Location: Ballard Campus
Preacher:Mark Driscoll
Luke 6:17-36
On Location Sea of Galilee (Approx. location)
Summaries of the Sermon Jesus Gave to the crowd
Jesus comes to the simple people who lived in poverty and came from an entire region to hear Him.
Towns of 50-100 people on avg.
Jesus drew entire towns
He relates to the marginalized and the poor
Beatitudes 6:20
Juxtoposition of Woe and blessed (Wealthy/not, Full/not, Laughing/not, Famous/not)
Jesus talks of the Blessed(eternal blessing b/c God is the same yesterday today and forever) and those who much Woe will come to
Woe=a curse or judgement
Identity (establishes our source and joy)
Distinguish b/w happiness vs. blessedness
For those who identity is in Jesus, this world is as close to Hell as they will ever get
For those who identity is in the world, this world is as close to heaven as they will ever get
Jesus is talking to the poor, telling them God will lavish riches in His kingdom upon them, if they belong to him
DANGER: Marxist or Liberation Theology
Not what Jesus was talking about
Poor can be righteous (the sick, injured, those who care for others)
Poor can be unrighteous (lazy,god is comfort)
Rich can be righteous (hard workers who worship God with their labor, the wise who save but still generous)
Rich can be unrighteous (stingy, their god is Money or mammon)
BLESSING: those who love/worship God
WOE: those who worship or idolize something other than God
2 Comfort as god
3 Food as god (anorexia, alcohol, gluttony, drugs)
4a God as God (those who are the victims)
4b Power as god (mockers, look down on others, maligners)
5a God as God (those who are forgotten, but God loves you)
5b Fame as god (those who are obsessed over what other think)
Those who are rich = identity/worship is directed toward wealth
Those who are full = gluttons or those who rely on food for their
comfort/pleasure/hope/reward/punishment, anorexia
Those who laugh/have power/mocker/abusers/tyrants = they will stand in front of the victims' father
Those who worship fame or achievement (people who men speak well of) =
The proper paradigm is to play to an audience of one
LOVE: The whole point
Your enemies
Those who curse you
Pray for those who abuse you
For your heart to avoid bitterness
For their heart to repent and become a brother in the kingdom
Take everything you hold dear and let it go, b/c the Father is all that matters
Jesus had fame that evertually turned to venom
The worst parts of life are the best opportunities to bless.
If I really believe Jesus' Beatitudes then I will deeply rejoice in all situations
Always assume that God is good and will use it for his Glory and my Joy
Don't retaliate, DANGER in marriage, leads to death
6 Give freely, money shows your identity
A steward or an idolater
7 Treat other people the way you want to be treated
"Now its my right verses yours"
The multitude, they didn't forget food they didn't have any, Jesus had to a miracle just for them to be fed
Kingdom is not about a "holy land" it is about a holy Godman
Not about religeous performance
Woe to Ghandi, who believe Jesus is just a philosopher, a good moral teacher, its not about his teachings it is about God
Kingdom is "already and not yet" (Escatology)
Jews reject Jesus b/c they don't see the kingdom
David was appointed King but not reigning (analogous to the Father's Kingdom)
Visible Kingdom: Repentance, connection to the Father, regeneration, transformation of people's lives
Blindness from the King in this world prevents them from seeing the King and the Kingdom
The most painful parts of life are the best time to show/live out the kingdom ethic
A great opportunity to show and get closer to Jesus
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