyrs:
James - his accuser felt his fault, James kissed and forgave him they both died as Christians
Thomas - Died in India, brutally
Simon - Bishop in Salem's Lot, Crucified in Egypt
Simon - also Crucified
bartholemue, Translated, beater crucified and then beheaded
Andrew - preached, governor's order is resisted, overthew the temples, preached to the governor about the devil, "If I feared the death of the cross I wouldn't have preached it"
Matthew - Converted Ethopia and Egypt, Stoned Crucified, and buried with his daughter
Peter - encouraged to leave teh city, didn't leave, crucified upside down by his own request
John - Tried to kill him by boiling alive

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