This Blog is intended to share my sermon notes from Mars Hill Church, lecture notes from ReSurgence & ReTrain & Regional/National Conferences, words of wisdom, quotes, observations about admirable people, observations from the lives of foolish people, and all the other road signs pointing me down life's black top. I'm on a road trip, and there are a lot of miles yet to clock. See you all along the interstate.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Jesus Loves Sinners

Location: West Seattle Campus
Preacher:Mark Driscoll
Why did Jesus Die?
Pastor Noreiga
By one mans failure the entire race fell.
Sacrificial System used to forgive ceremonial sin, never sin at its core, the sacrifice must be unblemished, the lambs were symbolic of the sacrifice needed to truely reconcile.
Jesus died for God. He died in our place, he died my death for God so that I can be reconciled back to God.
Now we can live the celebrated life by being in relationship with God. I don't need to live a

Good Friday April 2nd
Baptisms April 4th
Luke 5:27-32
Gal 2:20 - Not I who lives but Chirst in me
Am I putting a lid on God and his grace by expecting to be made full before I give away to otehrs fofr the sake of the gospel
Jesus Loves Sinners
Jesus as a Missionary into the culture of earth from his our heavenly culture.
Drawing man near, forgiving sin
We are like Jesus missionaries
What it means to be a good missionary:
1 - Follow Jesus
Levi - Tax Collectors, he bid to be a tax collector, a jew who rips off his own people to fund the oppressors, Jesus initiates the relationship, befriending and forgiving Jesus
Repenting and living in relationship with him as my only God
2 - Start a Community Group
Levi decided to start into a community immediately, Feast in his house with all his friends to meet Jesus, Generousity wells up within him, Throws parties (a valid ministry), Hospitality shows the gospel of Jesus and his character,
Where will I live, can I entertain there? Parking? Place to put people up?
Jesus was in large corporate gatherings and in homes
3 - Repent Repent Repent
Pharisees Grumbled b/c the social misfits and cut off people were gathered at Levi's house.
Scribed - Professional Theologians, became the vocal and controlling elements of the jewish people after the temple was destroyed, added laws to the torah, viewed by their pharisees as second only to God - corrupt religion at its core
Pharisees - Under Scribes, Working class theologians who were passionately devoted to a scribe, gave money to teh scribes, served the scribes (scribes became the soft religious elite), wanted the kids to be taught by the scribe to become more holy
Result is that only the scribe's followers would eat togethers and live together, the more religious they becomes, the more lost they become
Jesus could have eaten with teh most elite religious people, instead he picks Levi publicly
God picks nobodies to shame the sombodies
Jesus says that the sick need a doctor, I am going out and help them, We all are sick and as I go out to tell them about Jesus I continually repent of my religiosity and judgement and jerkness.
The colser I get to Jesus the more I will see how far away he is.

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