This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Parable of the Wedding Feast

Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher: Mark Driscoll
Tags: Annual Report, Humility, Parenting, Prosperity Theology, Wedding
Luke 14:7-11
The Parable of the Wedding Feast
Best Year ever in Mars Hill History, more baptisms, more people saved, more services, more attendees, more glory to Jesus
Parenting: life is always a classroom and every moment is an opportunity yo teach and learn
Parable about how religious people are proud and will be personally humilated by Him
God's plan A is humility, if I don't follow it then his plan B is my humiliation
Wedding Story: (Make sure there is a white carpet roll down the center
Awesome day, the foolish dude walked down the center isle and sits down in the reserved section, he is then humiliated when the usher comes and kicks him out
Abraham Maslow's Heirarchy of Human Needs with the ultimate goal of self-actualization
Used to justify a prosperity theology where my own glory is the goal not God's fame
C.J Mahaney:Humility is a great gift that God gives, it is a great character trait to cultivate
Root of the word is "to know one's place"
I am finite I am fallen I am foolish (I am soo stupid that I am ignorant of my foolishness)
God's plan is to cultivate humility and then in time to raise up his people to help love and serve others
Proud people make the WORST spouses, the WORST parents
Pride is like a mother who is pregnant with all the other sins
God is not opposed to me pursuing
Questions 1 pt for every 'Yes'
(1) Do I long for a lot of attention? Yes
(2) Do I become jealous or critical of people who suceed? Yes
(3) Do I always have to Win? No
(4) Do you have a pattern of lying? YES, Hyperbole is my native language
This is what I do to protect my image
(5) Do I have a hard time acknowledging you were wrong? No
(6) Do I have a jot of conflict with other people? No, but I am probably just choose passivity out of cowardice.
(7) Do I cut in line at the store, airport, on the freeway,etc? Yes
What I am saying is that I am important and you all need to wait.
(8) Do I get upset when other people do not honor my achievements? Yes
(9) Do I tend more toward an attitude of entitlement or thankfulness? No
My attitude should always be one of thankfulness
(10) DO I honestly feel I am basically a good person and superior to everyone else? Yes
If I socre 0 than I am very proud
If I score 1-10 I am proud (SEVEN)
Humility and Honor
In county Cork with Driscoll Sr. this sign said:
"God himself could not sink this ship" last words of the captain of the HMS Titanic upon leaving their last port of call before heading into the Atlantic (in Cork)
I cannot focus on humility to battle my pride - (thinking about myself will not make me less proud) - This runs contrary to my religious tendancy
I MUST look to Jesus to battle my pride and pursue Humility
The only way to make my life count is to pursue Christ and humility in his name
Jesus (the person who has done the most was also the most humble)
The Bible says pride is the problem and the transformative work of the gospel causes the renewing of my mind
As a single guy, I am the most proud person because I don't need to consider anyone when I come and go, when I give, when I eat, when I make plans
"God's Humble?!"
We still don't get this?
Jesus you can't be God! Whay would God go from heaven a city lined with gold to homelesss? Why would God go from hearing "Holy Holy Holy" to hearing "crucify him crucify him!"?
Because Jesus was humble even in glory
And Jesus died for all of our pride, in humility
The physical posture is indicative of the heart, whe was the last time I knelt?
For those who are self-consumed, depressed...Kneel More
The way out of Sin is worshipping Jesus, because we see him rightly and we know our place.

Pride: Humility:
Natural Supernatural
Covets others' success Celebrated others' success
Selfish Servant
Gets glory Gives Glory
Independence Dependence
Achieved Pursued

In humility we sing of Jesus the onw whose name is above every other name.

Answer to prayer: I asked God to give me joy at the end of this sermon because I was feeling condemned. When I openned my eyes Pastor Mark was standing up front, singing. This little girl (like three) walked up to him. He waved at her and she folded her arms and made a sarchastic face and turned her back on Mark. It was hilarious because to her this perculiar man was a stranger and she mustn't talk to any strangers! I totally laughed out loud and God gave me joy through a little girl.

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